The U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian and North African refugees.


Aug 23, 2015
Out of curiosity, does anyone else find the talk of re-homing Syrian and African refugees to be a bit troubling? In the last 4 or so years, the United Sates has donated over 4 billion dollars in relief aid to Syria, more than any other nation. Yet, we as a country are now expected to step up our humanitarian efforts and start accepting refugees. Where are all of the rich and powerful Arab nations? Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Egypt, to name a few. You would think they would be eager to help fellow muslims in such a violent and turbulent time. But instead they remain distant and disengaged. Why are we as a country expected to provide such time, money, protection, equal rights, military, to the very people that have spawned the violent extremist group ISIL? Since the attacks on September 11th 2001, our government has spent trillions on homeland security in hopes of keeping those with malicious intent out of the country. Now, both parties are considering allowing up to 100,000 "refugees" from Arab and African nations into the country. Lets forget for a second that most countries from the middle east have an extreme hatred for the U.S., how about all of the immigrants already in the country on visas who work and assimilate to the ideals of America. These people have tried tirelessly over the years to become legal citizens of this country and still to this day have not been granted citizenship. Our new plan is to just bring these refugees here with no plan and expect things to work? We have all witnessed whats happening in Europe at the moment. Hopefully our fearless leaders will get an idea as to what will happen when they arrive here.
We broke it, we own it. Stand up & do the right thing. Just screen the hell out of them before taking them in.
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Are they being granted citizenship or just being relocated for the duration? The US can help and should. It's the right thing to do.
Look out poor communities, the sand n**** are coming. Because that's what this country does...dump all these refugees in poor communities that are already stretched to the limits. What I find absolutely astounding is that most of the refugee's are young men....who should be in uniform fighting for their damned country!! And the last place they should be is in a country, ie the US, with its hostile environment of latinos and muslims....I can see home grown young muslim men on the net plotting our demise....I don't think its a good idea, people in this country a fuckin haters and all they're gonna do is piss these people off.
Yo, the answer to Obama letting a load of Muslims into the Country?

Yo, you think killings in the U.S.A. is bad now? Just wait!

I guess the Arab Spring isn't the dream life that our media and our politicians kept telling us it was. Notice no one is bragging on our involvement in overthrowing leaders and governments anymore?
plenty of vacant homes in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and electricity/plumbing though.
We broke it, we own it. Stand up & do the right thing. Just screen the hell out of them before taking them in.
Why didn't Republicans bring the Christians here?

A Rift Over Iraq Between President and Pope

In March 2003, just hours after the first American cruise missiles slammed into Baghdad, the Vatican proclaimed the nascent conflict a "defeat for reason and for the gospel." It was a war, said papal confidant Cardinal Roberto Tucci, that was "beyond all legality and all international legitimacy." Strong words coming from the clerical leaders of some 1.5 billion Roman Catholics and indicative of the rift that still dogs relations between the president and the pope.

Thousands of Iraq's Christians have fled the country, and many have been killed in the violence, an issue of central concern to the current occupant of the throne of St. Peter. In addition, the Iraqi Constitution, which says that Islam is a "fundamental source" of legislation for the country, has irked many in the church who fear that the rights of religious minorities will not be protected.


How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians

A good article from the American Conservative.

Iraq was such an enormous Republican and Right Wing fuck up. The world will suffer for decades from what that ignorant and uneducated party did. No wonder they try so desperately to blame it on Democrats - OH, THE DEMOCRATS COULD HAVE STOPPED US SO IT'S THEIR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!

Republicans have done more damage than al Qaeda and Isis combined. And still, they insist they know what our foreign policy should be.
Yo, the answer to Obama letting a load of Muslims into the Country?
View attachment 49790
Yo, you think killings in the U.S.A. is bad now? Just wait!


(sigh)....another coward keyboard user...dude you make hormonal teens look and sound important....take your toys go back to your parents basement and meditate for awhile, your insane, absolutely positively insane and I worry about you.
plenty of vacant homes in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and electricity/plumbing though.

No, this is what they'll do, they find these small towns, where blacks are at a minimal, with little clout and they dump these refugees there with the help of Catholic Charities....they don't go to big cities, its always these obscure small towns.
plenty of vacant homes in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and electricity/plumbing though.

No, this is what they'll do, they find these small towns, where blacks are at a minimal, with little clout and they dump these refugees there with the help of Catholic Charities....they don't go to big cities, its always these obscure small towns.
good idea,,,just send them to Baltimore, Ferguson, St Louie, South Chicago, Oakland,,etc.
plenty of vacant homes in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and electricity/plumbing though.

No, this is what they'll do, they find these small towns, where blacks are at a minimal, with little clout and they dump these refugees there with the help of Catholic Charities....they don't go to big cities, its always these obscure small towns.
good idea,,,just send them to Baltimore, Ferguson, St Louie, South Chicago, Oakland,,etc.

I personally would love to park all 100 thousand in the back yard of George W Bush's house and lets see this war loving cowardly bitch handle it
Yo, the answer to Obama letting a load of Muslims into the Country?
View attachment 49790
Yo, you think killings in the U.S.A. is bad now? Just wait!


(sigh)....another coward keyboard user...dude you make hormonal teens look and sound important....take your toys go back to your parents basement and meditate for awhile, your insane, absolutely positively insane and I worry about you.

Yo, Punk? If you can respond with an intelligent answer? Then by all means try your luck! If not? Shut the fuck up bitch!

1424192253491934 (1) (1).jpg
Yo, the answer to Obama letting a load of Muslims into the Country?
View attachment 49790
Yo, you think killings in the U.S.A. is bad now? Just wait!


(sigh)....another coward keyboard user...dude you make hormonal teens look and sound important....take your toys go back to your parents basement and meditate for awhile, your insane, absolutely positively insane and I worry about you.

Yo, Punk? If you can respond with an intelligent answer? Then by all means try your luck! If not? Shut the fuck up bitch!

View attachment 49797
how about canada? plenty of open space out there. so long as they can get along with the 100,000 bigfoots.
We don't need 3rd world peasants and/or africans barely out of the stone age...They have no skills, don't speak the language and immediately get showered with every benefit the govt can give them..all financed by taxpayers.
We can't take care of our own as it is.
just wait till the winter from hell hits here and Europe,,,then they will flee to Mexico
Hmm, we are bringing in a bunch of poor people from dangerous cultures. Can someone explain how we benefit from such an arrangement?

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