The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

The point is that we are pumping and refining oil at enormous rates

Biden has issued thousands of oil leases for Federal lands. not why the price of gas is up.

The Saudis have cut back production and Putin is selling his oil only to China.

THAT is why the price is high

Hard to believe it took Big Oil this long to realize the way to get you to suck their dicks was to increase oil drilling under a DemoKKKrat president.

You're not worried about fossil fuels causing "global warming" anymore, are you, cultist?

It's a huge industry and it runs the world. We are in the petroleum age. Most all the big oil companies are multi-national corporations who have little loyalty to US citizens, only to their pocketbook.

Their profit margin is about 7% for the past 50 years.
Hard to believe it took Big Oil this long to realize the way to get you to suck their dicks was to increase oil drilling under a DemoKKKrat president.

You're not worried about fossil fuels causing "global warming" anymore, are you, cultist?


Damn, you're stupid. Don't you ever learn anything?
That can't be true. Didn't Biden destroyed the US Oil Patch? Just listen to any Neo Republican. That Talking Point was set in stone the day he took office, and they still believe it.

Trump Bankrupted Over 100 oil and gas companies. Trump crushed US oil production from 13.1 million b/d down to 9.7 million b/d before he was voted out of office. Biden has brought US oil production back to new record highs on federal lands. US oil production is now above 12.8 million b/d and climbing rapidly.


Trump Bankrupted Over 100 oil and gas companies. Trump crushed US oil production from 13.1 million b/d down to 9.7 million b/d before he was voted out of office. Biden has brought US oil production back to new record highs on federal lands. US oil production is now above 12.8 million b/d and climbing rapidly.

^^^Another Biden cultists on his knees for Big Oil.

You don't care about fossil fuels causing climate change anymore, do you?


Trump Bankrupted Over 100 oil and gas companies. Trump crushed US oil production from 13.1 million b/d down to 9.7 million b/d before he was voted out of office. Biden has brought US oil production back to new record highs on federal lands. US oil production is now above 12.8 million b/d and climbing rapidly.

See? It wont matter. Saul Biden's fault in the eyes of the Neo-GOP. They'll scream "That was Covid" But then ignore the effect Covid and the world's response to it, had on the economies of everyone.....and say it's Saul Biden.......
You know when we subtract the exports from the imports, when we get a negative number, that means we were energy independent over that period of time. For example our net imports for the week ending Aug. 18th it was -1.5. Furthermore, we have been energy independent for most of 2023.

Well, we use approximately 20M bbl/day, we currently produce about 13M bbl/day, so we’re at a 7M bbl/day deficit. We import about 8M bbl/day but we export almost 10M bbl/day, so we’re at a 2M bbl/day deficit there as well.

So overall, we’re at a 9M bbl/day deficit…I’m not even sure how those numbers work. We use 20M bbl/day, but only have about 11M bbl/day available…how is that even possible? Where is the rest of the oil coming from? Or are my numbers wrong?
Texas. Not really. Texas gets a lot of heavy crude imported to refine and ships a lot of light Texas crude to the East Coast for refining.

Most of the US oil is produced on private lands and we haven't produced enough to meet domestic demand for over a half a century. They did once upon a time outlaw exporting most crude oil. That led to record breaking imports until the two sides compromised and started allowed exports., open up more federal lands for drilling then, until we can secure ourselves and not be at the whim of opec and the global market.
The point is that we are pumping and refining oil at enormous rates

Biden has issued thousands of oil leases for Federal lands. not why the price of gas is up.

The Saudis have cut back production and Putin is selling his oil only to China.

THAT is why the price is high
I posted this for g5000 but it appears you need personal attention.
As you know, our energy prices are sky-high because that is what President Biden promised to do and did. Do you have any further questions?

So, how did we lose energy independence?

Soon after Biden took office, the Energy Information Agency reported that the United States would begin importing more oil than it would export for 2021 and 2022. On January 27 of this year, Biden drafted an executive order largely affected the oil and gas industry. The order included the following guidelines:
  • Halted new oil and gas leases on federal onshore lands such as national parks and offshore waters (however, this did not affect tribal lands)
  • Directed the Secretary of the Interior to consider adjusting coal, oil and gas royalties to “account for corresponding climate costs” (i.e., the industry expected increased royalties)
  • Suspended new leases, contracts, or drilling permits for at least 60 days
  • Withdrew the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline
While the existing leases for companies to explore and/or drill for oil are still in existence, no new leases or permits will be given. The effect of this measure means that there are limited effects on existing lands where exploration and drilling takes place. It is expected that Americans won’t see the effects of this part of the executive order for up to ten years.

Because Biden directed the Secretary of the Interior to provide a comprehensive review of the climate impact of future oil and gas activity on public lands, companies are expecting new regulations, which are often costly to companies.

What Happened to the United States Being Energy Independent? - This Nation

As gas prices have reached a national average of $3.42 per gallon, consumers debate whether the United States was ever energy independent. Former President Trump argued in early 2020 that America had finally attained the goal of energy independence, while pundits on the left argued that America...
You know when we subtract the exports from the imports, when we get a negative number, that means we were energy independent over that period of time. For example our net imports for the week ending Aug. 18th it was -1.5. Furthermore, we have been energy independent for most of 2023.

We're not energy independent as long as we are fleecing American citizens. I believe gas goes for mere pennies in SA...

Well, we use approximately 20M bbl/day, we currently produce about 13M bbl/day, so we’re at a 7M bbl/day deficit. We import about 8M bbl/day but we export almost 10M bbl/day, so we’re at a 2M bbl/day deficit there as well.

So overall, we’re at a 9M bbl/day deficit…I’m not even sure how those numbers work. We use 20M bbl/day, but only have about 11M bbl/day available…how is that even possible? Where is the rest of the oil coming from? Or are my numbers wrong?

We're importing oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela... and after Trump's sanctions.. from Russia.
Where did you get 10 million bpd for export?
Because most wells produce less than 50 barrels a day. They can't afford gas injection, fracking or pipelines for every small well.
That depends on the well, a shale formation that is starting to fall into reduced production can be reenergized by frack stimulation.

However, my point was not on existing wells, but rather new wells. Most companies are wanting to employ the latest and greatest technology if it means higher yield.

Also, just because a well only produces 50 bbl/day isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I worked in south Texas, there were leases that were drilled back in the 60’s that are still producing oil to this day.
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Well, we use approximately 20M bbl/day, we currently produce about 13M bbl/day, so we’re at a 7M bbl/day deficit. We import about 8M bbl/day but we export almost 10M bbl/day, so we’re at a 2M bbl/day deficit there as well.

So overall, we’re at a 9M bbl/day deficit…I’m not even sure how those numbers work. We use 20M bbl/day, but only have about 11M bbl/day available…how is that even possible? Where is the rest of the oil coming from? Or are my numbers wrong?
The numbers are what they are. I suspect they keep the stock they use for exported refined product off the import totals 12.8 mbd + 2.1 mdb is only 14.9 But we exported net of 3.7 mbd of refined product.

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That depends on the well, a shake formation that is starting to fall into reduced production can be reenergized by frack stimulation.

However, my point was not on existing wells, but rather new wells. Most companies are wanting to employ the latest and greatest technology if it means higher yield.

Also, just because a well only produces 50 bbl/day isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I worked in south Texas, there were leases that were drilled back in the 60’s that are still producing oil to this day.

Same in Ghawar but those wells are producing much more than 50 bpd and they don't have to be pumped ... they do have gas injection from Ain Dar, fracking and Christmas trees... Plus, they have downstream manufacturing. Very efficient.

There's nothing that can compare to Saudi Aramco for being a fully integrated oil company.

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