The unmasking of the government and others.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Published July 27, 2017
Fox News
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An Obama official made “hundreds of unmasking requests” during the final year of the previous administration, according to a letter from a top Republican who raised new concerns that officials sought the identities of Trump associates in intelligence reports for “improper purposes.”

“Unmasking” refers to the formal request to identify Americans in an intelligence document.


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has questioned whether Obama officials improperly sought the names of Trump transition members in this way – and, in the letter obtained by Fox News, Nunes provided new details about what his investigators have found.

“[T]his Committee has learned that one official, whose position has no apparent intelligence-related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama Administration,” he wrote to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

Only one request, Nunes wrote, “offered a justification that was not boilerplate and articulated why” the identity was needed for official duties.

Three of the nation’s intelligence agencies received subpoenas in May explicitly naming three top Obama administration officials: Former CIA director John Brennan, former national security adviser Susan Rice, and former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power.

Nunes’ letter appears to make reference to Power as the official who made “hundreds” of requests.

However, David Pressman, counsel to Power and partner at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, stressed Power’s responsibilities in her capacity as a member of the National Security Council and denied she leaked anything classified.

"Long before receiving an invitation to engage the Congressional committees, Ambassador Power was unambiguous about her support of bipartisan efforts to determine the full extent of this threat to our national security," he said in a statement. "While serving as our Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Power was also a member of the National Security Council responsible for advising the President on the full-range of threats confronting the United States. Any insinuation that Ambassador Power was involved in leaking classified information is absolutely false."

The Nunes letter also said he plans to introduce a bill requiring “individual, fact-based justifications” for such unmasking requests. “Cabinet members and other senior political leaders cannot be permitted to continue to seek access to U.S. person information within disseminated intelligence reports without documenting a specific, fact-based requirement for the information,” he wrote.

Explaining his concerns, Nunes said in the letter that “Obama-era officials sought the identities of Trump transition officials within intelligence reports” without offering any “meaningful explanation” as to why they needed or how they would use the information.
Published July 27, 2017
Fox News
Now Playing
Khanna on bipartisan support for lowering health care costs

An Obama official made “hundreds of unmasking requests” during the final year of the previous administration, according to a letter from a top Republican who raised new concerns that officials sought the identities of Trump associates in intelligence reports for “improper purposes.”

“Unmasking” refers to the formal request to identify Americans in an intelligence document.


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has questioned whether Obama officials improperly sought the names of Trump transition members in this way – and, in the letter obtained by Fox News, Nunes provided new details about what his investigators have found.

“[T]his Committee has learned that one official, whose position has no apparent intelligence-related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama Administration,” he wrote to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

Only one request, Nunes wrote, “offered a justification that was not boilerplate and articulated why” the identity was needed for official duties.

Three of the nation’s intelligence agencies received subpoenas in May explicitly naming three top Obama administration officials: Former CIA director John Brennan, former national security adviser Susan Rice, and former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power.

Nunes’ letter appears to make reference to Power as the official who made “hundreds” of requests.

However, David Pressman, counsel to Power and partner at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, stressed Power’s responsibilities in her capacity as a member of the National Security Council and denied she leaked anything classified.

"Long before receiving an invitation to engage the Congressional committees, Ambassador Power was unambiguous about her support of bipartisan efforts to determine the full extent of this threat to our national security," he said in a statement. "While serving as our Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Power was also a member of the National Security Council responsible for advising the President on the full-range of threats confronting the United States. Any insinuation that Ambassador Power was involved in leaking classified information is absolutely false."

The Nunes letter also said he plans to introduce a bill requiring “individual, fact-based justifications” for such unmasking requests. “Cabinet members and other senior political leaders cannot be permitted to continue to seek access to U.S. person information within disseminated intelligence reports without documenting a specific, fact-based requirement for the information,” he wrote.

Explaining his concerns, Nunes said in the letter that “Obama-era officials sought the identities of Trump transition officials within intelligence reports” without offering any “meaningful explanation” as to why they needed or how they would use the information.
subpoena city on the way.
Devin Nunes is not a reliable source. He is a Trump sycophant and has lied for Trump before. Nunes' investigation is clearly political. There is nothing illegal about unmasking as long as you have the proper security clearances. You are suggesting that hundreds of Trump associates were brought up in law enforcement and intelligence taps. Usually they don't spy on the Saturday Evening Women's Garden Club. They spy on pretty bad people. Why are Trump associates' names brought up so much?
Four members of the Pussy-Ridden Republican Causas in Congress, have shown the balls to do something about the extended Crime Family that was the Obama Administration.

Devin Nunes
Trey Gowdy
Jim Jordan
Chuck Grassley, a true dog on a bone.

I may have missed one or two, but not more.

I have two Republican Senators and a Republican Representative from whom not a peep has been heard about the nearly successful criminal attempt to undermine our American Republic by the likes of Eric Holders and an army of other Federal Government Criminals working for the same piece of shit---our first Bolshevik President.

My Republicans Congressional Representatives know as well as I do that if a President owns his Attorney Obama did his lap dog Attorney Generals...if a President can corrupt the Justice Department as Obama most certainly did....then his Crime Family is one step from a Dictatorship.

We had the nearest miss in our history and were only saved by Terms Limits, the cravenness and depravity of Hillary Clinton, and a man with personality disorders, but also with balls...Don Trump.

And the Pussy Republicans, the above four only excepted, still sit by idle....terrified by the New York Media.


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