The Unenforceability of abortion bans


It's obvious to anyone that those charges are unconstitutional.

There are no laws that acknowledge a fetus is a person with the same rights as an adult
If those were unconstitutional laws how is it they haven't been declared as such and rendered moot by the courts?
You seem to have no actual clue what I'd like to see as far as abortion law goes, you'd simply rather assume.

It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to deduce what your stance is.

A baby in the womb is not a parasite, that's where the mother created it.

The same argument can be said for a tapeworm. She chose to eat that food, after all.

At least for now we also put women in prison who change their minds about being moms after giving birth who neglect, abuse, or murder their children.

Yes, if your policies were in force, we'd have MORE abused children. Again, look at the Philippines, where there are estimated to be up to one million abandoned children on the streets, or the horror stories about Romania's orphanages thanks to Ceausescu's policies.

In no other aspect of law do we allow the killing of a human being without penalty except in cases of self defense or defense of others.

Abortion law should be no different.

A growing fetus in the womb is exactly where the mother created it and where it belongs.

Unless she decides otherwise.

Just check the clinic/hospital billing records.

Which will rely on whatever code the doctor puts down. Nope, to really determine if you had an abortion being written up as a miscarriage, you'll have to check supplies, interview /interrogate witnesses, threaten people with jail time, and maybe even do invasive examinations on the woman.

You are of course now lying out of our ass.

Exactly how many abortion clinics were bombed in 2020? Provide supporting links.

Why limit to 2020? Oh, that's right, so you wouldn't have to discuss THIS>

In the United States, violence directed towards abortion providers has killed at least eleven people, including four doctors, two clinic employees, a security guard, a police officer, two people (unclear of their connection), and a clinic escort.[I 16][I 17] Seven murders occurred in the 1990s.[I 18]

According to statistics gathered by the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an organization of abortion providers, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, there have been 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, 13 wounded,[I 30] 100 butyric acid stink bomb attacks, 373 physical invasions, 41 bombings, 655 anthrax threats,[I 31] and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers.[I 32] Between 1977 and 1990, 77 death threats were made, with 250 made between 1991 and 1999.[I 30] Attempted murders in the U.S. included:[I 16][I 5][I 6] in 1985 45% of clinics reported bomb threats, decreasing to 15% in 2000. One fifth of clinics in 2000 experienced some form of extreme activity.[I 33]
Legislatures and governors are also elected and answerable to The People.

IF they pass laws seriously out of step with the wishes of the voters of their states as I said, they'll quickly find themselves replaced in the next election.

Democracy works pretty well most of the time to the favor of the majority.

NOt really. A majority favors retaining a woman's right to choose.

The reality is, prosecutors won't prosecute unpopular laws for cases they can't win... that's the thing.
Yes, if your policies were in force, we'd have MORE abused children. Again, look at the Philippines, where there are estimated to be up to one million abandoned children on the streets, or the horror stories about Romania's orphanages thanks to Ceausescu's policies
Pure fabrication on your part, stop pulling things ouit of your ass and presenting them as fact.
NOt really. A majority favors retaining a woman's right to choose.

The reality is, prosecutors won't prosecute unpopular laws for cases they can't win... that's the thing.
Justices are not supposed to let political whims sway their opinions, they are not elected to represent The People, they are appointed to Protect The Constitution".

Learn how your gov't works moron.
Only if you are a complete retard. A tapeworm is not human and the mother didn't create it.

A fetus isn't human and most women don't go into sex expecting to make a baby.

Pure fabrication on your part, stop pulling things ouit of your ass and presenting them as fact.

You know, I realize that being piss-ignorant is a conservative joy, but try a bit of reading.

Justices are not supposed to let political whims sway their opinions, they are not elected to represent The People, they are appointed to Protect The Constitution".

Learn how your gov't works moron.

We weren't talking about justices, we are talking about prosecutors...

No prosecutor wants to be the guy who is going to prosecute a woman for having an abortion.
We weren't talking about justices, we are talking about prosecutors...

No prosecutor wants to be the guy who is going to prosecute a woman for having an abortion.
Prosecutors are also elected by The People as are Legislators and governors.

If they are badly out of step with the people of their state they'll all quickly be replaced in the next election.

It's obvious to anyone that those charges are unconstitutional.

There are no laws that acknowledge a fetus is a person with the same rights as an adult
Hey Blues Man still waiting for you to show us where the SC ruled these laws to be "unconstitutional".
By any known definition of human a baby in the womb is absolutely human.

Really. Funny thing. I just checked my Driver's License, and it has the day of my birth, not the day of my conception! Imagine that.
Babies aren't counted in the Census until after they are born, and if they aren't born before April 30 in a zero year, they don't get counted.
Babies aren't counted as deductions on taxes if they are born after December 31st.

So I've just given you THREE Examples of how fetuses aren't considered people.

Prosecutors are also elected by The People as are Legislators and governors.

If they are badly out of step with the people of their state they'll all quickly be replaced in the next election.

Okay, but here's the thing. They don't represent the whole state...

So hypothetically, you have a deep red state with a blue city in the middle of it. Let's say Austin in Texas or Miami in Florida. And in that deep blue city, you have an OB/GYN who is performing abortions and calling them "pelvic exams". Which is fine, most of the people in that city are fine with a woman's right to choose. He's easily elected for NOT pursuing foolish abortion cases.

Riddle Me this, Batman, how many abortion prosecutions were there before Roe v. Wade? The fact is, NOT MANY. Not unless the provider really screwed up and maimed the woman. And when they were, they weren't prosecuted as murders. And of course, women were never arrested for having them.

You have no actual clue what policies I want to see in place, again, you just assume based on your own prejudices.

You've made it perfectly clear what your policy choices are- making women have babies if they want them or not. Romania tried that and the Philippines are still doing it... which is why we have the horror stories I've highlighted.
You've made it perfectly clear what your policy choices are- making women have babies if they want them or not. Romania tried that and the Philippines are still doing it... which is why we have the horror stories I've highlighted.
Actually I have and they are not what you're claiming.

Stop pulling things out of your ass and presenting them as fact.
Really. Funny thing. I just checked my Driver's License, and it has the day of my birth, not the day of my conception! Imagine that.
The day of your birth is known to a certainty, the day of your conception cannot be known to a certainty.

DOB used as identifying characteristics predates our understanding of Human embryology by several decades.
So I've just given you THREE Examples of how fetuses aren't considered people.
No you haven't. From the moment the first division is complete you have a new human being.

With the completion of the 2nd that human being has it's own unique DNA separate and apart from either parent.

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