The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

That's interesting. Where is Biden pumping oil from? I want to look it up and read about it. Like what locations and what did Biden say to get them started?
All over the us as Biden has record drilling approvals.
Because Biden has approved so much drilling he has the US pumping more oil and gas than at anytime under Trump.
I love how the no character trash republicans hate that Biden is pumping more than Trump !
Republicans hate that Biden has the US pumping more than Trump !! I love it !!
Biden has the US pumping more oil and nat gas than at anytime under Trump. And the US is the biggest producer of both in the entire world.

I love how you hate Biden's winning, you hate it that Biden has the US pumping more than Trump.
Biden lowered the deficit substantially from the massive deficit he inherited from the King of Debt, and you hate it. If Trump were still president we would have a $4T/yr deficit.

What was your favorite Biden policy to increase US production?

If Trump were still president we would have a $4T/yr deficit.

Biden going from $1.3 trillion to $2 trillion is actually a victory?
If the price of oil is set on the WORLD market, and 92% the domestic supply of it is outside federal jurisdiction, how does anything democrats say affect gas prices?

The economic sanctions on Russia prevented all US allies from buying Russian oil or gas, so the price nearly doubled.
What was your favorite Biden policy to increase US production?

If Trump were still president we would have a $4T/yr deficit.

Biden going from $1.3 trillion to $2 trillion is actually a victory?

Trump had the excuse of the lingering real estate bust, along Obama's Mideast wars, and covid.
Biden had none of these as an excuse for a budget deficit.
His deficit was entirely from foolish moves in the Ukraine.
Drill, baby, drill!

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don’t care.

The GOP narrative has a major hole: U.S. oil production — already the highest in the world — is on track to set a new record this year, and will probably rise even more in 2024. But the ever-increasing flow of U.S. crude has failed to keep a lid on gasoline prices, showing once again that a global market drives the fuel prices that shape presidents’ political futures.

And that means events far beyond the nation’s borders will play a sizable role in voters’ verdict on “Bidenomics” — as global oil prices rise and fall in response to banking conditions in Europe, China’s slumping real estate market, Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and the latest maneuvers by Saudi Arabia.


U.S. oil production is forecast to average an all-time high of 12.8 million barrels a day this year and keep growing to 13.1 million in 2024, the federal Energy Information Administration said in its latest forecast.

This reality has not stopped dishonest Republicans from lying:

In one campaign ad, former Vice President Mike Pence pretends to fill his pickup truck and blames Biden’s energy policy for “causing real hardship” for Americans, while ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has vowed to bring oil production back to the United States.

And Sen. Tim Scott (R.-S.C.) railed last month on the Biden administration, which he asserted “has shut down energy production in America.”

“Why won’t this President tap into our abundant energy resources here at home and bring down prices at the pump?” he asked.

In fact, though, oil production from federal lands and waters has risen on Biden’s watch, reaching past 3 million barrels per day last year. The high mark during President Donald Trump’s term was 2.75 million barrels a day.
God wants us to have cheap gas
All over the us as Biden has record drilling approvals.
Because Biden has approved so much drilling he has the US pumping more oil and gas than at anytime under Trump.
I love how the no character trash republicans hate that Biden is pumping more than Trump !
Republicans hate that Biden has the US pumping more than Trump !! I love it !!

Pumping oil now is foolish, since the Saudis are selling their cheap.
We have very little oil compared to the rest of the world, so we should be saving it for later, when oil prices start to shoot up in 10 to 20 years.
That's interesting. Where is Biden pumping oil from? I want to look it up and read about it. Like what locations and what did Biden say to get them started?
Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" expands offshore drilling lease sales was passed by 100% Democrat votes & Zero Republican votes.
Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" expands offshore drilling lease sales was passed by 100% Democrat votes & Zero Republican votes.

The "Inflation Reduction Act" does not allow the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to issue a lease for offshore wind development unless the agency has offered at least 60 million acres for oil and gas leasing on the OCS in the previous year.

Under Trump operations of nearly all US Oil Rigs were halted, causing 260 US Oil drillers to go bankrupt. Trump printed 5X more US Dollars than all presidents in history combined.

More US Oil has been produced under Biden's first 3 years than Trump's or any president in history. Today a record 13.2 million barrels of oil is produced in the US every day.
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Republicans hate that Biden is pumping more oil than trump

The only thing Trump was good at was spending money, borrowing money, making debt, blowing up the deficit, and committing crimes and corruption.
Thats all he did.

Trump bankrupted America and now we have to pay for it
banker we have been paying for it long before your favorite person trump got here....
yea ok
Biden was forced to have more approvals than Trump... What are you stupid or something??
You people make up the dumbest lies to avoid reality.

You just can't accept that Biden had more approvals for drilling than Trump, and now the US is pumping more oil (and nat gas) than at anytime under Trump.

Biden has the US pumping like never before ever in history, and we produce more oil and Nat gas than any other country in the entire world. Deal with it... I love that you can't handle it. I love how it upsets you to have to accept Biden pumping more oil than Trump.
Well, Biden was forced to by the Courts. So you need to congratulate the courts.
US Oil production increased far more under Biden than Trump.

US Oil production during Obama/Biden's first month was 4,917k/b/pd. US Oil production during Obama/Biden's last month was record 9,235k/b/pd. = a record 4,318k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Trump's first month was 9,235k/b/pd. US Oil production during Trump's last month was 9,700k/b/pd. = only a small 465k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Biden's first month was 9,700k/b/pd. US Oil production under Biden's this month is record 13,200k/b/pd. = a massive 3,500k/b/pd increase.
That disgusted Biden for sure. And this was only because the Courts bossed him out of his desire to cancel oil from it's current use.
That disgusted Biden for sure. And this was only because the Courts bossed him out of his desire to cancel oil from it's current use.
That was nothing but political theater. Democrats know how to govern, creating economy full of jobs that lifts all boats. Republicans take, take, take to destabilize economies causing job killing recessions.

Trump 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION.

W. Bush 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

H. Bush 1 term = 1 massive JOB KILLING RECESSION

Reagan 2 terms = 2 massive JOB KILLING RECESSIONS

Clinton 2 terms = 0 recessions

Obama 2 terms = 0 recessions

Biden 1 term = 0 recessions

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