The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

San Francisco best prices are $5.19 per gallon, however the prevailing prices is higher.
No, B never said or implied anything of the sort. We have the lead in oil production in the world and are pumping at an all time high, and that on non-federal leases.

This is why you guys have been losing since 2018. You can't accept that your positions and policies are not favored by the large majority of Americans.
Biden's game is to rid America of gas fueled cars. For a phony reason.
We have the lead in oil production in the world and are pumping at an all time high, and that on non-federal leases.

Biden shouldn't get credit for the increase?
Biden had record drilling approvals, more than Trump. Now Biden reaps the rewards of that with record oil and gas production, more than Trump.
Biden policy has given us this record oil production.

You're just mad because oil is yet another thing Biden has bested Trump on, in addition to lowering the deficit and having a better jobs market with lower unemployment.

Trump blew up the deficit massively and Biden has inherited that massive debt and lowered it, he also is pumping more oil than Trump and has a much better labor market and record low unemployment.
Biden had record drilling approvals, more than Trump. Now Biden reaps the rewards of that with record oil and gas production, more than Trump.
Biden policy has given us this record oil production.

You're just mad because oil is yet another thing Biden has bested Trump on, in addition to lowering the deficit and having a better jobs market with lower unemployment.

Trump blew up the deficit massively and Biden has inherited that massive debt and lowered it, he also is pumping more oil than Trump and has a much better labor market and record low unemployment.
Give the credit to the Courts that Biden sued. Biden did not want more drilling approvals. Biden was forced by law to allow more permits.
Biden had record drilling approvals, more than Trump. Now Biden reaps the rewards of that with record oil and gas production, more than Trump.
Biden policy has given us this record oil production.

You're just mad because oil is yet another thing Biden has bested Trump on, in addition to lowering the deficit and having a better jobs market with lower unemployment.

Trump blew up the deficit massively and Biden has inherited that massive debt and lowered it, he also is pumping more oil than Trump and has a much better labor market and record low unemployment.

Biden had record drilling approvals, more than Trump.

On non-federal lands?

Trump blew up the deficit massively

Biden is about to have a $2 trillion plus deficit. Why is Biden failing?
ahh yeaa, but back in the fact based real world Biden has the US pumping more than Trump inboth oil and nat gas so you are nothing but a joke retard who can't accept fact based reality.

Enjoy Biden's booming oil and gas industry that is pumping more than ever before in US history and Biden takes the crown for most pumping ever, obviously you hate it.

You people hate America and hate that Biden has America pumping more than Trump, you only care about you blind loyalty to the failed GOP, the party of total failure.

When republicans started running the country in 2000 the US had a balanced budget and was in great shape, a mere 8 years later Bush and the failed GOP had blown up the economy, started 2 failed and mismanaged wars, and had trillion dollar deficits.

The republicans destroyed America taking a balanced budget and giving us $3+T in deficits by the end of Trump's failed presidency
That's interesting. Where is Biden pumping oil from? I want to look it up and read about it. Like what locations and what did Biden say to get them started?
Gasoline is $3.58 near me in the suburbs of Illinois. It was under $2 when Trump was in office. It felt like the 1990s prices again.
Didn't they say that all the good prices of things were irresult of Barack Obama during Trump's time in office? So it's the price of gasoline now a result of Trump? It does that only work when a democratic guy was first?
So high gas prices mean the economy is good. You're right
You abandoned Trump? Good, that's a start.

The continuing inflation is the only thing wrong with the economy, and that is coming down thanks to government policies.

Trump puts us in this position when he mismanaged Covid response along with Xi, and the two created the conditions for world wide inflation.

We have the lowest rate of inflation in the civilized world.
...$2 because he crashed the economy because he mismanaged the response to Covid that smashed the economy.
You mean it was not Putin?

A fair evaluation of CV19 proves that it was not Trump that mismanaged the response to CV, however some blame may be put on Dr. Fauci.
You abandoned Trump? Good, that's a start.

The continuing inflation is the only thing wrong with the economy, and that is coming down thanks to government policies.

Trump puts us in this position when he mismanaged Covid response along with Xi, and the two created the conditions for world wide inflation.

We have the lowest rate of inflation in the civilized world.
Are you retarded? Lowest rate? Get off the drugs
US Oil production increased far more under Biden than Trump.

US Oil production during Obama/Biden's first month was 4,917k/b/pd. US Oil production during Obama/Biden's last month was record 9,235k/b/pd. = a record 4,318k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Trump's first month was 9,235k/b/pd. US Oil production during Trump's last month was 9,700k/b/pd. = only a small 465k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Biden's first month was 9,700k/b/pd. US Oil production under Biden's this month is record 13,200k/b/pd. = a massive 3,500k/b/pd increase.
US Oil production increased far more under Biden than Trump.

US Oil production during Obama/Biden's first month was 4,917k/b/pd. US Oil production during Obama/Biden's last month was record 9,235k/b/pd. = a record 4,318k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Trump's first month was 9,235k/b/pd. US Oil production during Trump's last month was 9,700k/b/pd. = only a small 465k/b/pd increase.

US Oil production during Biden's first month was 9,700k/b/pd. US Oil production under Biden's this month is record 13,200k/b/pd. = a massive 3,500k/b/pd increase.

Biden really must love oil.
What was your favorite Biden policy to increase US production?
Give the credit to the Courts that Biden sued. Biden did not want more drilling approvals. Biden was forced by law to allow more permits.
yea ok
Biden was forced to have more approvals than Trump... What are you stupid or something??
You people make up the dumbest lies to avoid reality.

You just can't accept that Biden had more approvals for drilling than Trump, and now the US is pumping more oil (and nat gas) than at anytime under Trump.

Biden has the US pumping like never before ever in history, and we produce more oil and Nat gas than any other country in the entire world. Deal with it... I love that you can't handle it. I love how it upsets you to have to accept Biden pumping more oil than Trump.
Biden had record drilling approvals, more than Trump.

On non-federal lands?

Trump blew up the deficit massively

Biden is about to have a $2 trillion plus deficit. Why is Biden failing?
Biden has the US pumping more oil and nat gas than at anytime under Trump. And the US is the biggest producer of both in the entire world.

I love how you hate Biden's winning, you hate it that Biden has the US pumping more than Trump.
Biden lowered the deficit substantially from the massive deficit he inherited from the King of Debt, and you hate it. If Trump were still president we would have a $4T/yr deficit.

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