the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% which is Great news

Eight percent unemployment is the new norm.

A lot of jobs aren't needed anymore due to technology.

And a lot of jobs are either outsourced or insourced to take advantage of cheap labor.

Welcome to the realities of the 21st century.

Maybe in your world but it certainly does not have to be the future.
I wonder what time the WH will get together to give the liberal media the direction on how to handle this news. That way the crowd at MSNBC will be on the same page as usual.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

it's ok news for both...

lower would be better, obviously.

perhaps we should stop cutting 'government'. you know that cutting teachers, firefighters and police increases unemployment, right?

Yea and maybe we can start borrowing 50 cents on every dollar we spend. Shoot money is nothing let's start spending 2 dollars for every dollar we earn. That will really boost the economy.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

it's ok news for both...

lower would be better, obviously.

perhaps we should stop cutting 'government'. you know that cutting teachers, firefighters and police increases unemployment, right?

Yea and maybe we can start borrowing 50 cents on every dollar we spend. Shoot money is nothing let's start spending 2 dollars for every dollar we earn. That will really boost the economy.

:eek: Austerity.......................:D
And the damn REPUBLICANS STILL filibuster and obstruct against ALL jobs bills. The American Jobs Act and the highway bill are buried in the Repub House. They have 13 "working" days left before the election. Anyone wanna bet they'll suddenly start voting FOR jobs?

Hell no. They're entire "jobs plan" is to keep millions out of work in order to put one man out of a job. The only thing we can expect from Boehner and the rest of the pub bums is to continue their business as usual - golf and photo ops where they'll lie about the president. Their lies work because so many Americans do not know that we have three branches of government.

Are we better off?

2008 Under Bush:
Mar...... -112,000
Apr....... -215,000
May....... *216,000
Jun....... -231,000
Jul........ -259,000
Aug...... -294,000

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000
Jul….. +163,000
Aug….. +96,000

Anyone planning to vote FOR Mitt will be voting AGAINST jobs.

Perhaps if the Senate would pass a budget, we could discuss all of those jobs programs that will cost taxpayer money. Can someone get obstructionist Harry Reid on the phone?
There sure was a lot of celebrating last night at the the convention.
I have no idea of what they were celebrating?
And the damn REPUBLICANS STILL filibuster and obstruct against ALL jobs bills. The American Jobs Act and the highway bill are buried in the Repub House. They have 13 "working" days left before the election. Anyone wanna bet they'll suddenly start voting FOR jobs?

Hell no. They're entire "jobs plan" is to keep millions out of work in order to put one man out of a job. The only thing we can expect from Boehner and the rest of the pub bums is to continue their business as usual - golf and photo ops where they'll lie about the president. Their lies work because so many Americans do not know that we have three branches of government.

Are we better off?

2008 Under Bush:
Mar...... -112,000
Apr....... -215,000
May....... *216,000
Jun....... -231,000
Jul........ -259,000
Aug...... -294,000

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000
Jul….. +163,000
Aug….. +96,000

Anyone planning to vote FOR Mitt will be voting AGAINST jobs.

So there was no jobs lost...correct. So why did unemployment pct stay the same all those months.
pretty deceptive when you won't list the jobs that were lost.
And the damn REPUBLICANS STILL filibuster and obstruct against ALL jobs bills. The American Jobs Act and the highway bill are buried in the Repub House. They have 13 "working" days left before the election. Anyone wanna bet they'll suddenly start voting FOR jobs?

Hell no. They're entire "jobs plan" is to keep millions out of work in order to put one man out of a job. The only thing we can expect from Boehner and the rest of the pub bums is to continue their business as usual - golf and photo ops where they'll lie about the president. Their lies work because so many Americans do not know that we have three branches of government.

Are we better off?

2008 Under Bush:
Mar...... -112,000
Apr....... -215,000
May....... *216,000
Jun....... -231,000
Jul........ -259,000
Aug...... -294,000

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000
Jul….. +163,000
Aug….. +96,000

Anyone planning to vote FOR Mitt will be voting AGAINST jobs.

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000 revised downward to 64,000
Jul….. +163,000 revised downward to 148,000
Aug….. +96,000 likely real number 80,000
Even if we accept the 96,000 number, with the people who are no longer looking for work, there is a net loss of 274,000 jobs
And the damn REPUBLICANS STILL filibuster and obstruct against ALL jobs bills. The American Jobs Act and the highway bill are buried in the Repub House. They have 13 "working" days left before the election. Anyone wanna bet they'll suddenly start voting FOR jobs?

Hell no. They're entire "jobs plan" is to keep millions out of work in order to put one man out of a job. The only thing we can expect from Boehner and the rest of the pub bums is to continue their business as usual - golf and photo ops where they'll lie about the president. Their lies work because so many Americans do not know that we have three branches of government.

Are we better off?

2008 Under Bush:
Mar...... -112,000
Apr....... -215,000
May....... *216,000
Jun....... -231,000
Jul........ -259,000
Aug...... -294,000

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000
Jul….. +163,000
Aug….. +96,000

Anyone planning to vote FOR Mitt will be voting AGAINST jobs.

So there was no jobs lost...correct. So why did unemployment pct stay the same all those months.
pretty deceptive when you won't list the jobs that were lost.

Also, he has to use the job count with Bush, when there was a recession, he's using the job count with Obama when there is no recession. Only a partisan hack would attempt that.
Eight percent unemployment is the new norm.

A lot of jobs aren't needed anymore due to technology.

And a lot of jobs are either outsourced or insourced to take advantage of cheap labor.

Welcome to the realities of the 21st century.

No wonder we aren't increasing the job market with liberals thinking this way.

No hope, no change just accept how pitiful we are.

Very inspiring.
Who the FUCK believes the Obama Job numbers anyway?

Raise your hand if you don't think the numbers will get "revised" (upward) soon enough.

Under the failed "leadership" of the incumbent, the unemployment rate (even the official one which is tailored bullshit anyway) has never been under 8%.

The incumbent just CANNOT suck enough. And still the mindless sheep libs flock to him.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

That is amazing considering Republican obstruction.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

That is amazing considering Republican obstruction.

15 jobs bills from the House are sitting in the Senate, why are the Democrats tabling all of them without discussion? I think that is the real obstruction.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

That is amazing considering Republican obstruction.

15 jobs bills from the House are sitting in the Senate, why are the Democrats tabling all of them without discussion? I think that is the real obstruction.

The libs will now shun you like the Amish shun one of their own when they go all CITY on them.

Libs do not like to be confronted with the truth.
For Obama it is great news. Not for the unemployed. Only 90,000 jobs created while 386,000 left the work force. Why doesn't the labor department get it over with and say everyone left the work force so Obama can proclaims 0% unemployment.

That is amazing considering Republican obstruction.

15 jobs bills from the House are sitting in the Senate, why are the Democrats tabling all of them without discussion? I think that is the real obstruction.

I hope you're not waiting around for an answer from him. The actual truth is not what they want to debate.
And the damn REPUBLICANS STILL filibuster and obstruct against ALL jobs bills. The American Jobs Act and the highway bill are buried in the Repub House. They have 13 "working" days left before the election. Anyone wanna bet they'll suddenly start voting FOR jobs?

Hell no. They're entire "jobs plan" is to keep millions out of work in order to put one man out of a job. The only thing we can expect from Boehner and the rest of the pub bums is to continue their business as usual - golf and photo ops where they'll lie about the president. Their lies work because so many Americans do not know that we have three branches of government.

Are we better off?

2008 Under Bush:
Mar...... -112,000
Apr....... -215,000
May....... *216,000
Jun....... -231,000
Jul........ -259,000
Aug...... -294,000

Four Years Later Under Obama:
Mar….. +120,000
Apr….. +115,000
May….. +69,000
Jun….. +80,000
Jul….. +163,000
Aug….. +96,000

Anyone planning to vote FOR Mitt will be voting AGAINST jobs.

Perhaps if the Senate would pass a budget, we could discuss all of those jobs programs that will cost taxpayer money. Can someone get obstructionist Harry Reid on the phone?

:eusa_drool:Im sure he turned his phone off back in 2009.

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