The Unenforceability of abortion bans

It’s not about enforcement. It’s about putting laws in place that say that type of behavior (abortion) will not be tolerated.
well i disagree, i think it should be tolerated in a lot of cases.

but certainly regulated
Untrue. My side would never do that. And the anti abortion office was firebombed. I hope you have a solid alibi.


The right we are arguing for is the right of an innocent human being to not be murdered in cold blood. Who is seeking to deny pregnant women that same right?

The problem is that 1) Fetuses aren't people and 2) to protect those fetuses, you have to take rights away from women.

I mean, I mean, Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, Bob, you screamed like a banshee when they even SUGGESTED you be required to take a shot to not infect your co-workers, but you want to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want, regardless of the risks to her mental health? That's some crazy shit right there.

If you guys were really keen on reducing abortion and not just punishing women, you'd support welfare, contraception, sex education, paid family leave and so on. You don't.

And you still haven't told me how you are going to enforce this law. Good luck finding 11 other crazy people on a jury who'd want to execute them like you want to.
Fetuses aren't people…

No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it will never become the truth.

It didn't work early in our country's history, when people repeated the like that blacks were not people.

It didn't work in Nazi Germany when they repeated the lie that Jews another Untermenschen were not people.

And it doesn't work here, either.

2) to protect those fetuses, you have to take rights away from women.

The only “right” that I want to take away from anyone here, is the “right” to murder an innocent human being in cold blood.

The problem is that 1) Fetuses aren't people and 2) to protect those fetuses, you have to take rights away from women.

I mean, I mean, Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, Bob, you screamed like a banshee when they even SUGGESTED you be required to take a shot to not infect your co-workers, but you want to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want, regardless of the risks to her mental health? That's some crazy shit right there.

If you guys were really keen on reducing abortion and not just punishing women, you'd support welfare, contraception, sex education, paid family leave and so on. You don't.

And you still haven't told me how you are going to enforce this law. Good luck finding 11 other crazy people on a jury who'd want to execute them like you want to.
Ah. So you ascribe the criminal and violent behavior of a few folks who have fallen off the edge to all of those you view as an opponent. Quite stupid of you.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it will never become the truth.

It didn't work early in our country's history, when people repeated the like that blacks were not people.

Except no one ever said that.

The only “right” that I want to take away from anyone here, is the “right” to murder an innocent human being in cold blood.

Okay, so what you need to do is invent an artificial womb that we can transfer the Fetuses into... then you can raise them all to be blank-eyed Mormon Cultists...

Sorry, her body, her choice, at the end of the day.

You still haven't told me how you are going to impose your crazy religious beliefs on the rest of us..

Ah. So you ascribe the criminal and violent behavior of a few folks who have fallen off the edge to all of those you view as an opponent. Quite stupid of you.

Quite the contrary, when you use inflammatory rhetoric like 'YOU'RE KILLING BABIES!!!!" you are pretty much encouraging the behavior of those who were on the edge to start with.
Ah. So you [Incel Joe] ascribe the criminal and violent behavior of a few folks who have fallen off the edge to all of those you view as an opponent. Quite stupid of you.

It seems to be common enough from that side.

LIbtARdS, seem lately to always be digging up some extreme outlier on the right, who does something or says something that the vast majority of us on the right would never condone or defend, and trying to smear all of us by association with that extreme outlier.

But look at the shit that the left wrong supports—Not just the savage murder of innocent children via abortion, but other shit as well, such as Homosexuality, transsexuality; and similar depraved sexual perversions; the sexual grooming and abuse of children by and on behalf of the aforementioned perverts; violent rioting criminals such as Black LIES Matter; the invasion of our country across our southern border by foreign criminals; and so on. And these are not just the fringes of the left wrong, but the mainstream. Incel Joe will not condemn, any of this shit. Neither will nearly any other LIbtARd. What they will condemn is sane, decent people who call out any of this shit for what it clearly is.
Quite the contrary, when you use inflammatory rhetoric like 'YOU'RE KILLING BABIES!!!!" you are pretty much encouraging the behavior of those who were on the edge to start with.

If your side finds the plain, obvious, undeniable truth to be “inflammatory rhetoric”, then that only goes to show a problem with your side; and not with the side that is telling the truth.

If your side is going top continue to openly and unabashedly defend and advocate the cold-blooded murder of innocent children, then your side can expect the pushback that will result.
Except no one ever said that.

Okay, so what you need to do is invent an artificial womb that we can transfer the Fetuses into... then you can raise them all to be blank-eyed Mormon Cultists...

Sorry, her body, her choice, at the end of the day.

You still haven't told me how you are going to impose your crazy religious beliefs on the rest of us..

Quite the contrary, when you use inflammatory rhetoric like 'YOU'RE KILLING BABIES!!!!" you are pretty much encouraging the behavior of those who were on the edge to start with.
That’s ^ a retarded claim. You are killing babies.
They aren’t giraffes and they aren’t children or adults. They are preborn human babies. Next week maybe we can teach you more about basic biology. You don’t even need to be a SCOTUS nominee to be able to define “woman.”
At the moment of conception, the VERY moment, it is a separate living entity with unique human DNA. It is entitled to the same right to life the rest of us are.
So you want to ban IVF clinics too actually nearly all fertility procedures...

Also you want to ban certain types of contraception too...

Please make sure everyone knows that...
That’s ^ a retarded claim. You are killing babies.
They aren’t giraffes and they aren’t children or adults. They are preborn human babies. Next week maybe we can teach you more about basic biology. You don’t even need to be a SCOTUS nominee to be able to define “woman.”

You're arguing with someone who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
You are the ones blocking insurance coverage of birth control and closing Planned Parenthood locations

PP needs to go away, but birth control can be gotten mail order for around 10 bucks. If they can't afford that, perhaps the cell phone should go away.

Meh, probably not... Frankly, this whole shitshow is the best thing to happen to the Democrats.

So far, your side has been the only one bombing abortion clinics and murdering abortion doctors.

Not to mention the Mormon Lunatic who keeps calling to murder women who've had abortions.

Well that's a lie. An anti-abortion office was firebombed just last week.

The biggest problem I see with those on the anti-abortion side is that they never tell you how they are going to enforce a ban on abortion.

Lest, we forget, the main reason why the Court (including 5 Republicans) voted to end abortion laws in the US is because they were being routinely ignored by women and their health care providers. The court was merely recognizing the reality the prudes failed to admit.

If anyone doubts this, we only need to look at the birth rates for the 1970's.


There was no sudden drop in the live birth rate because abortions were now available. In fact, it leveled off in 1973.

Why? Because abortion laws were being routinely ignored. Despite all the horror stories told by the abortion rights side about coat hangers and Lysol, most women were ending unwanted pregnancies in the comfort of their OB/GYN's office. Women were never arrested for having abortions, and providers were rarely prosecuted unless some kind of negligence that injured the women was involved

So you get the laws on the books you want in half the country, what happens? Abortions will simply move from abortion clinics back to OB/GYN offices.

if anything, an abortion ban will be harder to enforce in 2022 than in 1973, because more states WILL keep it legal now, because it will be much easier to cross state lines, and because the option of pharmaceutical abortions will be available.

Laws only really work when you have universal agreement there should be a law. If you don't, police won't investigate, prosecutors won't file charges, and juries won't convict.

The first prosecution for a woman for having an abortion will be a lightening rod of unpopularity. The only time I remember Trump ever backing down from saying something really stupid ws when he said that women should be punished for having abortions, and then immediately reversing himself.

No abortion was is or will be banned. It will be left up to each state.

It is a bit odd that Incel Joe should be so heavily into the right to murder innocent children. It rarely ever starts new threads of its own, but it has started at least two on this subject, in the past few days. I could understand some he-slut eager to avoid the consequences of his behavior, by having the girls he impregnates have abortions.

But this is Incel Joe. It's not like any women is ever going to allow it the chance to impregnate her. At least not consensually. And it's surely too weak and cowardly to take it by force.
Except in no state is there a law granting a fetus the rights of personhood.
So legally a fetus is not a person and does not have Constitutional protection.
Why was Scott Peterson charged and convicted of two counts murder. His wife and unborn child.

The problem is that 1) Fetuses aren't people and 2) to protect those fetuses, you have to take rights away from women.

I mean, I mean, Sweet Evil Mormon Jesus, Bob, you screamed like a banshee when they even SUGGESTED you be required to take a shot to not infect your co-workers, but you want to force a woman to have a baby she doesn't want, regardless of the risks to her mental health? That's some crazy shit right there.

If you guys were really keen on reducing abortion and not just punishing women, you'd support welfare, contraception, sex education, paid family leave and so on. You don't.

And you still haven't told me how you are going to enforce this law. Good luck finding 11 other crazy people on a jury who'd want to execute them like you want to.
cool so your side hasn’t changed i the last 30 years….doing the same old thing the Olympic Park Bomber did…

or wait you’re doing the same thing you all always did…terror
So you want to ban IVF clinics too actually nearly all fertility procedures...

Also you want to ban certain types of contraception too...

Please make sure everyone knows that...
Dude, I've got no problem with people knowing exactly what I said, not the words you put in my mouth.
I don't care what you think about my opinion & will proudly say it wherever & whenever I want.
Please make sure everyone knows that

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