The Ukraine – Where's Our Commander-in-Chief?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Found this on several sites but not a direct link to the e-mail. No wonder Putin thinks he can do anything he wants without consequences.

It is Saturday. You can’t expect him to interrupt his golf game with something as pesky as world affairs.
Check it out:

A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama’s team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.

“The President’s national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon,” reads the full statement.

According to Time magazine’s Zeke Miller, Obama skipped the meeting. “Obama did not attend the meeting, but WH official says he has been briefed by Susan Rice and his national security team,” says Miller.

Read this Patriot Update article here: Obama Skips National Security Team Meeting on Russia, Ukraine and @ Obama skipped Saturday's meeting of national security team on Ukraine crisis w/links

And, as another site posted: Even the Hapless Jimmy Carter Wasn't This Bad! :eek:
obama is either playing golf or at happy hour. How bad is it? This lays it out succinctly.

Ukraine crisis tests Obama?s foreign-policy focus on diplomacy over military force - The Washington Post
Some snippets:

Rarely has a threat from a U.S. president been dismissed as quickly — and comprehensively — as Obama’s warning Friday night to Russian President Vladi*mir Putin.

From a White House podium late Friday, Obama told the Russian government that “there will be costs” for any military foray into Ukraine, including the semiautonomous region of Crimea, a strategically important peninsula on the Black Sea.

Within hours, Putin asked the Russian parliament for approval to send forces into Ukraine. The vote endorsing his request was unanimous, Obama’s warning drowned out by lawmakers’ rousing rendition of Russia’s national anthem at the end of the session. Russian troops now control the Crimean Peninsula.

Just months after his election, Putin declined to attend the Group of Eight meeting at Camp David, serving an early public warning to Obama that partnership was not a top priority.

At a G-8 meeting the following year in Northern Ireland, Obama and Putin met and made no headway toward resolving differences over Assad’s leadership of Syria. The two exchanged an awkward back-and-forth over Putin’s passion for martial arts before the Russian leader summed up the meeting: “Our opinions do not coincide,” he said.

Economic sanctions are a possibility. But that decision is largely in the hands of the European Union, given that its economic ties to Russia, particularly as a source of energy, are far greater than those of the United States

President Putin has effectively handed the community organizer's ass to him in a hand basket.
Playing marbles.

Rogers: Putin 'running circles' around US | TheHill

Russian President Vladimir Putin “is running circles around” the U.S. in his maneuvering on the global stage, a senior House Republican said Sunday following Putin’s military intervention in Ukraine.

“I think Putin is playing chess, and I think we’re playing marbles. It’s not even close,” the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Found this on several sites but not a direct link to the e-mail. No wonder Putin thinks he can do anything he wants without consequences.

It is Saturday. You can’t expect him to interrupt his golf game with something as pesky as world affairs.
Check it out:

A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama’s team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.

“The President’s national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon,” reads the full statement.

According to Time magazine’s Zeke Miller, Obama skipped the meeting. “Obama did not attend the meeting, but WH official says he has been briefed by Susan Rice and his national security team,” says Miller.

Read this Patriot Update article here: Obama Skips National Security Team Meeting on Russia, Ukraine and @ Obama skipped Saturday's meeting of national security team on Ukraine crisis w/links

And, as another site posted: Even the Hapless Jimmy Carter Wasn't This Bad! :eek:

the best thing for everyone concerned is for the prezbo

to hit a few rounds on the golf course
You guys crack me up. We interrupt our latest "the US should stay out of this and mind our own business" threads to start a circle jerk over the US not doing anything in Ukraine.
Found this on several sites but not a direct link to the e-mail. No wonder Putin thinks he can do anything he wants without consequences.

It is Saturday. You can’t expect him to interrupt his golf game with something as pesky as world affairs.
Check it out:

A White House official emailed some reporters to say that President Obama’s team met today to discuss the ongoing situation on Ukraine. It appears President Obama did not attend.

“The President’s national security team met today to receive an update on the situation in Ukraine and discuss potential policy options. We will provide further updates later this afternoon,” reads the full statement.

According to Time magazine’s Zeke Miller, Obama skipped the meeting. “Obama did not attend the meeting, but WH official says he has been briefed by Susan Rice and his national security team,” says Miller.

Read this Patriot Update article here: Obama Skips National Security Team Meeting on Russia, Ukraine and @ Obama skipped Saturday's meeting of national security team on Ukraine crisis w/links

And, as another site posted: Even the Hapless Jimmy Carter Wasn't This Bad! :eek:

Obama was probably busy trying to decide where to go for his next vacation.
You guys crack me up. We interrupt our latest "the US should stay out of this and mind our own business" threads to start a circle jerk over the US not doing anything in Ukraine.

In this case there is a treaty involved.

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