The UnBenghazi

Being an anti American traitor does that too....;)
I am more pro American than most, which means I very much oppose constant war. Sadly, dumb Americans think love of country means you must agree with the war criminals in DC.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.

I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.
"Invading and occupying Iraq has brought the U.S. nothing except flag-draped coffins, burgeoning VA wards, and fiscal ruin. ..."
It would have been NO CONTEST had the folks in Benghazi had Apaches.

Had Chelsea and the Obama girls been in Benghazi, forces would have been sent. As well, Obama and Hillary would have been on the phone with various folks in Libya telling them to protect or be executed by an American drone. Instead, Barry and Hillary went to bed.

1) Baghdad embassy was built for security not a tempory building like Benghazi

2) Helicopters were twenty minutes away from Baghdad, Benagzi there were none that could reach them in time. Nearest F-16 were in Spain only reachable if they flew without weapons or refueled which was not feasible in time.

3) Benghazi was at night. But there are things like time zones so it started late afternoon in DC.

4) The Embassy attack was the direct result of a Trump action. Benghazi was attacked just because they were Americans by a rebel group.
It would have been NO CONTEST had the folks in Benghazi had Apaches.

Had Chelsea and the Obama girls been in Benghazi, forces would have been sent. As well, Obama and Hillary would have been on the phone with various folks in Libya telling them to protect or be executed by an American drone. Instead, Barry and Hillary went to bed.

1) Baghdad embassy was built for security not a tempory building like Benghazi

2) Helicopters were twenty minutes away from Baghdad, Benagzi there were none that could reach them in time. Nearest F-16 were in Spain only reachable if they flew without weapons or refueled which was not feasible in time.

3) Benghazi was at night. But there are things like time zones so it started late afternoon in DC.

4) The Embassy attack was the direct result of a Trump action. Benghazi was attacked just because they were Americans by a rebel group.

Wrong. Benghazi was attacked because we were running arms out of it. That's also why it was protected by private guards. You don't do that with an embassy.
I am more pro American than most, which means I very much oppose constant war. Sadly, dumb Americans think love of country means you must agree with the war criminals in DC.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.

I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.

Yeah, I can.

You're simply not worth the effort or the bytes.

You've been revealed as simply one more scummy, Leftist, America hater....and that would be my purpose....but you've already copped to it.

Isn’t this the time of year you are usually busy shedding your skin?
Don't let me keep you.....
It would have been NO CONTEST had the folks in Benghazi had Apaches.

Had Chelsea and the Obama girls been in Benghazi, forces would have been sent. As well, Obama and Hillary would have been on the phone with various folks in Libya telling them to protect or be executed by an American drone. Instead, Barry and Hillary went to bed.

1) Baghdad embassy was built for security not a tempory building like Benghazi

2) Helicopters were twenty minutes away from Baghdad, Benagzi there were none that could reach them in time. Nearest F-16 were in Spain only reachable if they flew without weapons or refueled which was not feasible in time.

3) Benghazi was at night. But there are things like time zones so it started late afternoon in DC.

4) The Embassy attack was the direct result of a Trump action. Benghazi was attacked just because they were Americans by a rebel group.

And here's yet another one....proving the natural first response of the Democrats and the media is fear, cowardice, and betrayal.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.

I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.

Yeah, I can.

You're simply not worth the effort of the bytes.

So that would be a concession of my point.
Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.

I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.

Yeah, I can.

You're simply not worth the effort of the bytes.

So that would be a concession of my point.

Only if your point is that you are low-life scum.

We agree?
Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.

I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.

Yeah, I can.

You're simply not worth the effort of the bytes.

So that would be a concession of my point.

Only if your point is that you are low-life scum.

We agree?

This is typical and a real mirror as to why we are in such a mess. Too many like yourself who believe name calling is a proper response to the concerns of others.

I'll never understand it.
I can't imagine OBL agreeing with you.

Nor is the rest of your post correct.

You are free to continue hating America....thanks to America.

Oddly (commonly) you can not explain why I am wrong. And no, OBL can not agree with me.

Yeah, I can.

You're simply not worth the effort of the bytes.

So that would be a concession of my point.

Only if your point is that you are low-life scum.

We agree?

This is typical and a real mirror as to why we are in such a mess. Too many like yourself who believe name calling is a proper response to the concerns of others.

I'll never understand it.

I thought we agreed that you are simply one more boilerplate government school grad who has turned out to be an enemy of the American people, and Western Civilization in general.

You're going back on that agreement, now???? forgot to sign onto McGowan's tweet....'Here's another chance.

This is the definitive Liberal response....


Rose McGowan APOLOGIZES to Iran and begs 'please do not kill us' in Twitter rant | Daily Mail Online

I guess she pretty much speaks for all of you Liberals/Democrats, huh?
Yes not marching in lock step can get one in trouble, in the land of the free.

Being an anti American traitor does that too....;)
I am more pro American than most, which means I very much oppose constant war. Sadly, dumb Americans think love of country means you must agree with the war criminals in DC.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.
A. Saudi government played no role in 9-11, you whacko conspiracies fool.
B. Iran is responsible for supplying the munitions that killed most of our troops.
If I went back and looked my guess is McGowan is another in a long line of hypocrites here. She has good company though.
Being an anti American traitor does that too....;)
I am more pro American than most, which means I very much oppose constant war. Sadly, dumb Americans think love of country means you must agree with the war criminals in DC.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.
A. Saudi government played no role in 9-11, you whacko conspiracies fool.

Nor did I say that. Please read a little slower before responding.

B. Iran is responsible for supplying the munitions that killed most of our troops.

Well, I have no way of determining the number they supplied and the number we supplied.
Being an anti American traitor does that too....;)
I am more pro American than most, which means I very much oppose constant war. Sadly, dumb Americans think love of country means you must agree with the war criminals in DC.
No, killing terrorists is the good thing. If they want to start a war over it, that’s on them.

Winston Churchill is often quoted as having said (supposedly paraphrasing Orwell) “We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

Can I get an 'Amen'!

Syria did us no harm. Libya did us no harm. Yemen did us no harm. Iraq did us no harm. Unless of course you consider not allowing the Wall Street titans run their countries harm.

Saudi Arabians did do us harm but we gave them a pass. Perhaps we can argue (if you believe everything the government tells you) Pakistan allowed OBL to freely live there. We did nothing.
A. Saudi government played no role in 9-11, you whacko conspiracies fool.
B. Iran is responsible for supplying the munitions that killed most of our troops.

Please don't leave out Hussein's role in paying for the Iranian IEDs....

And Obama funded the Iran/Hezbollah Axis and helped pay for the IEDs that maimed American troops.

Here is the only actual obstruction of justice in recent history:

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.

Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?
Lol. Nice try.

America shouldn’t be killing people in foreign lands.

No, you're right, we should just let enemies do whatever they wish to American's in our embassies abroad...Y'all proved that with Benghazi...

Valid point only if you agree to allow other countries to run wars out of them here.

Try making some sense next time...

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