The Ultimate " Fake news list"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Ultimate “Fake News” List

The mainstream media is the primary source of the most harmful, most inaccurate news ever

Isn’t it ironic how the mainstream media has the nerve to lecture everyone else about “fake news” when they are the primary source of fake news on a consistent basis stretching back years?


– The fake news that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destructionand that Iraq was involved in 9/11, dutifully regurgitated without question by the mainstream media, resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, thousands of dead and injured U.S. troops, and the destabilization of an entire continent.

Those who choose to watch CNN, CBS, ABC, MSN, etc and believe the information they tell you without venturing out to view the very sites this pos Government tells you are fake then you will forever remain a victim of MSM lies. The importance of that you , your kids, grand kids will be easily lead into the gas chambers. I don't mean gas chambers literally ( not yet anyway), but in multiple ways our lives are controlled by this Government and the information we receive. It dictates what we can do or can't do. What is true what isn't true so if the Government tell you it is healthy to eat lets say GMO foods, people are going to believe it while other sources try warning it causes cancer. Since the Government has their hands in the stocks/money of GMO foods they are going to push how great it is. That is only one example of listening to a corrupt Gov. that doesn't give a damn about your health, your life, who you support who you don't if they think you are a die hard Democrat lets say they already know they have your vote in the bag so why worry wth you believe or not . They gotcha.
Left-Wing Plug-In Blocks Conservative Sites, Crashes Browsers
December 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Many lefties have decided that the solution to Trump's win is to climb even deeper into their bubble. Meanwhile the media has been angrily denouncing what it calls "fake news", which is any news that it disagrees with. So it quickly rushed over to praise a plug-in from left-wing anti-Israel activist Daniel Sieradski. There's just one tiny little problem.

The plug-in, however, has bugs, causing some users’ browsers to crash.

In exchange for having their sites censored, users get to enjoy crashes and a slow browser. But isn't crippling their ability to browse the internet the best way to avoid dissenting opinions?

Here are some review of B.S. Detector, the plugin.


Well Comrade, if you want to enjoy Soviet level political correctness, you must also accept Soviet era performance.

Left-Wing Plug-In Blocks Conservative Sites, Crashes Browsers
A writer from the Boston Herald reported the Giants were interested in bringing back Pablo Sandoval. This got picked up by all the sports sites. I had to click on it. On the one hand I'm a fan of the Big Panda, he helped win 3 World Series, and he was a likeable guy. On the other hand Sandoval is obese and he's owed $70 million by the Red Sox. So I said, "No, please no", read the story and the sole source for the rumor is one anonymous "baseball source".
Giants front office denied ever having considered a reunion. I'm going to call the whole thing a false rumor.
Hillary Clinton: Censor the Internet or People Will Die
December 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Madam President stopped by Harry Reid's portrait unveiling (its eyes follow you around the room) to warn that if conservatives aren't censored on the internet, lies. I'm sorry, lives will be put at risk.

"One threat in particular that should concern all Americans," Hillary warned, "the epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year.”

"It's now clear that so-called fake news can have real consequences."

Consequences like the wife of a former president losing an election and the future of her slush fund all in one night.

"This isn't about politics or partisanship," she insisted, even though the sites being targeted are almost invariably right of center.


Quick we have to censor the internet or fake news will kill everyone.

Hillary Clinton: Censor the Internet or People Will Die
December 9, 2016
Fake newser whines about fake news
By Ethel C. Fenig

The liberal-left hilariously continues its meltdown, unable to comprehend that its own is n ot the natural default position in American society, but merely a deviant negative (remember those?), mirror-image of American society – the true alt movement. The latest example is the phenomenon of the discovery of "fake news" – i.e., everything that doesn't reflect the liberal position of the up-to-now dominant media and everything that comes from the new, electronic, and increasingly influential media. Sure, there is a lot of false stuff coming from the latter, but it has become increasingly clear that for years, the so-called mainstream media was also truly biased and slanted.

The latest example is former NBC News star anchor Brian Williams complaining that "fake news" swayed the election toward Donald Trump (R). You remember Brian Williams, don't you? If not, here are a few reminders of his false reports where he inflated his bravery, his courage under fire, his influence, his...oh, why bother? It was all "fake news."

So, naturally, he was moved to NBC's fake news outlet, MSNBC, where he proclaimed:


Uh, Brian, it was Flynn's adult son who said this, not Flynn. Why don't you go to work for a real fake news outlet such as National Enquirer, who actually believed that a wholesome, married to a sick wife Democratic presidential candidate was having an affair and produced a child? Oh wait!


So, yeah – MSNBC is one of the few fake news outfits, masquerading as real news, that would hire you.

Read more: Blog: Fake newser whines about fake news

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