The ultimate fometer of Globalism... Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of ‘Shared Prosperity’


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'

In spite of tens of millions of American's very self-evident hatred of radical leftism, the American Left continues to shove a tongue depressor of collectivism down our throats—politically, socially, culturally and ideologically. Unlike the kid at the Sunday dinner table who barfs over stewed tomatoes, we patriots will not try to feed them tomatoes, stewed, to the dog hiding under said table. Nah, we'll just have to feed the cook to Spot instead. Woof!
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
Of course Bernie didn't mention what else happens in the New World Order.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
It is so much easier for someone like Bernie to share just enough to get in power, then when he starts killing the smart people, because they are a threat, soon there aren't anyone to fight against the tyranny of Socialism. After that the stupid fuckers are executed because Socialists don't want people who sit on their lazy fucking ass all day. It happens every fucking time, but dumbass liberals(I know redundant statement) just wont study history. Takes too much work, and liberals despise work, that 4 letter word they hate.

Let give our hard earned money to third world shitheads. What could possibly go wrong?
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
Of course Bernie didn't mention what else happens in the New World Order.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
It is so much easier for someone like Bernie to share just enough to get in power, then when he starts killing the smart people, because they are a threat, soon there aren't anyone to fight against the tyranny of Socialism. After that the stupid fuckers are executed because Socialists don't want people who sit on their lazy fucking ass all day. It happens every fucking time, but dumbass liberals(I know redundant statement) just wont study history. Takes too much work, and liberals despise work, that 4 letter word they hate.


Excellent post. Thanks.

Insane how very closely our current American political climate mirrors that of pre-French Revolution France circa the 1770's. The stage, or table if you like, has been perfectly set for an almost exact repeat of that horribly bloody chapter in Western history. And no one seems to notice or give a damn.
Fuck Bernie

Drop him off in Venezuela

you spelled FINLAND completely wrong!

I see you post a pic of reagan...
who suggested that all of our differences would disappear and we would unite against a common alien attack!.....

a little like globalism!.....working together for the common good.....

after the invasion is over and the aliens are sent packing by the overwhelming force of our conservative militia units will we remain united? or go back to warring against each other?....
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
Bernie Sanders Asks Nation To Please Stop Mailing Him Books On Economics

Bernie Sanders Asks Nation To Please Stop Mailing Him Books On Economics
"...Sanders made the request after receiving yet another daily shipment of books from well-meaning Americans who simply assumed that he has never read a book on the subject in his life.

“I’ve got 1,200 copies of Human Action, 1,500 copies of Basic Economics, and 4,700 copies of Economics in One Lesson,” the angered senator said. “I’m drowning here.” Sanders also showed the late-night host a small mountain of children’s books on the subject of economics from the easy-to-read Tuttle Twins series, sent to him from Americans who assumed he had somehow missed classroom discussions on the value of a dollar and supply and demand while in elementary school. . .."

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