The ultimate fometer of Globalism... Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of ‘Shared Prosperity’

He can start by giving away his multiple homes, and millions of dollars, all acquired while he was IN OFFICE.
Leftists , Socialists , Communists, Fascists, Liberals , Progressives, Democrats. It starts with Coordinated Civil unrest and harassment of Govt officials who disagree with there Ideology. and ends with Poverty and Subjugation of the Populace for the common good. They'll try and take your guns first, can't have the common people being able to protect themselves against the Govt. Sound familiar!!!!!
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
Of course Bernie didn't mention what else happens in the New World Order.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
It is so much easier for someone like Bernie to share just enough to get in power, then when he starts killing the smart people, because they are a threat, soon there aren't anyone to fight against the tyranny of Socialism. After that the stupid fuckers are executed because Socialists don't want people who sit on their lazy fucking ass all day. It happens every fucking time, but dumbass liberals(I know redundant statement) just wont study history. Takes too much work, and liberals despise work, that 4 letter word they hate.


Excellent post. Thanks.

Insane how very closely our current American political climate mirrors that of pre-French Revolution France circa the 1770's. The stage, or table if you like, has been perfectly set for an almost exact repeat of that horribly bloody chapter in Western history. And no one seems to notice or give a damn.
And who the fuck do you think set that table up. Let them eat cake? While that family ate caviar and steak, and drank champagne till all hours of the night(and don't forget they smoked pot) the rest of US were put into poverty, the most since the War on Poverty started. Shitfucks like you, are why those "Royals" thought they could get away with it...

Report: 3 million more children in poverty under Obama, 22% of all kids
My VT Senators are so horrible that at times I have a tough time deciding who is more deleterious to the tenets of our Constitution, capitalistic free market economy and national sovereignty. There are so may over the top lines in this short expert of a speech he gave yesterday. What he succinctly conveyed in a mater of a few minutes is the ultimate anathema to conservatism, constitutionalism & sovereign nationalism. I'll supply the link but choose not to copy and paste any of his globalist bull shit, out of principle. Either way, it'll elicit a strong reaction (fomentation fodder) IMHO. he definitely hit at the nerve center of the hysteric divide we are witnessing nationally.

Watch: Bernie Sanders Calls for New World Order of 'Shared Prosperity'
Of course Bernie didn't mention what else happens in the New World Order.

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
It is so much easier for someone like Bernie to share just enough to get in power, then when he starts killing the smart people, because they are a threat, soon there aren't anyone to fight against the tyranny of Socialism. After that the stupid fuckers are executed because Socialists don't want people who sit on their lazy fucking ass all day. It happens every fucking time, but dumbass liberals(I know redundant statement) just wont study history. Takes too much work, and liberals despise work, that 4 letter word they hate.


Excellent post. Thanks.

Insane how very closely our current American political climate mirrors that of pre-French Revolution France circa the 1770's. The stage, or table if you like, has been perfectly set for an almost exact repeat of that horribly bloody chapter in Western history. And no one seems to notice or give a damn.
And who the fuck do you think set that table up. Let them eat cake? While that family ate caviar and steak, and drank champagne till all hours of the night(and don't forget they smoked pot) the rest of US were put into poverty, the most since the War on Poverty started. Shitfucks like you, are why those "Royals" thought they could get away with it...

Report: 3 million more children in poverty under Obama, 22% of all kids

I applaud you answer exactly because, and in deference to the affronts, we conservatives—Republican and moderate liberal alike will be on the receiving end of any incoming mirror's edge of a neo-French Revolution 2.0 American version. Think babies and bayonets. But the American Left has already "gone there" has it not? Only, the American Left has replaced bayonets with these:

Wonder if Bernie realizes he's be one of the first victims of the NWO??
I'm not quite sure I or most quite understand the assertion of Bernie as 'the first', could you expound a bit? I tend to think of the Rothschild banking monopoly and more recently the Bilderberg Group as being the the undegirdings of the NWO and that stems back to the 19th century (Rothschilds). I wish 'Tree' would pop up and expound more for us, lol.
From the OP's article
Sanders Declared "It is time for us to stand up and say there is a better way to use our wealth,"
"In closing let me simply state, in order to effectively to combat the pluses of global oligarchy and authoritarianism, we need an international movement that mobilizes behind a vision of shared prosperity, security and dignity for all people and that addresses the massive global inequality that exists not only in wealth, but in political power."

LOL, So Bernie's theory is that in order to combat "global oligarchy and authoritarianism", we need to take oligarchy and authoritarianism to a global scale. Has this guy EVER read a history book? It's always the same with these dipshit government worshippers, "Give us more centralized power and we'll fix what the centralization of power has broken".

A perfect description of what The World According to Bernie and his Authoritarian Compadres would be ---->

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever." -- George Orwell, 1984

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