The U.S. Should Not Throw The Syrian Rebels Under The Bus!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Amazingly, the U.S. and Russia made a deal this past week on a U.N. resolution requiring the country of Syria to disarm of chemical weapons. But here is the big big question mark, Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria, says he is not cooperating in the disarmament unless the U.S. agrees to stop arming the Syrian rebels. The U.S. government should definitely and absolutely "not" take or make any such deal neither openly or secretly. Ordinary Americans cannot take it for granted the U.S. government would not do such a bad thing and make this deal for the following reasons.

America's principle and top interest in the Middle East is the protection and safety of Israel for the past sixty years our behavior demonstrates this. Well the critical existential threats to the state of Israel are only two that is nuclear weapons from Iran and chemical weapons from Syria all the other threats are conventional which Israel can readily handle but these WMD threats could largely wipe out Israel's population thus wiping out the country. This deal that President Obama reached with Russia this past week has the potential to eliminate this Syria WMD threat it is awesome it is epic it is solving a major problem the world has had for decades! The U.S. media is absolutely ridiculous with their labeling and insinuation that President Obama lost in this confrontation with Putin he won and won big that is not to say that Putin didn't win because he saved his ally Assad from really hurting his regime from a U.S. bombings campaign. In any event, these benefits from this Syrian chemical weapon disarmament will put enormous pressure on the U.S. government to take this deal. Plus, any person knowledgeable about U.S. politics knows that the pro-Israel lobby is enormously powerful in America. If elements of this lobby decide to act maximally shrewd and amoral on this issue they could use their power to push the administration to cut such a deal it could be a secret deal to have the Obama administration save face. The circumstances of this situation sure make a compelling case if such elements want to act this way!

Certainly the prospect of destruction of these chemical weapons alone makes a compelling reason to manipulate such a deal but also if the U.S. agrees not to arm the Syrian rebels the rebels will lose it may take two or three years but it will almost certainly happen and that offers advantages to Israel. Why will the rebels lose the Assad regime has too many trump cards; he has the country of Iran and Russia sending him any needed weapons to win this conventional war, he has battle hardened Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon to do the hard work of taking rebel ground and as we learned this past week in the Wall Street Journal he has Iran running a camp where Iran has its elite soldiers train Shiite fighters and then sends them to Syria to fight for Assad. Why is it really good for Israel if Assad crushes this rebellion and remains in power, besides the fact that Assad is now a permanently disgraced leader as a result of his regime's indefensible brutality so he will never be able to lead a formidable opposition to Israel, because the alternative could pose such great danger to Israel. If the rebels win they could hold democratic elections and a very Islamic government could gain power and advocate jihad against Israel to help the Palestinians. A more likely scenario is the Syrian people have elections where a typical moderate Arab government gains power and a stable security situation prevails in Syria which allows Arabs to focus and helps facilitate the Arab world unifying on the Palestinian question and focus and make progress on lobbying the U.N. and the world community to economically ostracize the state of Israel like the world did to the South African apartheid government. This would put enormous pressure on the government of Israel to heed reasonable voices in the peace process that say you have to be fair in dividing up the land of Palestine in setting forth boundaries for your country and the country of Palestine, the Palestinian population numbers four million people, a lot of people, you can't give them a body of land with many large and small cutouts and say go have a nice country it is not a just deal, largely the 1967 Israel borders is a fair divide it leaves the Israel people with over sixty percent of the land; both countries need to be able to have Jerusalem as their capital because of the historic symbolism of that city and Israel can't be greedy about the Palestinian portion of the city it is fair the Palestinians should get East Jerusalem and it should be East Jerusalem.

Advocates for Israel must exhibit virtue here as the U.S. and the U.N. try to get the Assad regime to cooperate in this disarmament. They and the U.S. government and the people that hold the reins of power in American must not throw the Syrian rebels to the wolves, not sacrifice their lives and their opportunity here for freedom and democracy for success on the Syrian chemical weapons matter! It would be an off the charts betrayal and act of immorality to the Syrian people involved and supporting the rebellion to do so! Furthermore, during this past month on the Syrian chemical weapons matter Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel stated clearly and unequivocally in Congressionally that it is the U.S. governments policy to arm vetted Syrian rebels so they can succeed on the battlefield and force Assad to agree to popular election to choose his successor and President Barack Obama himself absolutely publicly did the same thing. This presidential administration really needs to follow through on these words. Any knowledgeable person with common sense knows these rebels are doomed if the U.S. doesn't come through here, Iran's treating this Syrian war like a religious war between Shia and Sunni and Putin is treating this like a gold medal fight between the Russia and the U.S. obviously the world's got to arm the Syrian rebels well enough for them to take on a well-armed conventional army or they'll lose! President Obama and the head of the CIA have to stop taking this excuse from their intelligence leaders in Jordan that they can't identify a lot of non-extremist Syrian rebel groups to support, the consensus in the intelligence community that extremists only make up fifteen to twenty percent of the Syrian rebels which means these intelligent leaders are incompetent and need to be replaced if they can't quickly remedy this problem and get the arms flowing to these rebels at least at a good rate!

The American public has heard a lot of public cynicism on Secretary of Kerry's ambitious time table for destruction of all Syrian chemical weapons, the deadline is the middle of next year. A prudent person should not conclude this is a pie-in-the-sky, unrealistic deadline. Reports are that Syrian soldiers themselves during this rebellion moved Syrian chemical weapons spreading them from five sites to around fifty sites. Which makes one wonder why couldn't the U.N. inspector teams get a caravan of trucks go to each site load up the trucks with the weapons and drive to the Syrian coast and off-load the weapons to cargo ships where they could be taken to weapon incineration sites throughout the world; we've seen UN investigation teams drive to the worst fighting sites in this Syrian war doing chemical weapon use investigations.
"One year and $1 billion — according to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, that’s what it would take to get rid of Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons.Assad sat down with former congressman Dennis Kucinich and journalist Greg Palkot. Assad said his agreement to have Syria’s weapons destroyed was also a full admission that, yes, Syria has chemical weapons. (Via*Mediaite / Fox News)Fox News:*“Do you have chemical weapons or don’t you?”President Assad:*“Of course, when we joined the treaty last week, it means that we have, and we said that, so it’s not secret anymore.”*(Via*Fox News)Assad said he’ll fully comply with any agreement between the U.S. and Russia to get rid of the chemical weapons, adding that he has been onboard with a plan to rid the Middle East of WMDs for at least a decade. (Via*CBS)

I am not reading sources confirm the condition you allege Assad is placing on an agreement to get rid of his chemical weapons. Can you provide a source for that?

ABOVE is what I am reading.
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