The Unenforceability of abortion bans

Democrats control both houses and the WH.
Pass a bill to allow abortions up to or after birth and stop bitching.

Be careful what you wish for. If 2022 becomes a referendum on the right to choose instead of pronouns... you guys might be in trouble.

Why not embrace it? You guys have been working for this moment for 50 years... Now you all want to disown it.

But you pro death cultists want to spew hyperbole and claim blacks are going to be put back in chains because all you have is hyperbole as an argument.

Not much of a hyperbole, if half the country bans abortion.

But again, how are you going to enforce these laws? Are you going to arrest women who have abortions?
If an abortion ban isn’t enforceable then the libtards who crave dead babies so much have nothing to fear.

Well, no, we worry more about the side effects- women getting maimed by unqualified providers, women being prosecuted by insane prosecutors... that sort of thing.

We don't think a single fetus will be saved by this law, just worry how much human misery you are going to cause in the process.
Well, no, we worry more about the side effects- women getting maimed by unqualified providers, women being prosecuted by insane prosecutors... that sort of thing.

We don't think a single fetus will be saved by this law, just worry how much human misery you are going to cause in the process.
Or — and hear me out — maybe consider not having the abortion.
They once thought the same of black people.

They were just as wrong, then as now—no more and no less.

Uh, didn't you belong to a cult that tried to make Utah a slave state, and called black skin a curse from God, and didn't let black people become members until 1978 when other colleges refused to play BYU.

Of course, it's an absurd reality... because fetuses aren't people.

Even when slavery was a thing, no one denied slaves were people. Just that they had less rights.

As opposed to you anti-Choice nutters, who want to give zygotes more rights than the women they are inside.

How Orwellian it is that cold-blooded murder can be called a “medical procedure”.

Let's see, now, they are performed by doctors in medical facilities... Um, yeah, that would make it a medical procedure.

Tell that to my subhuman piece-of-shit Governor Gavin Newsom that wants to force me and my fellow Californians to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.
But at the end of the day, you weren't. You guys were allowed to go around and keep spreading Covid and we got an excess 500,000 deaths because of it.
That's not just normal bullshit. That's @Incel Joe-level bullshit.

The Bill of Rights still applies, including the Fourth through Sixth Amendments. We don't get to treat anyone as a suspected criminal unless there is some affirmative probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed.

But how do you enforce your abortion ban WITHOUT violating those rights?

Most women have abortions in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy... before they are even showing. Unless you throw out HIPAA, the state would never know she was pregnant to start with.

You, see, this is the question I asked in the OP to start with. How do you make these laws work.

How many mothers have been arrested and prosecuted for smoking around their children, exposing them to secondhand smoke?

Well, here's the thing. The only place a person can smoke is in their homes or outside these days...

So that's kind of a non-starter, isn't it.

besides the fact that the dangers of second hand smoke are greatly exaggerated.

On the other hand, smoking while pregnant has been scientifically proven to be detrimental, so again, now that you've given more rights to a fetus than the woman it is inside, can we start arresting pregnant women for smoking and drinking.
Did you not read the opinion?

Why do you think the laws are unenforceable? How do you think they enforce the laws now?
It’s not about enforcement. It’s about putting laws in place that say that type of behavior (abortion) will not be tolerated.
But how do you enforce your abortion ban WITHOUT violating those rights?

Most women have abortions in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy... before they are even showing. Unless you throw out HIPAA, the state would never know she was pregnant to start with.

You, see, this is the question I asked in the OP to start with. How do you make these laws work.

Well, here's the thing. The only place a person can smoke is in their homes or outside these days...

So that's kind of a non-starter, isn't it.

besides the fact that the dangers of second hand smoke are greatly exaggerated.

On the other hand, smoking while pregnant has been scientifically proven to be detrimental, so again, now that you've given more rights to a fetus than the woman it is inside, can we start arresting pregnant women for smoking and drinking.
What abortion ban? You're raving as usual. You seriously need some help. You wouldn't be unemployed having tantrums on the internet if you were in your right mind ... if you ever were.
Yup... she considered it.

She realized that she can't afford a baby, doesn't really want to spend her life tied to the guy who knocked her up, and wants to get on with her life.

There are other alternatives. And as a general rule I don’t think you quite grasp what an abortion involves. If you think your disrespectful terminology can get me all worked up, you’re an even more pathetic putz than you already seem to be. That is quite remarkable.
Great. So remind me again why Dims have their panties in such a twist?

because bad laws lead to bad policies.

I've already talked about the Philippines and how their bad policies result in 500K abortions a year... but let's talk about Romania.

you see, Romania had this whacky dictator who wanted to make his country a great European power, and he tried to do so by banning ALL contraception. And Romania had a mini-baby boom in 1967. And after that, birth rates fell when women figured out ways around it.

In 1966, the leader of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, outlawed access to abortion and contraception in a bid to boost the country’s population. In the short term, it worked, and the year after it was enacted the average number of children born to Romanian women jumped from 1.9 to 3.7. But birthrates quickly fell again as women found ways around the ban. Wealthy, urban women were sometimes able to bribe doctors to perform abortions, or they had contraceptive IUDs smuggled in from Germany.

Yet Romania’s prohibition of the procedure was disproportionately felt by low-income women and disadvantaged groups, which abortion-rights advocates in the United States fear would happen if the Alabama law came into force. As a last resort, many Romanian women turned to home and back-alley abortions, and by 1989, an estimated 10,000 women had died as a result of unsafe procedures. The real number of deaths might have been much higher, as women who sought abortions and those who helped them faced years of imprisonment if caught. Maternal mortality skyrocketed, doubling between 1965 and 1989.

Another consequence of Romania’s abortion ban was that hundreds of thousands of children were turned over to state orphanages. When communism collapsed in Romania in 1989, an estimated 170,000 children were found warehoused in filthy orphanages. Having previously been hidden from the world, images emerged of stick-thin children, many of whom had been beaten and abused. Some were left shackled to metal bed frames.

Nor did the Romanian law do much to achieve Ceausescu’s goal of dramatically increasing the population. “Making abortion illegal will not lead to women having more babies. So if the goal is to bring about more lives and to protect more lives, this is not the instrument to use,” said Maria Bucur, a professor of history and gender studies at Indiana University.
There are other alternatives. And as a general rule I don’t think you quite grasp what an abortion involves. If you think your disrespectful terminology can get me all worked up, you’re an even more pathetic putz than you already seem to be. That is quite remarkable.

You mean you aren't one of these nitwits who shows up at an abortion clinic with pictures of medical waste terrorizing young women? Because you seem like the type.
No. But you seem like the kind of guy who might firebomb an anti abortion office.

Meh, probably not... Frankly, this whole shitshow is the best thing to happen to the Democrats.

So far, your side has been the only one bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion doctors.

Not to mention the Mormon Lunatic who keeps calling to murder women who've had abortions.
You mean you aren't one of these nitwits who shows up at an abortion clinic with pictures of medical waste terrorizing young women? Because you seem like the type.
Fetuses are "medical waste"? Joey, you're sicker than I thought, and I thought you were pretty sick.

I wouldn't even call George Floyd's drug-addled corpse medical waste.
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Meh, probably not... Frankly, this whole shitshow is the best thing to happen to the Democrats.

So far, your side has been the only one bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion doctors.

Not to mention the Mormon Lunatic who keeps calling to murder women who've had abortions.
Untrue. My side would never do that. And the anti abortion office was firebombed. I hope you have a solid alibi.

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