The Unenforceability of abortion bans

Irrelevant? Yeah, because it destroys your bullshit.

Link us up to those laws being declared unconstitutional.
That is easy.
Abortion was perfectly legal in the US until the AMA decided to take over from midwives, around 1860.
They pushed for laws to criminalize abortion, that have never been popular.
And there obviously is no legal basis for any abortion bans.
They do not defend rights of any individual.
It always amazes me how the most ignorant on any subject are usually the loudest.

A human fetus is by definition "human".

Any woman having sex that doesn't realize pregnancy is a possible consequence of having sex should probably be sterilized because she's too stupid to live and reproduce.

Any offspring she produces will likely bring the average IQ in the US down.

A fetus is no more a human than a sperm or ovum.
Having human DNA does not make a being sentient.

And a woman will have sex more than 500 times in their life.
If sex is always allowed to result on pregnancy, the human species would have gone extinct from over population, millions of years ago.
A fetus is no more a human than a sperm or ovum.
Having human DNA does not make a being sentient.

And a woman will have sex more than 500 times in their life.
If sex is always allowed to result on pregnancy, the human species would have gone extinct from over population, millions of years ago.
Sentience does not define humanity, our DNA does. both a sperm and ovum are incomplete and as such have extremely short natural lifespans.

You only have a new life once they combine and the fertilized ovum begins to divide.

With the completion of the 2nd division you have a completely unique developing human being with it's own DNA, different from that of either parent.
Neither is a 20 year old under anesthetic, is he/she still a human?

A child is a young human being, born or not yet born.

A person under anesthetic is not fully human while under.
They only have rights because they deliberately agreed to the anethetic and have special care until they come out of it.
But a fetus without consciousness has no such rights
A person under anesthetic is not fully human while under.
They only have rights because they deliberately agreed to the anethetic and have special care until they come out of it.
But a fetus without consciousness has no such rights
That is utterly fabricated bullshit.

Nothing known to science, law, or constitutional rights supports such an idiotic notion.
Sentience does not define humanity, our DNA does. both a sperm and ovum are incomplete and as such have extremely short natural lifespans.

You only have a new life once they combine and the fertilized ovum begins to divide.

With the completion of the 2nd division you have a completely unique developing human being with it's own DNA, different from that of either parent.

Each cell in a human body has the complete DNA of the entire human.
The ovum DNA is not incomplete, and can go through simple mitosis cell division, even though very rare.
Being different DNA from the parent is irrelevant.
A clone does not have different DNA, so that is irrelevant.
The only thing that matters is sentience.
For example, there is no loss in pulling the plug on someone without sentience, like Teri Schiavo.
That is utterly fabricated bullshit.

Nothing known to science, law, or constitutional rights supports such an idiotic notion.

Science tells us morals are based on simple inherited instincts.
They are not real, objective, or relative to science.
Law says abortion used to always be legal until the AMA forced itself on the US around 1860.
Science tells us morals are based on simple inherited instincts.
They are not real, objective, or relative to science.
Law says abortion used to always be legal until the AMA forced itself on the US around 1860.
Law and morality have little to do with one another and your obvious strawman is duly noted.

Children raised with no moral training prove to be little more than animals themselves.

A visit to a high crime neighborhood proves that conclusively.
Each cell in a human body has the complete DNA of the entire human.
The ovum DNA is not incomplete, and can go through simple mitosis cell division, even though very rare.
Being different DNA from the parent is irrelevant.
A clone does not have different DNA, so that is irrelevant.
The only thing that matters is sentience.
For example, there is no loss in pulling the plug on someone without sentience, like Teri Schiavo.
You are again fabricating bullshit.

A single cell is not a human being, the human Ovum is incomplete, it lacks the ability to continue past the stage of being an Ovum and will quickly die unless it is fertilized and thence implants.

Terri Schiavo was a unique case with two sides of the family competing for control.

In the end her parents were given control and they decided to pull the plug because there was no hope left she'd ever recover and would only rack up millions of dollars in debt with each year she survived.

That isn't the case with a healthy, developing human embryo.
Law and morality have little to do with one another and your obvious strawman is duly noted.

Children raised with no moral training prove to be little more than animals themselves.

A visit to a high crime neighborhood proves that conclusively.

Instincts are the ONLY VALID source of morals.
Humans evolved as prey, and have the inherited instinct moral of prey animal, who cooperate and sacrifice for the family and herd.
If we were predators we would not have these social or benevolent instincts.
Moral training is almost always wrong.
That is where racism, greed, selfishness, bigotry, etc. come from.

High crime neighborhoods come from greedy and unfair tax laws, banks, landlords, corrupt courts, corrupt employers, etc.
Instincts are the ONLY VALID source of morals.
Humans evolved as prey, and have the inherited instinct moral of prey animal, who cooperate and sacrifice for the family and herd.
If we were predators we would not have these social or benevolent instincts.
Moral training is almost always wrong.
That is where racism, greed, selfishness, bigotry, etc. come from.

High crime neighborhoods come from greedy and unfair tax laws, banks, landlords, corrupt courts, corrupt employers, etc.
You are fabricating bullshit, humans are predators, that's why we have pointed incisors.

The rest is utterly ridiculous.
You are again fabricating bullshit.

A single cell is not a human being, the human Ovum is incomplete, it lacks the ability to continue past the stage of being an Ovum and will quickly die unless it is fertilized and thence implants.

Terri Schiavo was a unique case with two sides of the family competing for control.

In the end her parents were given control and they decided to pull the plug because there was no hope left she'd ever recover and would only rack up millions of dollars in debt with each year she survived.

That isn't the case with a healthy, developing human embryo.

A human ovum is NOT incomplete.
At one time, all organisms reproduced through simple mitosis.
Humans later evolved to do the more complex meiosis, but can still also do mitosis sometimes.


How Do Humans Reproduce Asexually?​

It is a known fact that the advanced and most evolved class of animal kingdom – the homo sapiens reproduce sexually. But there are cases where humans reproduce through asexual modes. Asexual reproduction in humans is carried out without the immediate use of fertilization of the male and female sex cells (the sperm and egg). It is carried out by fusing a few parts of human sperm, embryo, the egg or unnatural genes to reproduce a new human fetus which further undergoes maturation and development depending upon the medical procedures. It is usually carried out in case of infertility using the assisted reproductive treatment such as the IVF(Invitro fertilization).

However, there is a mode of asexual reproduction which occurs naturally in a woman’s body which is known as the monozygotic twinning. It is a kind of asexual reproduction which has been used for decades in the IVF cycles, a type of human cloning. Other types of asexual reproduction that is carried out artificially as part of IVF is the cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer.

The latest advancement in the field of medicine has given rise to a new breakthrough in the domain of asexual reproduction referred to as the ‘3-parent-embryo’ which involves the use of several techniques, for instance, the mitochondrial transfer which is again another kind of cloning. The concept is that three parents can be used to produce one single embryo if the mitochondria, which are usually found in the female egg, is replaced by the mitochondria from the third party in case of any defect.

The point with Teri Schiavo is that a body without sentience is not of any value.
That can be because the body lost sentience or that the body had not yet acquired sentience.
You are fabricating bullshit, humans are predators, that's why we have pointed incisors.

The rest is utterly ridiculous.

Humans are omnivors, and have pointed incisors so we can more easily eat tough debris, not because we hunted.
Hunting only happened in the last million years or so, and no significant evolution happens in that short of a time period.
There are no primate predators, and humans are not primarily predators.
We only recently started doing that, after we invented tools.
Humans are omnivors, and have pointed incisors so we can more easily eat tough debris, not because we hunted.
Hunting only happened in the last million years or so, and no significant evolution happens in that short of a time period.
There are no primate predators, and humans are not primarily predators.
We only recently started doing that, after we invented tools.
All omnivores are predators dumb shit with the exception of carrion eaters of course.

Prey animals have eyes on the sides of their heads, predators in the front and they have pointed canines.

Stop talking out of your ass, you have no idea what you're talking about and you're too dumb to know what a fool you are continually making of yourself.
Humans are omnivors, and have pointed incisors so we can more easily eat tough debris, not because we hunted.
Hunting only happened in the last million years or so, and no significant evolution happens in that short of a time period.
There are no primate predators, and humans are not primarily predators.
We only recently started doing that, after we invented tools.

What an idiot, we were hunter gatherers for most of the history of humanity.

Primates kill and eat meat too and humans are not he only primates to use tools.

It must be a full time job being such an idiot.
The Republican Party is rapidly becoming the party of authoritarianism, which is why they are so secretive about the party's activities.
Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief -- an abortion ban -- on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Now the Republican Party wants dictate to private businesses what they can share with their customers. Republicans want the government to control Facebook content, not Facebook.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy such as the health of the woman, age of the woman marital status of the woman, causes of the pregnancy. the Republican Party wants the government to impose its will on the woman. The freedom of women to decide is to be removed, according to the Republican party. Some Republican state governments want to criminalize abortion, and that would include the pregnant woman.

Here is a rundown of a handful of Republican states that currently have the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. In each case the government decides the fate of the woman regardless of circumstances.

Abortion is currently legal in Mississippi, but the state already has some of the most restrictive laws that make it extremely difficult to access abortion care. There is only one licensed abortion facility in the entire state where clinic workers can provide medication abortions and abortion procedures at up to 16 weeks.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law earlier this week that bans abortion after six weeks, which is typically before a woman knows she is pregnant.

Last year, Texas passed a bill that bans most abortions after six weeks.

There are currently only two places in Arkansas that offer abortion care. If the Supreme Court were to officially overturn Roe v. Wade, abortions would be banned in the state immediately unless needed to save the life of the mother. Anyone who performs an abortion could face up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine, under the law.

Source: The Hill.

Little wonder as to why Republicans do not want to talk about this.

That was only the beginning. More begins in Texas.

CNN reports, "Texas residents can now sue Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for allegedly censoring their content after a federal appeals court sided Wednesday with the state’s law restricting how social media sites can moderate their platforms.

"The 15-word ruling allowing the law, which had been blocked last year, to take effect has significant potential consequences. Most immediately, it creates new legal risks for the tech giants, and opens them up to a possible wave of litigation that legal experts say would be costly and difficult to defend.

"Texas’s law makes it illegal for any social media platform with 50 million or more US monthly users to “block, ban, remove, deplatform, demonetize, de-boost, restrict, deny equal access or visibility to, or otherwise discriminate against expression.”

"Discriminate against expression.” That's bad. Texas, by omission, virtually admits discrimination against race is okay under this new law.

Which freedoms are next to come under government control when Republicans are in charge?

Do grassroots Republicans, mostly farmers, ranchers, and rural shopkeepers, know what is going on in their name? Hell no, most are not internet savvy and, when it comes to the news, they are mostly interested in the weather. All they know is, Trump is their savior.

Here is what is interesting about today's Republicans. They not only do not talk about what their party is doing, they try very hard to discourage others from talking about the Republican Party. It doesn't work, but they try.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy such as the health of the woman, age of the woman marital status of the woman, causes of the pregnancy. the Republican Party wants the government to impose its will on the woman. The freedom of women to decide is to be removed, according to the Republican party. Some Republican state governments want to criminalize abortion, and that would include the pregnant woman
You're fabricating bullshit. There is no unanimity in the Republican party as to abortion law.

Abortion was always a state issue, Overturning Roe simply returns it to it's proper status.

Each state will determine it's abortion laws in accordance with the desires of their population.

Abortion laws that seriously are in conflict with the "Will of the People" will result in wholesale changes at the ballot box in the next election.

Roe imposed the will of nine judges on the entire country with no constitutional justification for doing so.
CNN reports, "Texas residents can now sue Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for allegedly censoring their content after a federal appeals court sided Wednesday with the state’s law restricting how social media sites can moderate their platforms.
When FB started censoring content they ceased being a neutral platform provider and with social media being the new, "Public Square" they made themselves liable for acting out of bias.
All omnivores are predators dumb shit with the exception of carrion eaters of course.

Prey animals have eyes on the sides of their heads, predators in the front and they have pointed canines.

Stop talking out of your ass, you have no idea what you're talking about and you're too dumb to know what a fool you are continually making of yourself.

Omnivores are generally carrion eaters.
There are no carnivore primates, like monkeys, and they all have their eyes on the front of their head, and canine teeth.
Eyes on the front have to do with improved night vision or depth perception.
Nothing to do with predator or not.
Pigs are omnivores with 4 canine teeth, and they clearly are not predators.

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