The unemployment rate is meaningless

If Americans are suffering so much, why are so many of us overweight? That means we have TOO MUCH FOOD and the hardest part of life nowadays is keeping your weight down.
Trump is making it much harder for Americans to take care of their families. His policies are driving 2% wage growth and 64% Obamacare premium growth.

Anybody with a decent job is not on Obamacare.
Obamacare is our entire Health System such as it is... What do you call Obama Care? Medicaid? Actually call it trumpcare now... He is screwing it up enough.
...The unemployment rate dropped for almost all of President Obama's administration...
Exactly --and it was a long slow gradual tapering off dragging on for 8 years giving us a record high average at 7.4%. Reality: dropping is good, but it's not enough. Normally a recovery is just that, the economy recovers. A long slow drop in the U6 is limp and underachieving.

Fine; let's get back on topic. The title of this thread is--
The unemployment rate is meaningless
--and a lot of folks might point out here that the limp underachieving non-recovery we had for 8 years also saw a huge drop in the work force participation rate along w/ an unacceptable shift from full time to part time employment.

imho those things have to mean something too.
You do realize that President Obama's job numbers were better than tRump's consistently right? When he *took office* the numbers dropped off.

When you get closer to full employment, the numbers have to drop, unless you are one of those idiots who believe in greater than 100% employment.
Job creation is slowing.
the income/expenses squeeze today means that families have cut their savings by two-thirds while their debt has multiplied a shocking 15 times.

when something goes wrong, they have no savings to fall back on and they are already loaded up with debt.

when anything goes wrong, all these good, hardworking, solidly middle-class families are tumbling over a cliff.
While the unemployemnet rate is not meaningless it is not the litmus test people think it is!
...The job creation numbers have flattened out ....
...Job creation is slowing.
You keep saying that in spite of the fact that the actual job creation numbers are out here for all of us to see:

So what we got is the fact that steady job creation numbers appear to make no difference to your false statements.
...The job creation numbers have flattened out ....
...Job creation is slowing.
You keep saying that in spite of the fact that the actual job creation numbers are out here for all of us to see:

So what we got is the fact that steady job creation numbers appear to make no difference to your false statements.
you picked 3 months out of the last 9 years. Looks like some pretty serious cherrypicking to me. The numbers of new jobs created have dropped during tRump's *presidency*.
...The job creation numbers have flattened out ....
...Job creation is slowing.
You keep saying that in spite of the fact that the actual job creation numbers are out here for all of us to see:

So what we got is the fact that steady job creation numbers appear to make no difference to your false statements.
Actually, we're talking about Trump inheriting the recovery, while you're including the recession, which Trump did not inherit.

You're also referring to household survey data which is subject to changes in population controls.

Referencing payroll data to look at the employment situation since the recovery began, we find a different picture:

Employment rate .... 9.8%
Employment level ... 129,799,000

Employment rate .... 4.8%
Employment level ... 145,696,000
Job growth/total .... 15,897,000
Job growth/month ....... 189,300

Employment rate .... 3.9%
Employment level ... 148,424,000
Job growth/total ..... 2,728,000
Job growth/month ....... 181,900

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

It's expected the numbers would taper off since we are at full employment and there are fewer jobs available, fewer unemployed people in the work force, and smaller job growth needed to maintain the current unemployment rate.

And as stated earlier, the trend under Trump simply continued for a period of time into his presidency; though at this point, Trump gets the credit for the current strong numbers.
...The unemployment rate dropped for almost all of President Obama's administration...
Exactly --and it was a long slow gradual tapering off dragging on for 8 years giving us a record high average at 7.4%. Reality: dropping is good, but it's not enough. Normally a recovery is just that, the economy recovers. A long slow drop in the U6 is limp and underachieving.

Fine; let's get back on topic. The title of this thread is--
The unemployment rate is meaningless
--and a lot of folks might point out here that the limp underachieving non-recovery we had for 8 years also saw a huge drop in the work force participation rate along w/ an unacceptable shift from full time to part time employment.

imho those things have to mean something too.
You do realize that President Obama's job numbers were better than tRump's consistently right? When he *took office* the numbers dropped off.

When you get closer to full employment, the numbers have to drop, unless you are one of those idiots who believe in greater than 100% employment.
Job creation is slowing.

DUH! Jobs get created and filled by people looking for work. That is why the unemployment rate is going down. I switched jobs on April 23 for more pay.
...The job creation numbers have flattened out ....
...Job creation is slowing.
You keep saying that in spite of the fact that the actual job creation numbers are out here for all of us to see:

So what we got is the fact that steady job creation numbers appear to make no difference to your false statements.
you picked 3 months out of the last 9 years. Looks like some pretty serious cherrypicking to me. The numbers of new jobs created have dropped during tRump's *presidency*.

That has already been explained. I guess you never took calculus and learned the mathematical definition of limits.
...You start a thread with the title “The unemployment rate is meaningless, but none of your posts mention unemployment at all. Could you please explain...
That was bugging me too, a number of times I had my hopes up that maybe we could get hot'n'heavy about employment w/o that tire old 'headline unemployment rate' ---then the coy switch. Seems Basquebro's got great advertising but nothing to sell, reminds me of a girl I once dated...

Here's an idea--

There, now at least we got the left wingers dropping the U6.

Great example of using facts out of context to create a lie.
the income/expenses squeeze today means that families have cut their savings by two-thirds while their debt has multiplied a shocking 15 times.

when something goes wrong, they have no savings to fall back on and they are already loaded up with debt.

when anything goes wrong, all these good, hardworking, solidly middle-class families are tumbling over a cliff.
What does any of that have to do with the unemployment rate? The UE rate is meant to measure the percent of available labor not being used. That's it. That's all it's for. Absolutely nothing to do with quality of life.
...Job creation is slowing.
You keep saying that in spite of the fact that the actual job creation numbers are out here for all of us to see...
...The numbers of new jobs created have dropped during tRump's *presidency*...
--and as usual your words have no numbers to back them up. One last time, here's the increase in jobs for ever quarter since before the current administration took over:

Say what you want but the rest of us see your comments as delusional.
Some CEOs make 1,000 times more than their workers
They are worth 1000 times more than their workers.
Nope, not really.
In a free market people can decide for themselves what they want to pay for something but with a state run economic prices are decided by the elites. I like free markets better.

Y'all say you don't like CEO's making too much more than their employees. I'm a CEO and I make ten times the salary of my highest paid employee. If he wants to start his own company and hire me for double what I'm making now, I wouldn't mind it a bit if he made 20 --hell, a thousand times what I made.

That's me I guess, I realize there are lots of crazy leftists here that would rather live in squalor than put up w/ 'inequality'...
Some CEOs make 1,000 times more than their workers
They are worth 1000 times more than their workers.
Nope, not really.
In a free market people can decide for themselves what they want to pay for something but with a state run economic prices are decided by the elites. I like free markets better.

Y'all say you don't like CEO's making too much more than their employees. I'm a CEO and I make ten times the salary of my highest paid employee. If he wants to start his own company and hire me for double what I'm making now, I wouldn't mind it a bit if he made 20 --hell, a thousand times what I made.

That's me I guess, I realize there are lots of crazy leftists here that would rather live in squalor than put up w/ 'inequality'...

You're claiming to be a CEO, but don't know the difference between 10x and 1000x.

I'm guessing the marketing of lipstick for pigs business is down.
...You're claiming to be a CEO, but... ...I'm guessing the...
--and while you're claiming to be guessing whatever it was you're posting, I'm still directing my CFO to buy into other corporations that make us money, regardless of how much money the other CEO makes.

This something that's always amazed me, the fact that we're all taught that coveting is a sin and we can see how coveting makes a person bitter, poisoned, and broke. Yet, people still do it.
the income/expenses squeeze today means that families have cut their savings by two-thirds while their debt has multiplied a shocking 15 times.

when something goes wrong, they have no savings to fall back on and they are already loaded up with debt.

when anything goes wrong, all these good, hardworking, solidly middle-class families are tumbling over a cliff.

So let’s have government cut spending, and cut taxes more for individuals.

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