The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

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But car companies don't get sued if someone gets drunk, gets behind the wheel, and kills someone. How is that the fault of the car manufacturer?

As to who they are sold to, that's up to gun dealers and background checks.

I agree.

So let's hold gun dealers responsible and have thorough background checks.

And when a gun store has "Official Colt Dealer" posters in their windows, Colt should be responsible for them performing the background checks and not selling guns to people who look shady.

You want to make that judgment based on how someone LOOKS, Joe?

You sure you want to go there?

I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.
I agree.

So let's hold gun dealers responsible and have thorough background checks.

And when a gun store has "Official Colt Dealer" posters in their windows, Colt should be responsible for them performing the background checks and not selling guns to people who look shady.

You want to make that judgment based on how someone LOOKS, Joe?

You sure you want to go there?

I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.

Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?
You want to make that judgment based on how someone LOOKS, Joe?

You sure you want to go there?

I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.

Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?
I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.

Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

I know several people that buy multiple weapons on a pretty regular basis and they're not doing ANYTHING illegal. Who are you to try and tell someone else how many of ANY legal product they can buy?

You don't have the right, Joe. Deal with it.
Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

I know several people that buy multiple weapons on a pretty regular basis and they're not doing ANYTHING illegal. Who are you to try and tell someone else how many of ANY legal product they can buy?

You don't have the right, Joe. Deal with it.

The problem is, these products shouldn't be legal to start with.

And a few more school shootings, they won't be...

Deal with it.
Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

I know several people that buy multiple weapons on a pretty regular basis and they're not doing ANYTHING illegal. Who are you to try and tell someone else how many of ANY legal product they can buy?

You don't have the right, Joe. Deal with it.

The problem is, these products shouldn't be legal to start with.

And a few more school shootings, they won't be...

Deal with it.

Good luck with that...
I know several people that buy multiple weapons on a pretty regular basis and they're not doing ANYTHING illegal. Who are you to try and tell someone else how many of ANY legal product they can buy?

You don't have the right, Joe. Deal with it.

The problem is, these products shouldn't be legal to start with.

And a few more school shootings, they won't be...

Deal with it.

Good luck with that...

Luck has nothing to do with it.

People are seeing teh NRA for what it is....
I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.

Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

Bloomberg already tried that pariticular law suit in Va and lost, I'm friends with the owner of the shop that dipshit, pos liberal tried to stongarm. As for the gun dealer, it's not his responsibility to act as the police or the BATFE. His responsibility is to follow the law which they almost always do. Here's how it works for intelligent people. If YOU commit the crime, YOU own that crime. For the liberal a-holes like you though, it's if you commit the crime, let's look for someone or something else to blame it on seeing that you are nothing but a poor misguided, oppressed individual influenced by ads, your upbringing, poverty, etc. Guess you're all about locking up obama and holder for their responsiblity in the deaths of hundreds because they knowingly allowed straw purchases, no, they FORCED the gun shops to break the law and make these purchases, causing the deaths of hundreds including US Law Enforcement agents. You're a fool bud, a tool, a dupe, a clueless moron who bases his opinion on feelings, thoughts, propganda, misinformation and lies, without any thought to the realities or facts of the subject. YOU are what's wrong with this nation.
Bloomberg already tried that pariticular law suit in Va and lost, I'm friends with the owner of the shop that dipshit, pos liberal tried to stongarm. As for the gun dealer, it's not his responsibility to act as the police or the BATFE. His responsibility is to follow the law which they almost always do. Here's how it works for intelligent people. If YOU commit the crime, YOU own that crime. For the liberal a-holes like you though, it's if you commit the crime, let's look for someone or something else to blame it on seeing that you are nothing but a poor misguided, oppressed individual influenced by ads, your upbringing, poverty, etc. Guess you're all about locking up obama and holder for their responsiblity in the deaths of hundreds because they knowingly allowed straw purchases, no, they FORCED the gun shops to break the law and make these purchases, causing the deaths of hundreds including US Law Enforcement agents. You're a fool bud, a tool, a dupe, a clueless moron who bases his opinion on feelings, thoughts, propganda, misinformation and lies, without any thought to the realities or facts of the subject. YOU are what's wrong with this nation.

No, guy, what's wrong with this nation is that an unethical industry selling a dangerous product to people who don't need it and shouldn't have it has strongarmed congress into letting it have its way.

If your buddy owned some of the deaths his guns caused, he'd clean up his act.

Time to get you all to clean up your acts.
I think you guys know exactly what I mean... the gun sellers know who the bad guys are, they just don't give a fuck.

It should be pointed out that when the police backtracked legally sold guns used by criminals, they found most of them came from a handful of shops that werent' doing the background checks.

So simple enough solution. If you sell a gun, and it is used in a crime, you own that crime as much as the guy who did it.

Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

Wow, you are a true simpleton. So when your car is used by your daughters boyfriend to commit a crime I get to sue you right?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

I know several people that buy multiple weapons on a pretty regular basis and they're not doing ANYTHING illegal. Who are you to try and tell someone else how many of ANY legal product they can buy?

You don't have the right, Joe. Deal with it.

The problem is, these products shouldn't be legal to start with.

And a few more school shootings, they won't be...

Deal with it.

Fortunately you and your fellow jackbooted thugs will have to wait awhile before you can march innocent people off to your gulags.... Fritz.
Why do you need to compare America to third world countries to make "your point".

Probably because you can't find an industrialized country that does.

Yes, bankrupting the Gun Makers is actually killing the snake at it's head. You'll be amazed how fast Crazy Wayne s huts up when his ATM card doesn't work.

In other words, you want to cherry pick the data you use to support your point. When you look at all the data, it doesn't support your point. The murder rate isn't determined by the number of guns owned by private citizens. It's determined by social factors like illegitimacy.

Mexico is no longer a "third world" country, BTW. there are also the examples of Switzerland and Israel that have high levels of gun ownership and low murder rates.
Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

"Simple" and wrong. That's the kind of "solution" that Hitler or Stalin would find appealing. Free Americans, on the other hand, are disgusted with such totalitarian schemes.

You are the biggest moron in this forum.
The Unprecedented Law Giving Gun Makers And Dealers Immunity

Mr. Fucktard, Sir:

Was any one employed by a gun manufacturer at any site where mass shootings have occurred?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

No, you said? So STFU.

Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?

Because guns cannot be made safe. When used as intended, they can kill someone. It's the same reason why knife makers aren't liable for people slicing their hands when they cut a bagle. If you stab someone the knife maker isn't liable. The knife is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.

There are dozens of law giving immunity to gun makers as well as the maker of every other product that cannot be made safe.
Unprecedented? Guess you support suing GM every time a customer of theirs kills or injures someone, while using their product in an unlawful or reckless manner? Only a scumbag liberal democrat like Bloomberg or morons like him, would even think it's sane to sue a manufacturer because a person uses their product in an unlawful or reckless manner. Guess we need to sue louisville slugger because of the people beaten to death with ball bats huh? We'll sue Shrade because some nuts stab people usuing Shrade Knives next huh? Oh oh, just read an article about someone getting beaten to death with a TV, guess we'll be suing Sanyo now huh?

Car companies get sued all the time for mechanical defects that cause accidents.

Frankly, if you design a product that is specifically meant to kill people and you don't strictly regulate who you are selling it to, you should be sued.

How can Smith and Wesson control who Joe's Guns and Fried Possum sells a revolver to?
How can Joe's Guns and Fried Possum control what you do with the revolver after the government approves your purchase and you walk out thew door?
Why shouldn't gun makers be held liable like other manufacturers?

Because guns cannot be made safe. When used as intended, they can kill someone. It's the same reason why knife makers aren't liable for people slicing their hands when they cut a bagle. If you stab someone the knife maker isn't liable. The knife is doing exactly what it is supposed to do.

There are dozens of law giving immunity to gun makers as well as the maker of every other product that cannot be made safe.

Are you saying that, when used as intended, target pistols always kill people? That, when used as intended, deer rifles kill people? Do you have a working brain cell in your skull? A non working one?
Wrong. You do know what a Straw Purchase is right? That's a criminal, and I emphasize the word criminal, act whereby a person who CAN legally purchase a firearm does so FOR a person who cannot legaly buy one, usually for a fee. This is ALREADY aganst the law, so what new law is needed?

Again- simple enough solution- if a gun that came from your shop is used in a crime, you own that crime.

You don't think that when the gun dealer in VA sees the the same customer come in for the fifth time in a month to buy a bunch of guns, he doesn't know what's up?

Wow, you are a true simpleton. So when your car is used by your daughters boyfriend to commit a crime I get to sue you right?


Actually, under most jurisdictions, the fact you let the guy have your car would probably make you liable, especially if you knew the kid was dirtbag...
Unprecedented? Guess you support suing GM every time a customer of theirs kills or injures someone, while using their product in an unlawful or reckless manner? Only a scumbag liberal democrat like Bloomberg or morons like him, would even think it's sane to sue a manufacturer because a person uses their product in an unlawful or reckless manner. Guess we need to sue louisville slugger because of the people beaten to death with ball bats huh? We'll sue Shrade because some nuts stab people usuing Shrade Knives next huh? Oh oh, just read an article about someone getting beaten to death with a TV, guess we'll be suing Sanyo now huh?

Car companies get sued all the time for mechanical defects that cause accidents.

Frankly, if you design a product that is specifically meant to kill people and you don't strictly regulate who you are selling it to, you should be sued.

How can Smith and Wesson control who Joe's Guns and Fried Possum sells a revolver to?
How can Joe's Guns and Fried Possum control what you do with the revolver after the government approves your purchase and you walk out thew door?

Good question.

Maybe they might actually do BACKGROUND CHECKS.

Wow. What a concept.

Maby Joe's will notice the same guy keeps coming in once a month and buying a bunch of guns.
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