The U.S. Is Helping Commit Atrocities in Yemen—And Pretending It's Iran's Fault


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
“Iran needs to recognize that the United States is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized or while people engage in overt warfare across lines — international boundaries — in other countries,” Kerry said.

The U.S. Is Helping Commit Atrocities in Yemen And Pretending It s Iran s Fault Alternet

Don't you think this is getting more and more weird? While Iran has nothing to do with attacking Yemen - and Saudis have - Kerry still blames Iran. As a dominant player in the Middle east we clearly have some goals, but lying openly to the international community and misleading American public is not the proper way to protect our interests. Looks like after unsuccessfully playing WMD card with Iran the government turned to the tactics of open lies and misinformation.
That's no surprise seeing how the US allies its self and funds one of the worlds biggest human rights violators in Saudi Arabia
Seems to be a good idea to me...start a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia and ISIS while we sit back and watch. Bush's ultimate plan is coming into fruition.
“Iran needs to recognize that the United States is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized or while people engage in overt warfare across lines — international boundaries — in other countries,” Kerry said.

The U.S. Is Helping Commit Atrocities in Yemen And Pretending It s Iran s Fault Alternet

Don't you think this is getting more and more weird? While Iran has nothing to do with attacking Yemen - and Saudis have - Kerry still blames Iran. As a dominant player in the Middle east we clearly have some goals, but lying openly to the international community and misleading American public is not the proper way to protect our interests. Looks like after unsuccessfully playing WMD card with Iran the government turned to the tactics of open lies and misinformation.

Have an innovative solution to all terrorist problems - turn off the tv. No terrorists around here. And absent guys in black running amok in Missouri I'm not going to support government asking me to approve of more war and death to protect me. Protect me from what? Moving images on my tv? Have that in hand and hit the 'Off' button.

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