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The ULTIMATE indictment on left-wing policy

This is what left-wing policy does: it destroys everything in its path. It forces society into extreme poverty. Which in turn forces even the educated to debase, defile, and degrade themselves just to survive.

What a tragedy that these educated women have been forced to resort to this just to survive simply because the left is made up of greedy - and lazy - individuals who believe they are entitled to what other people have. It always ends this way with left-wing policy.

In Venezuela, they were teachers and doctors. To buy food, they became prostitutes.

Indeed. Because extreme right wing societies like racist's Facist's and racial supremacist societies have always ended so well.

Sorry bud. Extremism in any form - right or left - always fails. If you believe only one side is bad then it is you who are our future failure waiting to happen.

To be clear, our current leader, a greedy and lazy man who inherited millions only to fail again and again, slept with essentially a prostitute who has sex with others to feed her family. But nice try.
Now that it is becoming impossible for progressives to deny the idiocy of nationalized healthcare, you will see the left start demanding “global healthcare”. They will idiotically insist that no nation has a right to their sovereignty and that they owe citiznes of other nations unlimited healthcare.
After years of austerity, Britain’s lumbering National Health Service is under enormous strain, with severe shortages of beds and medical staff, all of which is producing waiting times for nonemergency procedures to stretch over months, and sometimes beyond a year.

To cope, the N.H.S. has been quietly outsourcing some surgeries to three hospitals in France for the last year or so. It is a little-known partnership, because the N.H.S. is not eager to advertise the measures it is being forced to take.
Socialized medicine has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...
Socialized Medicine?

As with just about everything else, the best systems incorporate some concepts of "socialism" and some concepts of capitalism.

Socialized medicine presupposes that the Sovereign employs all of the healthcare practitioners, owns the hospitals, clinics, labs, rehab facilities, and so forth, and their services are offered to the Public at low, or nominal, cost (other than paying taxes). There are many downsides to this paradigm, mainly related to the fact that when things are "free" their use is abused, and the fact that Government fucks everything up generally.

A "capitalist" medical paradigm presumes that the practitioners are either independent professionals or are employed by private entities, usually with a profit motive. The downside is that only those with sufficient resources will get "good" medical care, and medical decisions may be made with a view to maximizing profit rather than the overall best outcome (e.g., performing expensive surgery on an elderly person with means, in order to keep them alive for another month).

The VA medical system in our country is a good example of a hybrid system. The VA employs practitioners and owns facilities, but it also contracts out certain of its healthcare responsibilities to the "private sector," when it is not able to provide the care that the law requires. FOR MOST VETERANS, the VA does a very good job, but our cynical and self-aggrandizing Fourth Estate likes to focus on the VA's failures rather than its successes. [I'm a veteran].


There are two elephants in the room with respect to U.S. medical care: First, the presence of health insurance for most people, and Second, the mountain of government money (mainly Medicare and Medicaid) flooding the system. The healthcare industry (the doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc) operates to maximize its exploitation of insurance money and government money, with the best interests of patients coming in Third, and the best interests of the overall Society coming in last.

As a result, the "Healthcare and Health Insurance Industry" is by far the greatest expense in our society. It is literally too big to control in any meaningful way.

For most people it works out well, but economically, it is a nightmare.
History has proven it over and over and over. Conservative policy ends in prosperity every time. Left-wing policy ends in poverty every time.
Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor.
Left-wing policy collapsed Detroit - resulting in an entire city filing for bankruptcy. It is about to do the same thing with the state of California.

Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
Nothing lowers the bar like the failed left-wing ideology.
The scores are a particular indictment of Obama-era education policies, including historically high levels of spending, the addition of new programs, numerous federal directives, and perhaps most consequentially, Common Core.
The more money progressives have thrown at education and the more they have tried to control it, the worse the results have gotten.

Nation's 'Report Card' Shows Federal Intervention Has Not Helped Students
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy...
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, its supporters celebrated the legislation, calling it a landmark bill that would make Americans healthier and lower health care costs for families.

Eight years later, it’s clearer than ever the ACA’s “Obamacare” exchanges have done quite the opposite. Not only are health care costs skyrocketing, the health insurance provided by Obamacare is so expensive for people to use that millions more Americans are now choosing not to go to the doctor — even when they’re sick or injured.
Socialized medicine doesn’t work. It has never worked. It never will work. Government meddling in issues outside of their constitutional authority always ends in failure and suffering.

Commentary: Obamacare is now so terrible, people aren’t going to their doctors — even when sick
Failed left-wing policy doing what failed left-wing policy does...

Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
The nation's most troublesome and dangerous cities have been run by Democrats, often black Democrats, for nearly a half-century. It's Democrat-run cities where blacks suffer the highest murder rates and their youngsters attend the poorest-performing and most unsafe schools.
Left-wing policy always ends in poverty.

Kanye West Threatens the Democratic Party's Hold on Black Americans
California has literally decomposed into a third-world shit-hole. The state has been so severely decimated by failed left-wing policy, that residents can no longer take a shower and do their laundry on the same day.
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it’s illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you’ll exceed your “ration.”
The state with the largest ocean-front coastline has to ration water. Water! They also announced today that over 10,000 businesses have fled California since 2008.

In California, You Can't Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day
Nothing ends in collapse, poverty, and misery like failed left-wing policy. These are “Great Depression” era numbers:
California's Democratic leaders claim to be the champions of the poor, and yet California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, when California's stratospheric cost-of-living, housing and taxes are accounted for, the poverty rate is a shocking 20.6%.
Only idiotic left-wing policy could take a state with unimaginable natural resources and turn it into a catastrophic 20.6% poverty rate.

Democratic disaster: 7 progressive policies that are driving the California mass exodus

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