The United States of America “obtained” 55% of Mexico’s territory at gunpoint

Along with securing those borders, of course, Polk also managed to acquire the rest of Texas—along with Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, and portions of Colorado and New Mexico. There is no way to frame this as anything other than a naked land grab by a stronger power against a weaker one. The same is true in Ukraine. And it has been true in tens of thousands of other places as well.

Yes Putin Is Like Hitler but So Was James K. Polk
Ukraine IS Russian.

Kiev was first Russian capital.

Reds only granted a phony independence to get another cold war vote in the UN.

Putin is doing the will of his people as did Polk.
Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

Demographics - Texas In Focus

Uh huh, and much of this growth is directly due to illegal immigration. We should embrace that?
The original white Texans were illegal immigrants!
They were. In history class in Texas, they are informally known as "dixiebacks" for swimming the Red and Sabine rivers.
Along with securing those borders, of course, Polk also managed to acquire the rest of Texas—along with Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, and portions of Colorado and New Mexico. There is no way to frame this as anything other than a naked land grab by a stronger power against a weaker one. The same is true in Ukraine. And it has been true in tens of thousands of other places as well.

Yes Putin Is Like Hitler but So Was James K. Polk

Really? Then why isn't the Mexican government taking it up with our government by crying over the past? Only peasant Mexicans are whining over it. The agreements were made long ago by long ago dead people. Deal with it or dig them up and whine.
Oh, there is no issue. The dixiebacks won and the Mexicans lost: end of story. Never will change. No American Hispanic wants to return rule to Mexico. Es loco estupido!
Along with securing those borders, of course, Polk also managed to acquire the rest of Texas—along with Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, and portions of Colorado and New Mexico. There is no way to frame this as anything other than a naked land grab by a stronger power against a weaker one. The same is true in Ukraine. And it has been true in tens of thousands of other places as well.

Yes Putin Is Like Hitler but So Was James K. Polk

Again, if Spain and Mexico had truly been concerned with maintaining control of those areas, they would have committed troops to do so.

Do you have the slightest idea of how many military garrisons were in those areas? [called presidios]

Or how many military personnel were assigned to man them?

When you can give me that information, I will consider your posts knowledgeable.
The original white Texans were illegal immigrants!

BS! Sam Houston and Steven Austin worked out a deal with Santa Ana to bring homesteaders into an under-developed part of Mexico - the area known as Tejas. They, in turn, made $$$ out of the settlers seeking to move west into their own land. They brought cattle with the idea of selling it.

Mexicans laws made it impossible to take cattle to lucrative markets and was one of the reasons the settlers rose up against Mexico.

So, as usual, you are showing how uninformed you are
Strange how Mexico can't properly take care of all of the land they have now. Anyone who's been there can see that. They think taking our's will work out well for them. What it will do is turn whatever they take into more of the same. A total shithole.
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog
Polk was a great president, I'll give you that.
The original white Texans were illegal immigrants!

BS! Sam Houston and Steven Austin worked out a deal with Santa Ana to bring homesteaders into an under-developed part of Mexico - the area known as Tejas. They, in turn, made $$$ out of the settlers seeking to move west into their own land. They brought cattle with the idea of selling it.

Mexicans laws made it impossible to take cattle to lucrative markets and was one of the reasons the settlers rose up against Mexico.

So, as usual, you are showing how uninformed you are

longknife is wrong. Less than 10\% of white immigrants to Texas were legal.

The remainder were illegal, more than 25,000.
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The original white Texans were illegal immigrants!

BS! Sam Houston and Steven Austin worked out a deal with Santa Ana to bring homesteaders into an under-developed part of Mexico - the area known as Tejas. They, in turn, made $$$ out of the settlers seeking to move west into their own land. They brought cattle with the idea of selling it.

Mexicans laws made it impossible to take cattle to lucrative markets and was one of the reasons the settlers rose up against Mexico.

So, as usual, you are showing how uninformed you are

I don't know how you ended up quoting me as I never made those remarks . In fact I agree with you.
The Anglo-Americans rose (1) the tax furlough had ended; (2) duties were imposed for trading into Mexico proper; (3) the Anglo-Americans would have to end the illegal slavery of more than 2000 African Americans.
Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

Demographics - Texas In Focus

Uh huh, and much of this growth is directly due to illegal immigration. We should embrace that?
Mexico embraced American immigration, even giving them land and look at the thanks they got!
Hispanics are the fastest-growing population group in Texas. The Hispanic population in Texas has grown by 10.9 percent since 2000, when Hispanics accounted for 32 percent of the Texas population.

Texas became a “majority-minority” state in 2004, meaning various ethnic minority populations now outnumber Whites. Other “majority-minority” states include Hawaii, New Mexico and California.

Demographics - Texas In Focus

Uh huh, and much of this growth is directly due to illegal immigration. We should embrace that?
Mexico embraced American immigration, even giving them land and look at the thanks they got!

Um, Mexicans enjoy the largest quotas for legal immigration into our country annually so you were sayin? They also have the most family reunification numbers on our soil.
The Mexican adults of American citizens are not going anywhere.

Get used to this fact.
The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

History is a wonderful thing. The facts are that after Mexico took the land owned by Spain, Mexico all but abandoned California. The Catholic Church abandoned the missions and the Mexican government sold them off to rich landowners, who were mostly Spanish. The only Mexican troops in California were to guard warehouses full of produce slated to be sent to Mexico City. Some troops collected taxes....another story.
Here is the point. Without any law enforcement, two banditos named Tiburcio Vasquez and Joaquin Murrieta were slaughtering people and effectively had Southern California cut off from the rest of the world by controlling the two Northern routs into the LA basin. They cut off heads and terrorized and killed miners. Complaints were made to Washington that travel to or through the area was impossible and many American citizens had been murdered. Washington send General John C. Freemont to the West on a "map making" expedition to observe the situation and report back. (The LA school system reports this as a "spying mission" by the US on Mexico.) General Santa Anna sent Freemont word that he should leave Southern California, or else.
Freemont went back to Washington and reported this. Washington sent Freemont out again, this time with a cannon. Freemont met Santa Anna in a pass , in back of the now Universal Studios. This was the famous "Mexican Standoff" that lasted for several days before a mule walked between the two army's and both sides shot the mule to death. No people were killed ! Santa Anna surrendered and then presented Freemont with the opportunity of "buying" Southern California, AZ, NM, parts of Texas and Baja California. Freemont turned down Baja as they have no fresh water. This is why the price was reduced from the previous offer to Washington, (by the Mexican government). The US paid half in gold. The second half was never paid as the Mexican government was in turmoil at the time and there was nobody in charge to pay. Some now say as it wasn't paid in full, it's not a done deal.

If these facts are known, the charges of a bloody theft are found to be false. That is if you use logic and reason. Mugging ? Really ?

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