The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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A really stupid law.

Point is, if you are old enough to fight for this country, you should be old enough to drink to it.

If we regulated guns the way we regulate alcohol, you'd have a lot less guns.

Uhh, we DO...

Uh, no, we don't.

If Loughner, Holmes and Lanza can get guns, they are insufficiently regulated.

Two of those people had no history of mental illness, and one of them stole the guns he used. Can you explain how more laws will keep people from breaking laws?
What regulations-

Thorough background checks for EVERYONE in the home before a gun is sold.

You want the parents to drag their children in for a background check before they get a gun? Why should a 3 month old child need a background check? Are you afraid they might have been Jack the Ripper in a previous life?

Strict gun licensing.

What the fuck does this mean? Are you talking something like a car license where you have to prove you have permission to use your vehicle in public? The only state that does not require licensing for public carry is Alaska, how may mass shootings do they have there in an average year?

Mandetory insurance.

Insurance for what? Are you aware that most homeowner polices already cover guns?

Liability for gunmakers and sellers when their products are misused.


Why would anyone with a brain want something like this? You just lied when you argued that distilleries and breweries never do anything wrong, yet you don't see a need to hokd them responsible for the bad things that happen when people drink, why hold gun makers responsible when people misuse their products?

Please provide some reason other than you being a two bit busybody who thinks he can solve any problem in the world.

Remove high capacity clips, and semi-automatic weapons from the market, as well as military grade weaponry.

Define high capacity clips. Are you aware that smaller magazines make a gun easier to conceal? The biggest innovation that came out of the Clinton era ban on larger magazines were the guns you can carry in your pants pocket, and you think that is a good idea.

By the way, what, exactly, is wrong with semi automatic weapons? What, exactly, are military grade weapons? Do you even know? My guess, given the fact that I have repeatedly pointed out that military grade weapons are generally less lethal than hunting weapons, and you have never changed your position, is no.

Make posession of same a felony after a certain grace period to turn them in for disposal.

They tried that in Australia, Germany, and the UK. It didn't work in any of those places, what makes you think it will work here?
A really stupid law.

Point is, if you are old enough to fight for this country, you should be old enough to drink to it.

If we regulated guns the way we regulate alcohol, you'd have a lot less guns.

Uhh, we DO...

Uh, no, we don't.

If Loughner, Holmes and Lanza can get guns, they are insufficiently regulated.

Imagine this country if only these guys were allowed guns... - Fairfax police officer fired for role in David Masters killing - Cop Shoots Family-Dog Then Cleans Evidence - Raw : Police Restore Order After Bart Shooting Protestors Get Unruly - Raw cell phone video of BART shooting,filmed from train - BART OFFICIALS RESPONCE TO OFFICER SHOOTING - Woman Mistaken As Fleeing Felon

And these are just a very FEW of the incidents that happen every day in this country. Just imagine how fun your life would be if only these guys had the particular attention to the BART response after one of their own killed a 22 year old laying face down on the ground.

When you no longer have guns these asshats will no longer need to even try to make up crap like this, they will just fuck you over and go on about their day with no recriminations.
I guess we should hold car dealerships responsible if you buy a car from them and get into a accident..and the idiot beat goes on with media matters.

Firestone Tire Accidents - Defective Tire Injuries and Death


You're not too swift are you time your car gets used in the commision of a crime I sue YOU and the car dealer and the car manufacturer. Do you understand the stupidity of the law you're trying to pass?

No, I didn't think you would...
They do background checks and when they do see someone coming in every month buying numerous firearms, they most certainly notify the proper authorities in almost every case, just as was the case gun dealers in the Fast and Furious debacle. You remember that right? The gun dealers thought something was wrong, they notified the govt, the govt told them to ignore the law and continue to make the sales? You see the same person coming into the liquor store week after week, always sober at the time, with proper ID, buying bottle after bottle, yet you continue to sell him the product. You find out later that he was in a DUI crash, his 4th or 5th dui, he destroyed his home life, beat his kids and wife while drunk, and killed two people, in his last accident. So according to your illogical stance, you arrest and sue liquor store owner and you sue Jim Beam right? I mean it wasn't the customer's fault right, he was duped by all the commercails showing him how he can have fun and party with pretty girls if he just drank this stuff. It wasn't his fault, it was the liquor store owner's fault, I mean the guy came in all the time buying liquor, the owner should have known this guy was going to do something like this eventually right? Your position has no leg to stand on bud. It's ridiculous to say then least. Childish and moronic in the extreme.

OOOooookay, now you are going into crazy land. Of course I am, how else can I converse with you unless I go to where you are?

Besides the fact that you are in tinfoil hat territory about how Bush's gun plan was stopped by Holder and Obama, the fact is, they DO yank a liqour sellers license if he's not checking ID. Bush's plan was stopped by obama and holder?
Are you freaking insane, stupid, misinformed or just pulling crap out of your ass again? Bush's gun walking plan was NOTHING like obama/holders, among other things Bush's was run with the knowledge and co-operation of the Mexican govt and Mexixan law enforcement, it was called operation wide reciever and it ended in 2007, which in case you're unaware of this fact, obama wasn't in power and holder wasn't anything so they couldn't stop a damn thing. Do you EVER base the crap you spew on facts? It sure as hell doesn't seem so that's for sure. As for pulling the license of a clerk who sells without ID, who said anything about that? The same and worse happens to a gun dealer who does this, they actually go to jail, but that's not the point and that's not what I said. I said should the liquor store owner and the liquor manufacturer be sued if a person kills another person in a DUI if the person legally purchased the liquor? That's what you want to do to gun manufacturers and dealers.

I should also point out that the alcohol industry doesn't aggressively market to children and spends a lot of money advocating anti DUI programs. What? Who do you think is watching TV and seeing all those Heineken, Bacardii, Budweiser, etc, etc, etc, etc commercials? You're a freaking idiot my man. You think adults really believe if they drink bacardi they can pick up hot chicks, drive fast cars and party on yachts? I've never seen a firearms commercial on regular TV, just on Cable, yet booze commercials, every day on local channels. Get real dude, you can't be this stupid.

The Gun industry uses every gun incident to sell more guns. That's like throwing gasoline on a fire. Lol, yes the "gun industry" forces people to come in and buy guns every time there's a threat that your socialist democratic scumbag policians threaten to curtail their right to bear arms. Yup, it's not the leftist media, Pravda West, that sensationalizes EVERY mass shooting and idollizes evert mass shooter, the bloodier the better making people feel unsafe and wanting to go out and buy a gun, it's those mean evil ole gun manufactureres. Here's a fact for you slick, keep it because you have so very, very, very few, obama has been responsible for selling more guns than ALL the ads ever produced by gun manufacturers combined.

Hell, all three of them could legally buy alcohol, so I guess it's not as 'regulated' as you proclaim.

What regulation do you propose to stopping the nutbags from getting guns, Joe?

And remember, Lanza stole his guns from his murdered mother.

What regulations-

Thorough background checks for EVERYONE in the home before a gun is sold.

Accomplishes NOTHING.

Accomplishes NOTHING.

You want to make innocent parties liable for someone else's criminal act?

Unconstitutional, read the 2nd Amendment.

See above.

It's constitutional if we say it is... and we back it up.

And every other industrialized country has restricted private gun ownship, and guess what, it works.

Tired of you gun whacks throwing your tantrums... and endangering the rest of us.
Two of those people had no history of mental illness, and one of them stole the guns he used. Can you explain how more laws will keep people from breaking laws?

When the guns aren't available, you can't break the law...

This is really fucking simple, and the rest of the world has figured this out...

That explains the complete lack of school shootings in the UK since they effectively outlawed guns.


That must be the exception. I am sure it got better after they made handguns illegal right after Dunblame.


I have said this before, I will say it again, name a country with strict gun control laws, I will find a shooting. You idiots should just pretend I don't exist, it will make you feel better.
What if you designed a knife that can be smuggled passed the TSA?


You're not too swift either are you 'nut. Before you open your mouth and insert your foot try doing some basic research. A Glock for your information is mainly steel. The frame is indeed a polymer but the entire slide is milled steel. Additionally, to placate ignorant twits like you, Glock also adds a non polymer to the frame while it is in the mold so that the frame is still detectable via X-Ray.
Two of those people had no history of mental illness, and one of them stole the guns he used. Can you explain how more laws will keep people from breaking laws?

When the guns aren't available, you can't break the law...

This is really fucking simple, and the rest of the world has figured this out...

:lol::lol::lol: Really? Where oh where are guns not available to the insane? My gosh but you're stupid.
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