The Ukrainian Military Looks Ameture At Best.

There is reportedly a Ukrainian fighter pilot who has taken out 6 Russian jets in air to air combat. He is being called the "Ghost of Kyiv"

In all seriousness, tribal Afghanis put up stronger resistance to Russin invasion than Ukraine has so far. Have they disabled even one ground vehicle? At this point without foreign intervention. Ukraine is toast. It is completely at the mercy of Russia.
In all seriousness tribal Afghans could blend in like the Viet Cong and they could hide very well in those hills and valleys: we didn't do so great over 20 years either...

Ukraine is an all together different set of circumstances. I think what's going to happen is that the NATO countries are going to be drawn in.

Putin has made a huge mistake.
Well they have been selling half the weapons given them to the Ukrainian separatists in the East for years.

The reason they were never accepted into NATO was due to the rank corruption throughout every aspect of their government.....That's why the dems used them to peddle influence, launder money, and set-up their family members.
If the Ukrainians are willing to fight (as it looks like they are) there will be tremendous covert help from the West.

Biden's Putin buddy may have bit off more than he can chew.
While the Russian force being brought to bear is certainly daunting; the Ukrainians don’t seem to be putting up a very effective resistance. Who the hell is their military leadership?
Significant part of the military leadership was killed in the very first minutes of the conflict. C&C were degraded by EW.

Why weren’t bridges blown ahead of mechanized convoys?
They were. But the Russians make new bridges and their vehicles can force the rivers without bridges too. Russian Army loves the river crossing exercises:

Why haven’t highways been barricaded with cars, and trucks to provide ambush points or at least stall the advance?
Sometimes they were, but Russians simply destroy those minimal obstacles.
What the Hell are they actually doing besides trading pot shots with small arms fire? Do these folks even have a national defense plan?
Their National Defense plan was something like: "The Russians will never dare really attack us, because America is with us." Just another example of wishful thinking and faith in some stupid declarations.

It certainly doesn’t look like it…
Yes, but the most important reason is that most of Ukrainians don't want to defend current Kievan regime. For example, the Border Guard made no one shot in Russian forces and just leaved their positions.
Significant part of the military leadership was killed in the very first minutes of the conflict. C&C were degraded by EW.

They were. But the Russians make new bridges and their vehicles can force the rivers without bridges too. Russian Army loves the river crossing exercises:

Sometimes they were, but Russians simply destroy those minimal obstacles.

Their National Defense plan was something like: "The Russians will never dare really attack us, because America is with us." Just another example of wishful thinking and faith in some stupid declarations.

Yes, but the most important reason is that most of Ukrainians don't want to defend current Kievan regime. For example, the Border Guard made no one shot in Russian forces and just leaved their positions.

But… Is there any footage of any such attempt being made? One blown bridge? A single Highway pileup and ambush? One fucking body! Just 1! WTF!!!

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