The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle

Ivermectin was maliciously and purposefully portrayed as something it wasn't during the height of the pandemic. The media's and FDA's dishonesty on the issue was beyond grotesque and shameful.

16 Aug 2023 ~~ By

This month, lawyers for the Food and Drug Administration admitted in a U.S. court that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID”, an admission that stands at stark odds with a multiple year campaign to misinform, misalign and tarnish the reputation of one of the world’s most successful drugs, which could have been used to save hundreds of thousands of lives during the pandemic.
“FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID. So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine,” Ashley Cheung Honold, lawyer representing the FDA said this month.
If you’ve been at least semiconscious over the last two years, you’ve noticed that early means of treating Covid outside of the vaccines (like Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) were routinely shunned by “the science” and then, by proxy, the useful idiots in the mainstream media.
Out of all of the early treatments, ivermectin got the shortest end of the stick. Not only was it likely the most efficacious of all the early treatments, it was also routinely subject to bastardization and a berating by the media.
The disinformation campaign about ivermectin, spearheaded by mainstream media (“brought to you by Pfizer!”) reached its fever pitch when the media and government agencies alike appeared to knowingly and maliciously juxtapose the human dosage of the drug with the coincidental and mostly unrelated fact that it was also used in a veterinary dosage to deworm horses.
Many of us noted during the course of the pandemic that ivermectin’s efficacy was being ignored because it would have stopped Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines in their tracks - they couldn’t have sold the vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization if there were other efficacious medicines available. And if Pfizer and Moderna were stopped in their tracks, how could the “giant sucking sound” of billions of dollars in treasury cash making their way to the pharmaceutical industry have taken place?
Those of us who followed the obvious money trail and pointed out what can only be described as the glaringly obvious were ignored and ridiculed. In fact, many of us were banned from our social media accounts.
And so, today, the purpose of this article is to finally set the record straight and put a bookend on my long string of articles about ivermectin. The conclusions should be obvious to anyone at this point.
  • Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca wanted to sell their experimental vaccines in the absence of long-term safety data.
  • They couldn’t do it under Emergency Use Authorization if ivermectin and other early treatments were found to have efficacy.
  • Ergo, the media, sponsored by these same pharma companies launched a malicious misinformation campaign in the face of demonstrable proof of both efficacy and safety for ivermectin.
  • This campaign knowingly mislabeled a drug with a decades-long history of success in humans as horse medicine.
  • As this took place, additional “rigged” clinical studies, many of which with significant conflicts, tried to paint a picture of ivermectin not being efficacious through dishonest means (learn all about this here).
  • From there, government worked with social media to stifle and censor anyone who raised critical questions or told the inconvenient truth in the midst of the pandemic.
  • Finally, after all the damage was done and the vaccine grift ended, the FDA casually and cavalierly admitted that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.”
If your eyes aren’t open after understanding what just happened here, you are not paying attention.

This is Unforgivable!
Never forget what they did. Retribution must be forthcoming.
The only question is in what form?
To all the naysayers and tools of the Maoist Democrats, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for being dupes.
LOL. As your own link points out - There never was a law that penalized you if you took Ivermectin.

The idiot MTG kept pushing that drug publically. Same with Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham. Were they arrested or charged? Were they even warned? Of course not.

The FDA had a duty to warn the public to stay away from drugs that do not work but hey, you want to make like a horse and take it.? Go for it.

Personally, I want every trumptard to not get vaccinated and to swallow bottles of Ivermectin and other idiot drugs and wash them down with disinfectant. Go for it. Good riddance.
He could fire him if he so wanted, since Reagan appointed him.
he should have fired every dem he was legally allowed to in the high ranking gov positions ... his mistake .. hopefully the republican than is elected POTUS in 2024 will .

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle

Ivermectin was maliciously and purposefully portrayed as something it wasn't during the height of the pandemic. The media's and FDA's dishonesty on the issue was beyond grotesque and shameful.

16 Aug 2023 ~~ By

This month, lawyers for the Food and Drug Administration admitted in a U.S. court that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID”, an admission that stands at stark odds with a multiple year campaign to misinform, misalign and tarnish the reputation of one of the world’s most successful drugs, which could have been used to save hundreds of thousands of lives during the pandemic.
“FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID. So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine,” Ashley Cheung Honold, lawyer representing the FDA said this month.
If you’ve been at least semiconscious over the last two years, you’ve noticed that early means of treating Covid outside of the vaccines (like Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) were routinely shunned by “the science” and then, by proxy, the useful idiots in the mainstream media.
Out of all of the early treatments, ivermectin got the shortest end of the stick. Not only was it likely the most efficacious of all the early treatments, it was also routinely subject to bastardization and a berating by the media.
The disinformation campaign about ivermectin, spearheaded by mainstream media (“brought to you by Pfizer!”) reached its fever pitch when the media and government agencies alike appeared to knowingly and maliciously juxtapose the human dosage of the drug with the coincidental and mostly unrelated fact that it was also used in a veterinary dosage to deworm horses.
Many of us noted during the course of the pandemic that ivermectin’s efficacy was being ignored because it would have stopped Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines in their tracks - they couldn’t have sold the vaccines under Emergency Use Authorization if there were other efficacious medicines available. And if Pfizer and Moderna were stopped in their tracks, how could the “giant sucking sound” of billions of dollars in treasury cash making their way to the pharmaceutical industry have taken place?
Those of us who followed the obvious money trail and pointed out what can only be described as the glaringly obvious were ignored and ridiculed. In fact, many of us were banned from our social media accounts.
And so, today, the purpose of this article is to finally set the record straight and put a bookend on my long string of articles about ivermectin. The conclusions should be obvious to anyone at this point.
  • Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca wanted to sell their experimental vaccines in the absence of long-term safety data.
  • They couldn’t do it under Emergency Use Authorization if ivermectin and other early treatments were found to have efficacy.
  • Ergo, the media, sponsored by these same pharma companies launched a malicious misinformation campaign in the face of demonstrable proof of both efficacy and safety for ivermectin.
  • This campaign knowingly mislabeled a drug with a decades-long history of success in humans as horse medicine.
  • As this took place, additional “rigged” clinical studies, many of which with significant conflicts, tried to paint a picture of ivermectin not being efficacious through dishonest means (learn all about this here).
  • From there, government worked with social media to stifle and censor anyone who raised critical questions or told the inconvenient truth in the midst of the pandemic.
  • Finally, after all the damage was done and the vaccine grift ended, the FDA casually and cavalierly admitted that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat Covid.”
If your eyes aren’t open after understanding what just happened here, you are not paying attention.

This is Unforgivable!
Never forget what they did. Retribution must be forthcoming.
The only question is in what form?
To all the naysayers and tools of the Maoist Democrats, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for being dupes.

Ivermectin Reduces Excess Deaths by 74%, New Study Shows​


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