The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

I took the gun from you, then I took your money, and then I gave you your inheritance. :lol:

You are nothing, bub.

What the hell do you think this is, a mad-libs story line? You think all you have to do is make up some creative nothing and the entire world will simply fall in line to make it happen? This is the real world pal, and you haven't taken guns away from anyone, most especially the criminals. There are bad people out there ready to do bad things to you or anyone else who they so choose. You think you're safe because you wrote it that way? You've got another think coming. When a criminal points his barrel in your face looking at him and saying, "b-but, we took the guns away from you...." isn't going to save your life.
You are the wannabee writer, inthemiddle, not me. I am ready and armed. I just don't need an Apache attack chopper cause you got a tank next door. No one is going to ban guns in America. You will always have the right to have arms in your home. You just don't need a SAW or an M-16 or a grenade launcher.

This is not fun and game. You mess with the ATF or the other LEO teams, you will lose.

You all need to back down, because you won't see it if they come.
No we need to be left alone to be able to defend ourselves from the likes of your stupidity

A gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a bad guy...

The chances of you using it to protect yourself from me is probably astronomical.

Dude you already know that has been debunked several times.
Anti-gun people and liberals in general have at least one thing in matter how many times a bogus statistic has been debunked, they will attempt to get away with using it again.

Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the truth. Once it becomes a chant of a liberal group, there is no stopping it's promotion in otherwise meaningful debate. That is entrenched in their MO.

Liberals get away with lying to people that have not yet been exposed to the truth.
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Not every firearm-related death is a homicide.

So, it looks like you're wrong.

She doesn't care. It's about getting rid of guns.

But seriously seeing as the largest number is police shootings, I'll concede we have a trigger happy cop problem.

We have 11,000 gun murders and 16,000 gun suicides in this country every year.

The number of police shootings was 532 last year.

Which is really high compared to other industrialized nations.
daveman and bripat and the other ulltra radicals have been debunked.
Throw another tantrum, boy. Maybe people will believe you just to get you to shut up.

Japan also has a culture that emphasize the honor of suicide... unlike western ones that consider it a mortal sin...

Fact is, guns make suicide easier... and it was completely valid for Kellerman to count them.

And frankly, I've known a few people who've buried loved ones who killed themselves with guns... and the thing they've always said is,"Why did I have that damned gun in the house?"

Why indeed?

This is pretty sick. You want to condemn innocent people to death when faced with danger, just so that you can make it easier to force other people to live even though they'd prefer to die of their own accord. This is your problem, you have no respect for other people's right to have control over their own lives.
He's a progressive. He hates everyone, he thinks he should dictate how they live their lives, and he loathes freedom.
Yup, daveman, you know how to lie about what is happening. All of the hate here from the ultras and I am the one throwing a tantrum. :lol:
Proof positive of bripat's unhingement from reality.

You mean you never quoted statistics published by the official propaganda organs of the Communist government of Cuba?

I quoted from the left, the center, and the right. You quoted only fascist quotes from the Miami Cuban community and cherry picked the communist WHO files. :lol:

You quoted official Cuban communist propaganda.

End of story.
You quoted official Cuban communist propaganda. End of story.

That is the beginning of your lying. Your lying condemns you. Repeat: "[Jake Starkey] quoted from the left, the center, and the right. [bripat] quoted only fascist quotes from the Miami Cuban community and cherry picked the communist WHO files."
You quoted official Cuban communist propaganda. End of story.

That is the beginning of your lying. Your lying condemns you. Repeat: "[Jake Starkey] quoted from the left, the center, and the right. [bripat] quoted only fascist quotes from the Miami Cuban community and cherry picked the communist WHO files."

Wrong, Fakey, you quoted from the left, the far left, and the Official propaganda organs of the Communist government of Cuba. The evidence is on the board for all to see.

The Cuban community is not fascist. They are good loyal Americans. Only a fucking commie traitor like you would call them fascists. That's what the Communist government of Cuba ordered you to do.
You quoted official Cuban communist propaganda. End of story.

That is the beginning of your lying. Your lying condemns you. Repeat: "[Jake Starkey] quoted from the left, the center, and the right. [bripat] quoted only fascist quotes from the Miami Cuban community and cherry picked the communist WHO files."

Wrong, Fakey, you quoted from the left, the far left, and the Official propaganda organs of the Communist government of Cuba. The evidence is on the board for all to see.

The Cuban community is not fascist. They are good loyal Americans. Only a fucking commie traitor like you would call them fascists. That's what the Communist government of Cuba ordered you to do.

I quoted from right, center, and left, while you quote from fascist Cuban rags in Miami and cherry picked the communist WHO materials.

All are invited to go back and check.

You have trouble speaking, bripat, so this will help you:

[ame=]NPR: How To Speak Tea Bag - YouTube[/ame]
bigreb is drinking early. rebbie, go back, read what you posted, and clarify for us who are literate, please, what you are trying to mumble.
bigreb is drinking early. rebbie, go back, read what you posted, and clarify for us who are literate, please, what you are trying to mumble.

Dumb ass you still posting stupid aren't you?
From a response on another thread that he used the same old shit.
Title and tag for gun? that would be purchase permit.
Firearm training? Agreed
too carry cancel you have to take a test and qualify with the firearm you plan on carrying
Health requirements? The sick and weak need all the help they can get you want to disarm them?

Insurance and renewal? Why do you what to make it so the poor cannot afford to defend themselves? Why do you hate the poor so much?

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