The Ukrainian shake down is bigger than a phone call

The Ukraine Scandal Is Not One Phone Call. It’s a Massive Plot.

The entire Regime needs to be under investigation. There was a web of lies and conspiracy surrounding trump's shake down of the Ukrainian president.

Sounds like you've already done your "investigation", skipped the whole trial thingamajigger and pronounced Donny guilty.

I suppose that means it's Miller time.:beer:
I think that is the similarity to "Russia gate." Mueller listed multiple overtures to and from Trump and from Putin to "collude" with Russia and probably Wiki to interfer with the election, and Mueller listed, and indicted over, multiple actions by the Russian to hack. But Mueller couldn't show anything but talk.

You and I could "chat" about robbing a bank or blowing something up, but so long as we don't take a concrete action to do it, we don't commit a crime. That's why the absence of Trump's phone call explicitly mentioning the aid for Biden's kid was important.

But the Crazy Drunk Grandpa and RoyCohn/Bill Barr have yet to be questioned. So we could possibly have a constitutional crisis yet. I like my popcorn with lots of butter but light on the salt.
Could be, destroying the tapes of CIA torture is right up there, though I think a lot more will surface on this administration before and after 2020.
Would that be like bleaching emails? <thanks Hillary>

Not really. We know the tapes existed and when and why they were destroyed.

What do you expect was on their old server? Plans to take over the world or what? I know, her ambush plans for Benghazi?
Joe Biden gave countries billions of dollars and in return some of that money GOES TO HIS SONS POCKET in fake jobs he had no experience in..

Asking a foreign government to not launder our money is not agains the law
You and I could "chat" about robbing a bank or blowing something up, but so long as we don't take a concrete action to do it, we don't commit a crime. Tha
Actually that's not true. It's called "conspiracy to commit" and it is indeed a crime.
Could be, destroying the tapes of CIA torture is right up there, though I think a lot more will surface on this administration before and after 2020.
Would that be like bleaching emails? <thanks Hillary>

Not really. We know the tapes existed and when and why they were destroyed.

What do you expect was on their old server? Plans to take over the world or what? I know, her ambush plans for Benghazi?
Of course not. Hillary had 30,000 emails about her horse's, I mean her daughter's wedding and her yoga lessons. She wouldn't lie.
Joe Biden gave countries billions of dollars and in return some of that money GOES TO HIS SONS POCKET in fake jobs he had no experience in..

Asking a foreign government to not launder our money is not agains the law
It's really funny listening to a Trumptard lecture about appointing family members to positions in which they have no experience.

Do you have any idea how hilarious you sound? :lol:

Trumps kids were not appointed to sit on a board in a foreign country who their dad sent 1.8 Billion Dollars and they did not get paid millions of dollars for doing nothing.
Of course Biden was sure Hillary was going to be elected and none of this would ever see the light of day, but surprise surprise. What we have here is Democrats trying to impeach Trump as a defense mechanism to protect one of their own.
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.

Can't fix STUPID! He thinks he is teflon don....and the GOP is placing him on that pedestal
Make you wonder how much other evidence of "Vito" Trumpybear's corrupt intent they have hidden or destroyed.

I'd say probably below average since, unlike past administrations, Donny puts most of his corrupt intent on Twitter where his cronies can't shred it.

Could be, destroying the tapes of CIA torture is right up there, though I think a lot more will surface on this administration before and after 2020.

Ummm... you missed the point, allow me to clarify.

Donny and his merry band of miscreants aren't very astute when it comes to keeping their own malfeasance a secret. The Court at Donnybrook Castle has more leaks than a rusty navy and the admiral is a huge blabbermouth.

Like I said, could be. My point is that it could be just the tip of the ice-burg too.

I have long said the Swamp was replaced by an Open Sewer....It is just beginning to stink. Plenty more shit to come out...
The Ukraine Scandal Is Not One Phone Call. It’s a Massive Plot.

The entire Regime needs to be under investigation. There was a web of lies and conspiracy surrounding trump's shake down of the Ukrainian president.
I bet there are a few more calls like that to the Ukrainian head of state and also to other heads of state. They need to demand them all.
/——/ Ahhhh more fishing expeditions.
like you'd never catch anything here.
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.

Why do you idiots keep claiming Trump was found guilty of obstructing anything? Mueller gave it his best shot and came up empty.

Asking another government to look into whether an American politician used his position to enrich his son isn't "collusion" either...this matter SHOULD have been looked into! It stinks of corruption!
This is simply mind boggling.

Immediately after being found to have obstructed an investigation into whether he colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent, Dipshit Dumbfuck Donald picks up the phone and solicits another foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

The man should be impeached just for being a retard.

Why do you idiots keep claiming Trump was found guilty of obstructing anything? Mueller gave it his best shot and came up empty.

Asking another government to look into whether an American politician used his position to enrich his son isn't "collusion" either...this matter SHOULD have been looked into! It stinks of corruption!

I agree. A sitting VP exerting pressure on a foreign Government so his son can make millions??

Sure ain't ethical.
The Ukraine Scandal Is Not One Phone Call. It’s a Massive Plot.

The entire Regime needs to be under investigation. There was a web of lies and conspiracy surrounding trump's shake down of the Ukrainian president.
I bet there are a few more calls like that to the Ukrainian head of state and also to other heads of state. They need to demand them all.
/——/ Ahhhh more fishing expeditions.
like you'd never catch anything here.
/——-/ Those are democRAT fishies. Catch all you want.
So if this is true why won’t democrats move to vote for impeachment today?

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