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The ULTIMATE indictment on left-wing policy

Here is an elected representative of the Dumbocrat Party openly advocating for the overthrow of a sitting U.S. president. This is how radicalized the left has become.
During her weekly press briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked what it would take for Americans to start an “uprising” against the Trump administration
I can answer that for you, Nancy. The American people are not “uprising” because they support President Trump his policy of properly enforcing the law.

Nancy Pelosi wonders why Americans are not ‘uprising’ against Trump admin. over border conditions
The shit-hole state of California strikes again. The state isn’t even capable of providing clean, healthy drinking water to our veterans in a hospital.
Legionella, the bacteria that can cause Legionnaire’s disease, was found in the water that supplies the water fountains at Pettis VA Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, according to recent water safety tests.
California is a complete and total embarrassment to the United States. Progressive policy has turned it into a third-world nation.

Legionella bacteria discovered in California VA hospital’s water fountains
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy...
Nearly four dozen police officers have resigned from the Seattle Police Department this year in what is being described as a “mass exodus” over the city’s increasingly liberal and progressive policies.
The lawless thugs and their failed left-wing policies not only cause citizens to flee their city and states, it even causes law enforcement to flee their crumbling cities and states.

Report: Seattle police flee city in ‘mass exodus’ over city’s liberal, anti-police politics
I cannot thank the left enough. As they continue to go further and further left (which includes fascism, violence, etc.) they continue to push more and more Americans to the right. The future is very bright for conservatives so long as we don't nominate and/or elect corrupt individuals who will bring scandals to their public office.
“You ask for a contribution, but the Democratic Party — which I am a lifelong member of — is currently betraying the ideals that our party once stood for: American values.

“Senator Schumer, as a fellow Democrat, I ask you to work to restore sanity and honestly to our party so that I can feel good about supporting it fully. Until then, I’m afraid the Republicans have my support.”
The left has lost every true American. They have lost the working man. They have lost the Kennedy-era Democrats. All they have are the marxist/fascists in academia. The people who have never been in the real world and spend all day theorizing about "economic equality" because they don't understand how the real world works.

Longtime NY Dem slams Schumer, defends Trump: ‘Republicans have my support’
It never works. It always ends in catastrophic failure and perpetual poverty.
After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence. Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of individual rights.
Only an idiot and a parasite supports collectivism.

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution
First Fidel Castro admits that socialism doesn’t work. And now Nicolas Maduro admits that socialism doesn’t work.
Caracas (AFP) - Under-fire Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro admitted his economic model has "failed" in the wake of food and medicine shortages and public service paralysis, such as Tuesday's power failure that affected 80 percent of Caracas.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Venezuela's president admits economy has failed
Idiotic left-wing policy always ends in extreme poverty, loss of liberty, and universal misery.
San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.
No power? No water? Sounds like California. This is the insanity that progressives want to bring here to the U.S.

San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore
It never works. It never has worked. It never will work.
A Canadian province has decided to scrap its universal basic income pilot after lawmakers decided it was “quite expensive” and “not sustainable,” The Guardian reported.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Canadian province scraps ‘not sustainable’ basic income program pilot
The left has literally become the Nazis. Just a bunch of mindless fascists who will not tolerate even a simple question.
For all the predictable speechifying about “diversity” that I heard at cocktail parties and literary events, I became struck by just how politically monolithic this scene really is. It’s not just that writers and editors have to be PC when it comes to their books and their public pronouncements: There also seems to be a crushing uniformity in regard to their privately held viewpoints.
There is nothing tolerant or “diverse” about the left. Absolutely nothing. They will not tolerate even the slightest deviation from their rigid and frightening doctrine. Case in point:
When I cut to the chase and asked why no one at the table seemed to feel aggrieved for women suffering under Islamic oppression, voices were raised and, well, I may or may not have been asked to leave. There were other experiences like this, and I learned to hold my tongue.
Chilling. The left will no longer engage in intellectualism. Not only will they not ask questions in the search for answers, solutions, or a better way, they won’t even tolerate someone else asking questions.

A Glimpse Into the Ideological Monoculture of Literary New York - Quillette
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy
If Congress were to pass a gender quota law for legislators, as California did for boardrooms of corporations headquartered there, it would demean female legislators instead of applauding their successes.
California has created mandated quotas for women to be on boards (which only ensures that the best PERSON doesn't get the job). Meanwhile, no such quota exists and women were just elected in record numbers.

Record Numbers of Women in Congress Disprove the Need for Feminist Policies
Socialism never ends well. Ever.
When small family farms were taken over by the government and repackaged in giant government administered cooperatives in China and the Soviet Union, less food was produced, not more, and both countries suffered mass starvation.
Just like Venezuela. Just like Cuba. Just like Ethiopia. Just like every ghetto the Dumbocrats have created in the U.S.

The Empty Promises of Socialism
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
The protesters, upset with increasing taxes and the high cost of living, rioted Saturday in one of the city’s most popular tourist areas
Come on idiot left-wing minions break out all of the excuses now! Tell us how it’s the “lack” of socialism that is causing the collapse. Or tell us how it is the “corruption” of the government and not the socialism. Give us all of your usual avoid-reality-at-all-costs bullshit.

Chaos in Paris as rioters torch cars, smash windows; French President Macron plans emergency meeting
Thank God the adults are in charge of the federal government once again...
ICE immigration agents arrested 105 people in New Jersey in a five-day operation, despite state Attorney General Gurbir Grewal ordering local, county and state law enforcement to limit their cooperation with federal immigration police.
That is 105 of the worst type of criminals roaming the streets thanks to the Dumbocrats - who have given a directive to the law enforcement and leaders of their states, counties, and cities to support criminal activity and protect criminals.

Massive ICE operation nabs child abusers, gang members, internationally-wanted criminals
This is how left-wing ideology always ends. With the complete and total oppression of the people.
Six years ago, the Venezuelan National Assembly, led by former President Hugo Chavez, enacted a law to disarm all citizens. Thousands of guns were seized by force, and now many citizens look back and regret that they gave up their ability to fight an oppressive regime, according to Fox News.
If only the left weren’t so against education, they would actually study (real) history and learn from it.

Venezuela took citizens' guns by force—now the people are regretful and helpless against oppression

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