The ultimate conspiracy


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
What is it, around 71 years since FDR invited the Japanese to attack the US fleet? Navy Admirals recommended that the US Fleet be relocated in San Diego when war with Japan was inevitable but the president refused to relocate the Fleet. Rumors of war were all over the place in November and December of 1941. The US had deciphered Japan's diplomatic code and on the morning of December 7, 1941 the only officer in the entire freaking US Military who had access to code name "Magic" and the responsibility for the security of American forces ...was late for work. COS Marshall's staff had been frantically searching for the General all night when Magic decodes indicated what everyone thought would happen, an attack on American forces. In subsequent congressional hearings about Pear Harbor general Marshall "who it was claimed to have a near photographic memory, couldn't remember where he was the night of December 6, 1941. His lame excuse for arriving late for work was that he was out horseback riding. When hs frantic staff gave him the Magic decodes he seemed to have no reaction. There was still time to contact Pearl Harbor but the COS read and reread and re-re-read the Magic intercepts until the Military communications network (conveniently?) went down and his concern for secrecy precluded picking up the freaking telephone. He sent a Western Union telegram to Pearl Harbor commanders which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes.

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