The United States of America “obtained” 55% of Mexico’s territory at gunpoint

The Mexican-American War was not a war as much as it was a mugging. It is now recognized that most of the rationale for the declaration of war by the United States on Mexico had little to do with defending US citizens or property and a lot to do with our designs on seizing northern Mexico. We had offered to buy much of the land prior to the war and Mexico rejected it, but after the war we paid fifty cents on the dollar.

America 8217 s Hostile Takeover of Mexico Paul Kiser s Blog

History is a wonderful thing. The facts are that after Mexico took the land owned by Spain, Mexico all but abandoned California. The Catholic Church abandoned the missions and the Mexican government sold them off to rich landowners, who were mostly Spanish. The only Mexican troops in California were to guard warehouses full of produce slated to be sent to Mexico City. Some troops collected taxes....another story.
Here is the point. Without any law enforcement, two banditos named Tiburcio Vasquez and Joaquin Murrieta were slaughtering people and effectively had Southern California cut off from the rest of the world by controlling the two Northern routs into the LA basin. They cut off heads and terrorized and killed miners. Complaints were made to Washington that travel to or through the area was impossible and many American citizens had been murdered. Washington send General John C. Freemont to the West on a "map making" expedition to observe the situation and report back. (The LA school system reports this as a "spying mission" by the US on Mexico.) General Santa Anna sent Freemont word that he should leave Southern California, or else.
Freemont went back to Washington and reported this. Washington sent Freemont out again, this time with a cannon. Freemont met Santa Anna in a pass , in back of the now Universal Studios. This was the famous "Mexican Standoff" that lasted for several days before a mule walked between the two army's and both sides shot the mule to death. No people were killed ! Santa Anna surrendered and then presented Freemont with the opportunity of "buying" Southern California, AZ, NM, parts of Texas and Baja California. Freemont turned down Baja as they have no fresh water. This is why the price was reduced from the previous offer to Washington, (by the Mexican government). The US paid half in gold. The second half was never paid as the Mexican government was in turmoil at the time and there was nobody in charge to pay. Some now say as it wasn't paid in full, it's not a done deal.

If these facts are known, the charges of a bloody theft are found to be false. That is if you use logic and reason. Mugging ? Really ?

It will fall on deaf ears with the pro-illegal Reconquistas in here.
The Catholic Church abandoned the missions and the Mexican government sold them off to rich landowners, who were mostly Spanish.

I beg your pardon. While the vast majority of your quote was right on, the was totally in error.

Since Mexico's independence in 1921, the government sought to secularize all missions in its territory - to return it to the control of the Indians as was the original intent of the Franciscan missionaries. Various laws were passed and it was in 1835 that the actually plan was carried out - over the objections of the Friars who knew the Indians were incapable of carrying for the missions on their own.

When given a chance to take plots of land for themselves, the vast majority of mission Indians turned it down!

The government assigned lay individual to oversee the secularization of the missions - most of whom could neither read nor write nor do sums. It was a pure travesty. Mexican governors gave land to the sycophants in order to gain power - the most notorious being Pio Pico, the son of a man who was given land as part of the founding of Los Angeles. Even American courts found many of his actions to be illegal according to Mexican law!

Most of the Friars were gathered up and forced to leave California as they had been born in Spain - the converts crying and weeping for the loss of their "fathers."

Many of the mission lands were sold away by the Indians and later by the Mexican who could only see the $$$$ coming their way by Americans.

Sadly, the Indian population dies out of diseases, peonage, or outright slaughter by those who called them rustlers when they killed cattle in order to survive.

{Sorry, time to get down from my high horse but I'm sick and tired of "politically correct" history about this subject!] :FIREdevil:
The Mexican adults of American citizens are not going anywhere.

Get used to this fact.

Bet me and bite me. Illegal aliens are going to go home with our without their so-called American spawn.

Your nonsense falls on deaf ears: it won't happen. The American people will not permit it. The nativists lost long ago in the last century.

What's nativist about wanting our immigration laws respected and enforced against illegal aliens while at the same time advocating for legal immigration?
The "bet me and bite me" approach won't work. Neither party has been able to work together, and the situation needs to be resolved.
The Catholic Church abandoned the missions and the Mexican government sold them off to rich landowners, who were mostly Spanish.

I beg your pardon. While the vast majority of your quote was right on, the was totally in error.

Since Mexico's independence in 1921, the government sought to secularize all missions in its territory - to return it to the control of the Indians as was the original intent of the Franciscan missionaries. Various laws were passed and it was in 1835 that the actually plan was carried out - over the objections of the Friars who knew the Indians were incapable of carrying for the missions on their own.

When given a chance to take plots of land for themselves, the vast majority of mission Indians turned it down!

The government assigned lay individual to oversee the secularization of the missions - most of whom could neither read nor write nor do sums. It was a pure travesty. Mexican governors gave land to the sycophants in order to gain power - the most notorious being Pio Pico, the son of a man who was given land as part of the founding of Los Angeles. Even American courts found many of his actions to be illegal according to Mexican law!

Most of the Friars were gathered up and forced to leave California as they had been born in Spain - the converts crying and weeping for the loss of their "fathers."

Many of the mission lands were sold away by the Indians and later by the Mexican who could only see the $$$$ coming their way by Americans.

Sadly, the Indian population dies out of diseases, peonage, or outright slaughter by those who called them rustlers when they killed cattle in order to survive.

{Sorry, time to get down from my high horse but I'm sick and tired of "politically correct" history about this subject!] :FIREdevil:

Barbasiewiczfan said:
"The Catholic Church abandoned the missions and the Mexican government sold them off to rich landowners, who were mostly Spanish."

So, according to you I should have written: "The Mexican government gathered up all of the missions Spanish born Friars and forced them to leave California. The Indians took over the missions and sold many of them to rich landowners, some of whom were Spanish." So the Catholic church was forced to abandon the missions, but abandon they did, not to return for many many years. And indeed several of the missions ended up in the hands of Spanish citizens. I have read that the Mexican government was involved in the selling of mission property.

Hope you don't blow a cork.
Uhhh the same Mexico that was invaded by the Spanish and French and made into the country known as Mexico only after the slaughtering of millions of natives???? Aww tough shit. Now if only we would treat the illegal like the 50million strong invading force that they are..... imagine if it was 50 million Arabs..... Just saying.
We should take the rest of their country and expand our southern border to S. America. It would be a lot easier to keep the criminal bastards out of our country if we made Central America our new border. They've been asking for it for a long time now and they don't deserve their own country anyway. Look what they've done with it.
Yup, annex Mexico. I've been saying the same thing for at least a decade now.
Europeans intermarried with the natives, which created the Hispanic race. Anglos did not. We simply killed the natives.
Europeans intermarried with the natives, which created the Hispanic race. Anglos did not. We simply killed the natives.

There was plenty of native and Anglo love children. But as much as we didn't discriminate with sex smallpox was even more promiscuous.
Originally posted by longknife
Again, if Spain and Mexico had truly been concerned with maintaining control of those areas, they would have committed troops to do so.

Originally posted by BARBASIEWICZFAN
The facts are that after Mexico took the land owned by Spain, Mexico all but abandoned California.

Isn't it funny that every piece of land on planet Earth coveted by thieves and land grabbers of the first order suddenly, magically becomes "uninhabited", "abandoned", "neglected", "wasteland", etc, etc...?

The american continent

South Africa


You name it.

How convenient!!
Originally posted by Mr. President
Uhhh the same Mexico that was invaded by the Spanish and French and made into the country known as Mexico only after the slaughtering of millions of natives???? Aww tough shit. Now if only we would treat the illegal like the 50million strong invading force that they are..... imagine if it was 50 million Arabs..... Just saying.

Mexicans were invaders in relation to the natives but were "natives" in relation to anglo americans whose country didn't even exist yet when Cabeza de Vaca discoreved Texas in 1528.

And following your own logic there's nothing wrong with the Mexicanization of the american southwest since the whole country was taken by brute force too.
Originally posted by longknife
Again, if Spain and Mexico had truly been concerned with maintaining control of those areas, they would have committed troops to do so.

Originally posted by BARBASIEWICZFAN
The facts are that after Mexico took the land owned by Spain, Mexico all but abandoned California.

Isn't it funny that every piece of land on planet Earth coveted by thieves and land grabbers of the first order suddenly, magically becomes "uninhabited", "abandoned", "neglected", "wasteland", etc, etc...?

The american continent

South Africa


You name it.

How convenient!!

The Mexican government abandoning California resulted in the local banditos controlling a large area. This is the point. That is why the US stuck it's big nose into the situation. You know this too. Don't scold about land grabbing thieves. Neither of us can take the high ground here.
My reason for writing is to counter the claim that the land purchase was a "mugging." After the treaty was signed, Santa Anna and his army invited Freemont and his troops to a giant fiesta in LA that lasted for almost a week.
You can purposely pretend to miss the message by picking at the facts. It wasn't the Mexican government...just local governors. Or, the Indians were given the missions but the "local governors" sold them to the civilians. The "straw herring" tactic. To change the subject and stop the discussion.
The point is that Mexico, as history shows, didn't occupy, protect, govern or have any attraction to California while it owned it for 26 years, and sold it at the first chance to do so. Now it is reported as a MUGGING, really ?

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