The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Lonestar-logic just as my answer fails you... your answer fails me. I'm over it, are you? And my dad is Tex, who's yours?

Psychobabble gets most women off in ways the average man just *cannot*. Sorry. THAT is God's basic truth.
Lonestar-logic just as my answer fails you... your answer fails me. I'm over it, are you? And my dad is Tex, who's yours?

Psychobabble gets most women off in ways the average man just *cannot*. Sorry. THAT is God's basic truth.

Your answers fails me because you never gave a direct answer.

My answer fails you because you are obviously mentally challenged.

I don't give a rat's ass who your dad is but I think he oughta have his butt whooped regardless.

And it's probably a good thing you get yourself off on psychobabble because I doubt any man in his right mind would touch you. Just don't try to speak for MOST women.
Lonestar-logic just as my answer fails you... your answer fails me. I'm over it, are you? And my dad is Tex, who's yours?

Psychobabble gets most women off in ways the average man just *cannot*. Sorry. THAT is God's basic truth.

Your answers fails me because you never gave a direct answer.

My answer fails you because you are obviously mentally challenged.

I don't give a rat's ass who your dad is but I think he oughta have his butt whooped regardless.

And it's probably a good thing you get yourself off on psychobabble because I doubt any man in his right mind would touch you. Just don't try to speak for MOST women.

Okay... I'll play the Prince's Chameleon... just to show the holy proud ass from Texas a thing or two... Women today don't need men... Nor do they need us... Howeverbeit true, that is only true regarding the physical pleasures of life. You are not understanding any depth within not what are my words but what they mean. My daddy doesn't need his ass whipped, I'll take the whippin'. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles and I ain't even from the technical south.

Mentally challenged? Really? You wanna do this? That would not be the wisest thing as I come from insanity and have come to understand it on levels you cannot suck through a straw... This isn't as personal as all that though, you're answer simply fails because your spiritual insight, your mental depth fails you... prohibiting you from your potential. I am sorry... for you.
I have consistently stated the fact that religion was a part of the Founders, they were predominantly Christian and the country was Christian.
How that translates into this country was founded on religion is a stretch and to date here no one has offered one principle that this nation was founded on.
Not one. Why? Because the LAW is not religion.
And THANK GOD it isn't. They do it that way in Iran.
And "Yeah they said that and all our documents say that but they were just DUMB" doesn't work to prove the US was NOT founded on Christian principles. That's just juvenile and silly.

Quite to the contrary.... I have yet to say anyone is and/or was dumb... the forefathers obviously knew and covered up a great deal more than what we could even boast of today... Eh, or perhaps they didn't, yet then that would make them even more naive than some are today, which is plausible but not likely.

The forefathers brought over a system that was designed by someone other than the basic few 'remnants'. They didn't implement it immediately because there were obvious requirements and 'special interests'. For the love of all that be Holy, even if it seems like a conspiracy kind of thing... it is far more plausible than a multitude of spiritually blind ones. Eh... yet then spiritually did seem to take a bazaar turn at some point...

I didn't say you said it. Huggy said it.

I don't know what you're talking about when you refer to the forefathers bringing over a system designed by someone other than the basic few "remnants". I have NO idea what you're talking about.

The 'remnants' in this specific reference are the Puritans that came over with CC. Who designed the system? Hmmm...
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Lonestar-logic just as my answer fails you... your answer fails me. I'm over it, are you? And my dad is Tex, who's yours?

Psychobabble gets most women off in ways the average man just *cannot*. Sorry. THAT is God's basic truth.

Your answers fails me because you never gave a direct answer.

My answer fails you because you are obviously mentally challenged.

I don't give a rat's ass who your dad is but I think he oughta have his butt whooped regardless.

And it's probably a good thing you get yourself off on psychobabble because I doubt any man in his right mind would touch you. Just don't try to speak for MOST women.

Okay... I'll play the Prince's Chameleon... just to show the holy proud ass from Texas a thing or two... Women today don't need men... Nor do they need us... Howeverbeit true, that is only true regarding the physical pleasures of life. You are not understanding any depth within not what are my words but what they mean. My daddy doesn't need his ass whipped, I'll take the whippin'. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles and I ain't even from the technical south.

Mentally challenged? Really? You wanna do this? That would not be the wisest thing as I come from insanity and have come to understand it on levels you cannot suck through a straw... This isn't as personal as all that though, you're answer simply fails because your spiritual insight, your mental depth fails you... prohibiting you from your potential. I am sorry... for you.

Again with the psychobabble. :cuckoo:
Ok, all you arm chair historians:
What was the first domestic crisis that Washington, the government and the politicians face when our new nation that was "founded on Christian principles" won their independence from the British?
I have consistently stated the fact that religion was a part of the Founders, they were predominantly Christian and the country was Christian.
How that translates into this country was founded on religion is a stretch and to date here no one has offered one principle that this nation was founded on.
Not one. Why? Because the LAW is not religion.
And THANK GOD it isn't. They do it that way in Iran.

"Religion was part of the founders"....? WHAT the FUCK does that mean?

Anyway regardless of how you want to deny it, what I said stands. The FF SAID they were structuring the country on Chrstian principles. The FF said they looked to God.

So were they lying, ya think? Or are you pretending they didn't say it? Or do you just...ahem...know better than the founding fathers what they really meant to do and say...despite what they actually DID do and say?

Did the founding fathers not state repeatedly they were basing the structure of the country upon Christian principles, and looking to God for guidance?
I continue to be amazed that regardless of the truth and the evidence, dishonest anti-Christian pieces of shit will still deny, deny, deny.
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"But was America founded on Christian principles? Just read the first words of the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
From the beginning, America's founders accepted the reality that basic rights were inseparable from human beings and they recognized that those inalienable rights were not given by government nor acquired by force, but that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the gifts of the Creator.
In 1844, the Court said, "Christianity is part of our common law."
In 1892, the Supreme Court said this: "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national because this is a religious people. This is historically true."
In 1930, the U.S. Supreme Court said this: "We are a Christian people, according to our motto."
In 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court said, "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being. The question isn't - Was America founded on Christian principles? The question is - what world view has given birth to and sustained America? The answer to that question is simple: Christianity."

Rediscovering American History - The American Policy Roundtable
I have consistently stated the fact that religion was a part of the Founders, they were predominantly Christian and the country was Christian.
How that translates into this country was founded on religion is a stretch and to date here no one has offered one principle that this nation was founded on.
Not one. Why? Because the LAW is not religion.
And THANK GOD it isn't. They do it that way in Iran.

"Religion was part of the founders"....? WHAT the FUCK does that mean?

Anyway regardless of how you want to deny it, what I said stands. The FF SAID they were structuring the country on Chrstian principles. The Constitutions SAYS the country looks to God.

So were they lying, ya think? Or are you pretending they didn't say it? Or do you just...ahem...know better than the founding fathers what they really meant to do and say...despite what they actually DID do and say?

Do the Consistitution and the Declaration not reference God?

I continue to be amazed that regardless of the truth and the evidence, dishonest anti-Christian pieces of shit will still deny, deny, deny.

"The Constitution SAYS the country looks to God"
Dumbass, the Constitution makes no reference of God anywere.
Same with The Declaration of Independence, which is not the law, as all Jefferson mentions is a "Creator" , "Nature's God" and "Divine Providence" on purpose so as to NOT make any reference to Christianity, a dominance of Christianity, any influences of supposed Christian principles or a Christian God. That document has no legal authority over any of our laws, our lawmakers or ourselves.
The Declaration makes it very clear that our government created by humainty derive ALL their powers from THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, not from any God be it Christian or any other.
I am Christian.
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My bad.

However, our primary founding document, in which we set forth the foundation of the country and lay out the intent, the does mention God.

Anyway, like I said, despite your dishonest pretense that although the founding fathers, who laid the structure for the country, did not state that they were founding a country on Christian principles, and despite your dishonest spin that although the ff SAID they were building a country on Christian values, it doesn't mean anything, the proof shows that clearly we were built on Christian principles.
My bad.

However, our primary founding document, in which we set forth the foundation of the country and lay out the intent, the does mention God.

Anyway, like I said, despite your dishonest pretense that although the founding fathers, who laid the structure for the country, did not state that they were founding a country on Christian principles, and despite your dishonest spin that although the ff SAID they were building a country on Christian values, it doesn't mean anything, the proof shows that clearly we were built on Christian principles.

I have seen you admit mistakes in the past.
You are very principled in that area. That is a strong character trait you have that most do not have.
I salute you for that. Your children will benefit greatly from that and I wager they already have. :eusa_angel:
Asking someone what they think is unanswerable? Maybe for your dumbass it would be.

Knowing that the majority of our Founding Fathers read from the same Bible as todays Christians do, then it's easy to conclude that we believed in the same God.

If you truly believe there is no God, then why do you put so much effort into debating religious issues?

Seems to me your trying to either 1) persuade the unpersuadable or 2) you're not very confident in your belief.

Ah..not so fast cowgirl! I have had success. I have converted several people from the darkness of Christianity to the light. Probably not entirely my doing but one of my successes was even a Catholic Priest. Granted it is hard work. The reward is small but we do what we can. I have never hit a hole in one in golf either but I still play the game. :lol:

You can keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself.

Forgive me if I don't believe anything you say.

You asked why someone like myself would come to the religious forum and denounce religion. I told you why. What you believe is of little consequence in that you believe mostly rubbish. It isn't THAT hard to convert people with weak minds. That is why they allowed themselves to get sucked into religion in the first place.
Ah..not so fast cowgirl! I have had success. I have converted several people from the darkness of Christianity to the light. Probably not entirely my doing but one of my successes was even a Catholic Priest. Granted it is hard work. The reward is small but we do what we can. I have never hit a hole in one in golf either but I still play the game. :lol:

You can keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself.

Forgive me if I don't believe anything you say.

You asked why someone like myself would come to the religious forum and denounce religion. I told you why. What you believe is of little consequence in that you believe mostly rubbish. It isn't THAT hard to convert people with weak minds. That is why they allowed themselves to get sucked into religion in the first place.

So what you're saying is that 2.5 percent of the worlds population have strong minds and the rest have weak minds.

Yea right......:cuckoo:
You can keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself.

Forgive me if I don't believe anything you say.

You asked why someone like myself would come to the religious forum and denounce religion. I told you why. What you believe is of little consequence in that you believe mostly rubbish. It isn't THAT hard to convert people with weak minds. That is why they allowed themselves to get sucked into religion in the first place.

So what you're saying is that 2.5 percent of the worlds population have strong minds and the rest have weak minds.

Yea right......:cuckoo:

Something like that..ya.. In the defense of the weak minded there is certainly a tsunami of peer pressure to fall victim to religion. It does indeed take a strong will to set that influence aside and look at one's options clearly.
Your answers fails me because you never gave a direct answer.

My answer fails you because you are obviously mentally challenged.

I don't give a rat's ass who your dad is but I think he oughta have his butt whooped regardless.

And it's probably a good thing you get yourself off on psychobabble because I doubt any man in his right mind would touch you. Just don't try to speak for MOST women.

Okay... I'll play the Prince's Chameleon... just to show the holy proud ass from Texas a thing or two... Women today don't need men... Nor do they need us... Howeverbeit true, that is only true regarding the physical pleasures of life. You are not understanding any depth within not what are my words but what they mean. My daddy doesn't need his ass whipped, I'll take the whippin'. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles and I ain't even from the technical south.

Mentally challenged? Really? You wanna do this? That would not be the wisest thing as I come from insanity and have come to understand it on levels you cannot suck through a straw... This isn't as personal as all that though, you're answer simply fails because your spiritual insight, your mental depth fails you... prohibiting you from your potential. I am sorry... for you.

Again with the psychobabble. :cuckoo:

YOU are attempting to argue 'religion' with me and yet criticising psychobabble? Have you taken your medication today?
I see the nation founded on Christian principles will not answer my question.
Again, what was the first domestic crisis this nation faced after it was founded?
And what Christian principle influenced it?
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity
Many Christian's who think of America as founded upon Christianity usually present the Declaration of Independence as "proof" of a Christian America. ...
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity - Cached - Similar

Our Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. .... Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural .... He led the men who turned America from an English colony into a self-governing nation. ...
Thomas Jefferson - John Adams - Benjamin Franklin - Thomas - Cached - Similar

Wow - what a fucking space case
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity
Many Christian's who think of America as founded upon Christianity usually present the Declaration of Independence as "proof" of a Christian America. ...
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity - Cached - Similar

Our Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians They were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. .... Thirteen governments [of the original states] thus founded on the natural .... He led the men who turned America from an English colony into a self-governing nation. ...
Thomas Jefferson - John Adams - Benjamin Franklin - Thomas - Cached - Similar

Wow - what a fucking space case

Okay... I'll play the Prince's Chameleon... just to show the holy proud ass from Texas a thing or two... Women today don't need men... Nor do they need us... Howeverbeit true, that is only true regarding the physical pleasures of life. You are not understanding any depth within not what are my words but what they mean. My daddy doesn't need his ass whipped, I'll take the whippin'. I'm quite capable of fighting my own battles and I ain't even from the technical south.

Mentally challenged? Really? You wanna do this? That would not be the wisest thing as I come from insanity and have come to understand it on levels you cannot suck through a straw... This isn't as personal as all that though, you're answer simply fails because your spiritual insight, your mental depth fails you... prohibiting you from your potential. I am sorry... for you.

Again with the psychobabble. :cuckoo:

YOU are attempting to argue 'religion' with me and yet criticising psychobabble? Have you taken your medication today?

I'm not trying to argue anything with you. I asked a simple question that required a simple answer that you're incapable of providing.

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