The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Yeah no shit. Leave a gun with access by suicidal loved one they should say that.

How would you know if someone was 'suicidal" or not.

One lady I knew, her teenage son shot himself in the basement, she still doesn't know why. She and her husband were out to dinner.

Another neighbor of mine shot out his patio window, lied to the cops about it, the cops caught him in the lie, but let him keep his gun. A few weeks later he killed himself with that same gun.

Yes I know you have examples to support and fit every talking point.

If you do not know your loved ones are suicidal. You're not much of loved of one.

i call it, "having half a century of real life experience", but yeah, if you want to go there.

Frankly, guy, you seem a bit judgemental, but I think it has to do with the fact that you just don't want anyone taking away your pacifier....
i call it, "having half a century of real life experience", but yeah, if you want to go there.

Frankly, guy, you seem a bit judgemental, but I think it has to do with the fact that you just don't want anyone taking away your pacifier....

Your personal life experiences and yarns don't mean dick on the internet, guy.
Now bripat does not accept facts anymore than his previously stated refusal to accept traditional definitions and terminology.

He is unhinged from reality.

What "facts" are you referring to, the propaganda published by the official organs of the communist government of Cuba?

Proof positive of bripat's unhingement from reality.

You mean you never quoted statistics published by the official propaganda organs of the Communist government of Cuba?
True, a lot of them are you wingnuts removing yourself from the gene pool either through suicide or accidents.

And while I normally wouldn't object to that sort of thing, it probably would be a good thing to reduce the number of those occurances.
You're a psychopath.

Then again, most progressives have no respect for human life.

Not at all...

I just realize that most of you right wingers are stupid and need to be protected from yourselves.

now, while it would be nice to put a fence around some Red State and put you gun nutters in there until you all eliminated each other, that might be harsh...
Never before have I seen anyone so arrogant with absolutely nothing to merit it.

You have "I'm a liberal" listed as an accomplishment on your resume, don't you? :lmao:

What you utterly fail to comprehend is that if gun owners are as dangerous as you claim, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun freaks like you.

Your very existence proves the insanity of your claims.
What "facts" are you referring to, the propaganda published by the official organs of the communist government of Cuba?

Proof positive of bripat's unhingement from reality.

You mean you never quoted statistics published by the official propaganda organs of the Communist government of Cuba?

I quoted from the left, the center, and the right. You quoted only fascist quotes from the Miami Cuban community and cherry picked the communist WHO files. :lol:
I am always safe.


Then gimme all your money, bitch!
Japan also has a culture that emphasize the honor of suicide... unlike western ones that consider it a mortal sin...

Fact is, guns make suicide easier... and it was completely valid for Kellerman to count them.

And frankly, I've known a few people who've buried loved ones who killed themselves with guns... and the thing they've always said is,"Why did I have that damned gun in the house?"

Why indeed?

This is pretty sick. You want to condemn innocent people to death when faced with danger, just so that you can make it easier to force other people to live even though they'd prefer to die of their own accord. This is your problem, you have no respect for other people's right to have control over their own lives.
Schreeching "I don't want it to be true" is not debunking Kellerman.

You guys haven't debunked it, not once.

You just claim that he shouldn't count suicides or some shit like that...

Dude it was debunked 4 months ago 3 months ago 2 months ago.
And now

A gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a bad guy
Fact: Of the 43 deaths reported in this flawed study, 37 (86%) were suicides. Other deaths
involved criminal activity between the family members (drug deals gone bad).

When you kill yourself, you are still dead.

A gun in the house made a sucide possible. So, nope, arguing that nonsense doesn't work.

Yes, a murder is a criminal activity.

So, that one fails, too.
You and the people that thanked you for that "useful post" either do not have or will not accept what is commonly referred to as LOGIC.

You contend that a person's committing suicide depends upon whether or not they can find a gun to use for that purpose.

God help us if you three are representative of the most intelligent liberals we can expect to encounter.

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