The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Then register and regulate all gun owners and all auto owners. Confiscate guns and autos of those who don't want to follow the law.

Listen to what you're saying. Take, take, take. Infringe, infringe, infringe. Maybe you need to stop worrying so much about other people and worry a little more about yourself.

Listen to what you are saying, inthemiddle: I am a member of the American society but I don't want to play by the rules. Leave then.

Those aren't the rules, Fakey. They're purely in your head, like those voices you hear.
bripat: a nazicon wack who posts literature both from the Cuban fascists and the communist WHO.

Those are the rules of society, guys, passed by our legislatures, signed by our executives, and opined by our courts.

You have a moral as well as legal obligation to obey the law.

If you revolt against our government, that is treason not patriotism.
bripat: a nazicon wack who posts literature both from the Cuban fascists and the communist WHO.

Those are the rules of society, guys, passed by our legislatures, signed by our executives, and opined by our courts.

You have a moral as well as legal obligation to obey the law.

If you revolt against our government, that is treason not patriotism.

Jake in your opinion what would be the ground for overthrowing the government?
Did the people of Germany have any ground to revolt? After all they had an election process they were a democracy, but yet they ended up with a dictator.
Come on jake don't troll me or give me a bullshit troll answer.
in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?
bigreb, you are one of the great trolls of the board.

The citizens of the USA have had no reason at all to consider treason against their popularly elected and directed government.

Why would they?
bigreb, you are one of the great trolls of the board.

The citizens of the USA have had no reason at all to consider treason against their popularly elected and directed government.

Why would they?

in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?
bripat: a nazicon wack who posts literature both from the Cuban fascists and the communist WHO.

Only a fucking commie would call Cuban emigres "fascists," and every lib in this forum as used data published by the WHO to argue for Obamacare.

You're wandering into the deep-end with accusations like that, Fakey.

Those are the rules of society, guys, passed by our legislatures, signed by our executives, and opined by our courts.

No they aren't, Fakey. they exist only in your head. Congress has passed no such rules.

You have a moral as well as legal obligation to obey the law.

Wrong again, Fakey. I only have an obligation to obey just laws. However, I'm certain you would shoot Jews or blacks on sight if the law required you to do so.

If you revolt against our government, that is treason not patriotism.

Another idiotic Fakey claim with no visible means of support.

However, what does any of this have to do with the fact that you posted official communist propaganda in this forum?

You seem to be losing control of yourself. Get a grip.
bigreb, you are one of the great trolls of the board.

The citizens of the USA have had no reason at all to consider treason against their popularly elected and directed government.

Why would they?

in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?

None. Fakey would happily turn on the gas to the ovens at Auschwitz. That's the kind of servile boot licking fascist toad he is.
bigreb, you are one of the great trolls of the board.

The citizens of the USA have had no reason at all to consider treason against their popularly elected and directed government.

Why would they?

in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?

None. Fakey would happily turn on the gas to the ovens at Auschwitz. That's the kind of servile boot licking fascist toad he is.

Right now we have a law that gives the military the authority to indefinitely detain American citizens. I wonder if he would resist or go with no resistance?
The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Not true of course, but that number - 28 - is horribly ironic.

The gun nutters probably don't know this but today is the one month anniversary of the mass murder of those 20 babies and the adults in Newtown.

But, if the number quoted by the OP were correct, that's certainly nothing to be proud of.

SHAME on you for treating the murders of Americans as nothing more than fodder for you screwed up agenda. Shame on your for stepping over the bodies of our children to preach that murder is just find as long as you can give weapons to illegals and drug traffickers and terrorists.

I keep reminding myself that this board is very radically right wing and not representative of my country.
The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Not true of course, but that number - 28 - is horribly ironic.

The gun nutters probably don't know this but today is the one month anniversary of the mass murder of those 20 babies and the adults in Newtown.

But, if the number quoted by the OP were correct, that's certainly nothing to be proud of.

SHAME on you for treating the murders of Americans as nothing more than fodder for you screwed up agenda. Shame on your for stepping over the bodies of our children to preach that murder is just find as long as you can give weapons to illegals and drug traffickers and terrorists.

I keep reminding myself that this board is very radically right wing and not representative of my country.
It's much better than where England is. But anyway it's true
And I keep reminding myself that gun grabber nutters are mindless shit stains.
We are a constitutional republic governed by the Rule of Law.

The ultra radical cons and libertarians will not take away our freedoms and liberties as an American people
We are a constitutional republic governed by the Rule of Law.

The ultra radical cons and libertarians will not take away our freedoms and liberties as an American people

in your opinion what would be the grounds for overthrowing the government?
Considering bigrebnc's hypothetical question, I don't see any reason to have to answer it.

I will know it if the time comes.
The U.S. is number 28 in gun homicides with 2.97 per 100,000

Not true of course, but that number - 28 - is horribly ironic.

The gun nutters probably don't know this but today is the one month anniversary of the mass murder of those 20 babies and the adults in Newtown.

But, if the number quoted by the OP were correct, that's certainly nothing to be proud of.

SHAME on you for treating the murders of Americans as nothing more than fodder for you screwed up agenda. Shame on your for stepping over the bodies of our children to preach that murder is just find as long as you can give weapons to illegals and drug traffickers and terrorists.

I keep reminding myself that this board is very radically right wing and not representative of my country.

It's almost guaranteed that the 2nd Amendment hating fascists will try to make it into a national holiday.

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