The ultimate flip flop: Tonight Obama declares himself a dictator in his own words

A new bill that does what precisely?

Um, a new bill that addresses the border problem.

They need me to tell them what to write?


I was looking for what your idea was for 'fixing' the immigration problem, what would the bill contain, etc... regarding illegals already here and to keep additional from coming into the country.

Give them open-ended work permits, make them pay their taxes, and put them at the back of the line.

When they reach the front of the line, if they have been good, they become citizens like anyone else.


So anyone who wants a work permit, gets one? Any restrictions? And what about the border?
Great questions. Perhaps they can discuss them and come up answers.

I may be wrong, but I believe that's their job.

Seems to me as long as they are not criminal, if they are here, they remain. Obama just added security to the border, and I think that's a good thing. We need to have complete control of our borders, or at least as close to complete as possible.


I don't believe we should provide amnesty for anyone until we're sure we have the border sealed, and I don't see that happening any time soon. Otherwise you're going to see a huge influx into this country, and those supporting full amnesty and who refuse to offer any kind of control to the influx of people (border) into this country will be regretting their stance when they see their taxes going up to pay for these people and the burden they're going to be on social security and health costs. Years down the road whenever there isn't money for their social security check or their health care, they'll still try to blame conservatives instead of those they supported years past for total amnesty. It will cause overload on all of our social programs, yet no one ever address that, they think it will be absorbed without any effect on their pocket book, and they're totally wrong.
Um, a new bill that addresses the border problem.

They need me to tell them what to write?


I was looking for what your idea was for 'fixing' the immigration problem, what would the bill contain, etc... regarding illegals already here and to keep additional from coming into the country.

Give them open-ended work permits, make them pay their taxes, and put them at the back of the line.

When they reach the front of the line, if they have been good, they become citizens like anyone else.


So anyone who wants a work permit, gets one? Any restrictions? And what about the border?
Great questions. Perhaps they can discuss them and come up answers.

I may be wrong, but I believe that's their job.

Seems to me as long as they are not criminal, if they are here, they remain. Obama just added security to the border, and I think that's a good thing. We need to have complete control of our borders, or at least as close to complete as possible.


I don't believe we should provide amnesty for anyone until we're sure we have the border sealed, and I don't see that happening any time soon. Otherwise you're going to see a huge influx into this country, and those supporting full amnesty and who refuse to offer any kind of control to the influx of people (border) into this country will be regretting their stance when they see their taxes going up to pay for these people and the burden they're going to be on social security and health costs. Years down the road whenever there isn't money for their social security check or their health care, they'll still try to blame conservatives instead of those they supported years past for total amnesty. It will cause overload on all of our social programs, yet no one ever address that, they think it will be absorbed without any effect on their pocket book, and they're totally wrong.

The power elite will NEVER stop illegals from entering the USA. That much should be clear to all of us.

Obama and his gang of thieves (i.e. D Party) needs more illiterate poor D voters. The other thieving party (Rs) wants more cheap labor to appease their wealthy donors.
Obama last night showed himself the facist dictator we knew him to be and all the pathetic progressive tools paise him for it. If you progressives hate freedom so fucking much move to China or Russia leave my coutry alone.

Yup, sorry progtard, but there are millions and millions of Americans that hate that fucker with a passion. In fact, we are the MAJORITY. So enjoy being one of the fewer each day morons still left supporting the anti American turd president that has cemented his legacy as worst in history. Goes to show what kind of a special fucking moron you are, ya brain washed idiot.

If you guys are the "majority", how come he won twice?

I think there are a lot of people who didn't vote for him who think he's an okay guy.
The problem you're having is you're living and speaking in past tense.

I personally know old school democrats who both were duped by his lies and voted for him both times, but by their own admission, they both think he's a scummy little lying asshole now, and would not vote for him again. I think the way they feel is very typical of democrats that are decent people and genuinely don't want to see bad things happen to this country, but they don't lie to themselves about what they see the kenyan doing now. You progtards here still defending Barry as if he was some sort of icon of justice and law as an American president must be absolutely retarded, and have no conscience at all about how incredibly stupid you look to most here on this board. You are pure, blind, partisan hacks, who will defend Barry until the better end, even if he should be impeached and get kicked out of office. It's sad.
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We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

The only broken part I see is ...
We don't have a secure border....
We let people with visa's stay after they are supposed to leave....
We don't enforce the laws on the books...

Now we have to do another amnesty deal....
Can't we secure the border first before granting immunity...
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?

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We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

Then how about explaining why the far left is demanding more laws when they will not even enforce the laws on the books?
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.
You're joking of course... I hope.

I've always thought you to be more a serious, intelligent poster. Now I'm not so sure.
How long before this gets put in Rubber Room, even though it's the main topic of conversation right now? Let's hope Taze Me Bro isn't logged on.

The ultimate flip flop Tonight Obama declares himself a dictator in his own words 8211 Glenn Beck

“The president, if he does what they’re saying he’s going to do and through executive order just changes our immigration laws, he’s officially become a dictator, has he not?,” Glenn said on radio this morning.

If Obama does announce he will move forward on immigration reform via executive order, he will be flip flopping on many of his earlier promises.

On the show, Glenn played a montage of several sound bites where Obama promised not to govern by executive order:

The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order. That’s just not the case. Because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed. There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system. That for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president. – March, 2011

I can’t solve this problem by myself. We’ll have to have bipartisan support to make it happen. – April, 2011

We’re also a nation of laws. That’s part of our tradition. And so the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend I can do something by violating our laws. – November, 2013

I can’t simply ignore laws that are out there. I have to work to make sure they’re changed. – October, 2010

I know some wish I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself.
But that’s not how a democracy works. See, a democracy is hard. But it’s right. Changing our laws means doing the hard work of changing minds and changing votes one by one. – April, 2011

Sometimes when I talk to immigration advocates, you know, they wish I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how a democracy works. – May, 2011

Now, I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books. Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the law on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.
I promise you. Not just on immigration reform.
But that’s not how our system works. – July, 2011

“I don’t know what he will do tonight, but based on what he said and what is being said is coming tonight, this is an impeachable offense. Impeachable, in his own words,” Glenn said.

The ultimate flip flop Tonight Obama declares himself a dictator in his own words 8211 Glenn Beck

Damnit. Can we PLEASE get it right?? He is NOT a "dictator", OK? He is an Emperor. :)
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?

We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?


Who is paying them and is it under the table money? If they have Green Cards don't they pay taxes through the payroll deductions like most everyone else? Most of them work very hard. They want a better life for their children.

Maybe we could discuss what he actually did, and what the Republicans would be smart to do with their new power.

Like perhaps create a new bill and put it on his desk.

We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes? Don't we want to fix something that is fucked up?

I must be missing something here.


A new bill that does what precisely?

Um, a new bill that addresses the border problem.

They need me to tell them what to write?


I was looking for what your idea was for 'fixing' the immigration problem, what would the bill contain, etc... regarding illegals already here and to keep additional from coming into the country.
First off close the border. Then enforce the laws already on the books and no amnesty. Pretty simple really.
The only broken part I see is ...
We don't have a secure border....
We let people with visa's stay after they are supposed to leave....
We don't enforce the laws on the books...

Now we have to do another amnesty deal....
Can't we secure the border first before granting immunity...
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?

Which just means the LAWS should be enforced and ICE should be allowed to do their job. The immigration system isn't broken the politicians are and ignorant people who agree with them with no proof but what some talking head said on TV.

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