The US Election -- Questions from outside the US

There is no uniting.
Too many people want the govt to run everything. EVERYTHING
They're Communists. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Ralph Nader, that whole crew.
Too many people want the govt to run less.
Not very many just want to be left alone.
I need guns because I know good and well some people aren't going to leave me alone unless they can somehow be forced, compelled, coerced, threatened, imprisoned, or put in fear of their lives to leave me alone.
There is no uniting.
Too many people want the govt to run everything. EVERYTHING
They're Communists. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Ralph Nader, that whole crew.

Can you explain to me in your words what you think communism is?

We used to have genuine communism in the eastern part of our country for 40 years, which was not funny at all, and I offer you to tell you about it, if you're interested to learn what communism really is.

Really, I knew some people, victims of genuine communism, who'd rotate in their graves if they heard people like you talking like that.

“Fascist politics transforms politics into a battlefield. And in the battlefield … you don’t care if your opponent is speaking truth or not. They’re the enemy. They want to kill you,” Stanley said in a subsequent interview with NPR. “If your leader says false things, it doesn’t matter. He’s trying to win the battle, win the war for you. So that’s the structure. And then you delegitimize the media by connecting them to your opponent, saying it’s one big conspiracy to undermine the nation, and then only you are the savior. Only you can save things. People have to have blind faith in you. And Trump has created that kind of connection between him and his supporters.”

The Trump cult will be studied for years to come.

I will not call Trump a fascist, since I don't think calling the other side names will convince anybody or bring us anywhere, but just fuel the eternal yin yang of mutual demonization ... but there is, generally speaking, an eery parallel to Germany in the 1920s and 30s:

The extreme polarization of politics. In Germany during the 20s, too, the extremists on both sides were extremely strong and living in seperate realities -- the communists on one side, the fascists on the other. The commies won more than 20% in elections and the far-right up to 43%, until the Nazis took over.

There was no sane middle ground anymore. The center, which used to defend the republic, was weak and disoriented. So it were the extremists that dominated the public, including bloody battles on the streets.

We know what happened then: One side finally took over, hollowed out the institutions of the republic, such as free elections, independent courts and checks and balances -- and put the other side into camps and murdered them.

It required America to liberate us from this nightmare. And I'm very happy that after 1949, at least in the western half of our country, the moderate parties governed with a consensus to shun the extremists on both sides. It was the moderate right that banned the Nazi German Reich Party in 1953, and it was the moderate left that battled far-left terrorism in the 1970s. Thanks to that consensus of the moderates, we had the best and most successful time in our history in the past decades.
The Division has been pimped by our Media since the 80s/90s, but it's really picked up since the Internet. The reason it's worse today than any other time is because Trump is disgusting enough of a human to take advantage of the division from a position of power.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.



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As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?
That's a conspiracy theorist you're about to engage. Fair warning, proceed as you'd like. They're thick and full of links and obsession, it won't end.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.

Yeah, I believe you, it is well possible that some of that happened ... and maybe it's not good style to idolize these people as heroes.

But still, considering what my countrymen did during WW2, I can well understand that many of their victims were no longer in a mood to respect the Geneva Convention, POW rules and so on either. They wanted revenge. Does that mean they were just as evil as the Nazis? Well, if you believe so, you can say God will decide that in the next world.

But the bottom line is, my country was liberated, and after the war was over, we had the huge luck -- and really, considering how we had treated our victims, it IS a huge luck -- to restart in freedom and democracy. And get rich again.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?

uh just that the world needs to know the TRUTH that our presidents are as evil and corrupt as hitler and stalin because they are just puppets for the elite doing their bidding to start wars and if they dont be their puppet,thy end up like kennedy our last great president who dared to try and get us back to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of these corporations that do now.only an idiot by now does not realise the CIA that he tried to get rid of,is as evil as the third reich and killed him cause he tried to get rid of them.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

that is how has assassination still affects us today sense had he lived,the people would have control over the government now.its a fucking dangerous world when the government can kill the president and get away with it scott free,people dont want to accept this happened cause they dont want to accept reality they live in a banana republica,a police state that is a facist dictatership and not a free country.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.

Yeah, I believe you, it is well possible that some of that happened ... and maybe it's not good style to idolize these people as heroes.

But still, considering what my countrymen did during WW2, I can well understand that many of their victims were no longer in a mood to respect the Geneva Convention, POW rules and so on either. They wanted revenge. Does that mean they were just as evil as the Nazis? Well, if you believe so, you can say God will decide that in the next world.

But the bottom line is, my country was liberated, and after the war was over, we had the huge luck -- and really, considering how we had treated our victims, it IS a huge luck -- to restart in freedom and democracy. And get rich again.

As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.

Yeah, I believe you, it is well possible that some of that happened ... and maybe it's not good style to idolize these people as heroes.

But still, considering what my countrymen did during WW2, I can well understand that many of their victims were no longer in a mood to respect the Geneva Convention, POW rules and so on either. They wanted revenge. Does that mean they were just as evil as the Nazis? Well, if you believe so, you can say God will decide that in the next world.

But the bottom line is, my country was liberated, and after the war was over, we had the huge luck -- and really, considering how we had treated our victims, it IS a huge luck -- to restart in freedom and democracy. And get rich again.

thats a reasonable post.i just wish i was having this conversation with you years ago so i could show you that video that facist youtube deleted sense it is not politically correct of all the german citizens that marched in the streets and had signs telling the truth what a mass murderer eisenhower was. you cant find any of that stuff on youtube anymore though,they have deleted any truth videos that expose government corruption pretty much this day.them and facebook delete any of the accounts of anybody that is a trump supporter,thats how much the establishment wants him out of office as they did with jfk.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?
That's a conspiracy theorist you're about to engage. Fair warning, proceed as you'd like. They're thick and full of links and obsession, it won't end.

I remember having read somewhere that there was indeed
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?

uh just that the world needs to know the TRUTH that our presidents are as evil and corrupt as hitler and stalin because they are just puppets for the elite doing their bidding to start wars and if they dont be their puppet,thy end up like kennedy our last great president who dared to try and get us back to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of these corporations that do now.only an idiot by now does not realise the CIA that he tried to get rid of,is as evil as the third reich and killed him cause he tried to get rid of them.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

that is how has assassination still affects us today sense had he lived,the people would have control over the government now.its a fucking dangerous world when the government can kill the president and get away with it scott free,people dont want to accept this happened cause they dont want to accept reality they live in a banana republica,a police state that is a facist dictatership and not a free country.

I understand that you want truly good leaders, that your country is on the side of the good guys ... and then you are disappointed, because they're also just humans.

But hey, that's what you get when your government is people. :D People are rarely saints. Christians say "we're all sinners", and if you ignore for a moment what kind of weird things many Christians do all the time, they have a point.

But my take is that free, republican government is good -- not because it's a perfect system that doesn't generate evil, or because its leaders are never corrupt, or because it cannot fail. It's good because no other system takes into account just that man indeed is evil and corrupt. Which is why checks and balances were invented, for that nobody gets too much power, and the different people holding part of the power control each other. And that due to freedom of speech, there is a better control for all the corruption that takes place than in any other system.

Now obviously that doesn't suddenly make people less corrupt or evil, greedy or ignorant. But still that system can deal better with these human failings than any other system can.

Churchill said it best: "Democracy is the worst system. With the exception of all others."
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.

Yeah, I believe you, it is well possible that some of that happened ... and maybe it's not good style to idolize these people as heroes.

But still, considering what my countrymen did during WW2, I can well understand that many of their victims were no longer in a mood to respect the Geneva Convention, POW rules and so on either. They wanted revenge. Does that mean they were just as evil as the Nazis? Well, if you believe so, you can say God will decide that in the next world.

But the bottom line is, my country was liberated, and after the war was over, we had the huge luck -- and really, considering how we had treated our victims, it IS a huge luck -- to restart in freedom and democracy. And get rich again.

As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.

Yeah, I believe you, it is well possible that some of that happened ... and maybe it's not good style to idolize these people as heroes.

But still, considering what my countrymen did during WW2, I can well understand that many of their victims were no longer in a mood to respect the Geneva Convention, POW rules and so on either. They wanted revenge. Does that mean they were just as evil as the Nazis? Well, if you believe so, you can say God will decide that in the next world.

But the bottom line is, my country was liberated, and after the war was over, we had the huge luck -- and really, considering how we had treated our victims, it IS a huge luck -- to restart in freedom and democracy. And get rich again.

thats a reasonable post.i just wish i was having this conversation with you years ago so i could show you that video that facist youtube deleted sense it is not politically correct of all the german citizens that marched in the streets and had signs telling the truth what a mass murderer eisenhower was. you cant find any of that stuff on youtube anymore though,they have deleted any truth videos that expose government corruption pretty much this day.them and facebook delete any of the accounts of anybody that is a trump supporter,thats how much the establishment wants him out of office as they did with jfk.

Be careful about what you see online, especially on YouTube: There are many whackos out there. Including Neo-Nazis who engage in revisionist history and so on.

Or even real Nazis. The propaganda of the German government under Nazi rule was extreme, even still today people believe some of the lies the Nazi government fed their people with back then.

For example: Did you know that in Dresden, it were most likely not 200.000 people who were killed, but more like 20.000, as historians estimate today? So how comes this example keeps being named as an example for Allied war crimes? Yep -- because of the Nazi propaganda. For decades, even historians just took the high numbers out of the Nazi propaganda. It still works today, more than 70 years later.

That said, I don't really want to engage in such a debate ... I'm not qualified, as I'm not a historian. Let the historians bicker about numbers.

My point is: Question your sources!
Especially on YouTube. Anybody can write and post their videos there ... ideologues with an agenda, hacks, even mentally insane people.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:

If you're interested, I can tell you why I don't like Trump and am mildly hopeful about Biden ... not meaning to attack you in any way.

It's that I think the free republics/democracies (I mean the free states with separation of powers, free elections and so on), the Western World, should cooperate and be united when addressing global problems. Like, for example, global streams of refugees than are threatening to overrun our countries, or climate change, or the rise of ugly dictatorships abroad.

I like to think of our free countries as a community, the Western World, which shares certain values: That there must be checks and balances in government, that minority rights must be protected, that the government is not above the law and that free elections determine our leaders. These values make us different from other countries, and dare I say, they make us better than other countries.

My problem with Trump is that he gave up this view: He attempted to become best buddies with ugly, disgusting tyrants abroad, such as Russia's Putin who poisons regime critics and let's his agents shoot them, who abolished free media and feeds the people state controlled propaganda and who invades neighboring countries to take away their freedom -- and at the same time, Trump treated his free, republican European allies like enemies. For Trump, there is no such thing as a "Western World" and he does not believe that free republican systems must support each other -- he'd rather make deals with tyrants. Trump has given up the role America used to play after ever since World War II, namely to be "the leader of the Free World" who uses his power to defend democracy and freedom even abroad.

In some cases, I see where Trump is coming from ... for example, I agree that unlimited illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany pays too few for NATO protection. Or that the ever increasing globalization of the economy of the past decades must be limited and perhaps reduced in some areas. But I still can't get around the impression that Trump was throwing "the West" under the bus in his attempt to act in a nationalistic manner. Also, his buddy friendship with Putin gives me the creeps.

I could tell you more about the geo-strategic implication that I think are at play here, but I think I'll leave it at that for now. Just ask if you want me to explain more about my feelings.

As for Biden, I'm not amazed about him, but I think he'll at least be a "normal" President, like all the other American Presidents between 1945 and 2016: One who believes in freedom and republican/democratic government, and will support free countries in need. He'll not hurl insults at foreign leaders just to please his fanbase, he will not constantly blame others for his faults and if he'll be diselected in 4 years, he will not spew lies that damage the great free American system, but accept the will of the people.

wow you are totally in the dark about Biden,you are dead wrong that he wont spew lies that damage the great free american system,did you not see the part of his ties to communist china i wrote? obviously not. and dude all those presidents you mentioned from 1945 to 2016 were all mass murderers and liars.presidents ALWAYS are,as i have said a thousand times on here,the presidnet is just a puppet for the establishment,if he does not do what they tell him,they kill you off as they did kennedy.

i see you also missed the part as well i also mentioned that Biden went along with everything that facist pig Obama did,not only continuing Bushs illegal war,but expanding it as well as expanding Bushs illegal dreconian patriot act that allows the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens.

and i see you also missed the part that trump is the first president in over five corrupt administrations to NOT start a war with another country and is not a mass murderer as they all were.

please try and keep up around here and not overlook those posts nect time. :lmao:
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:

If you're interested, I can tell you why I don't like Trump and am mildly hopeful about Biden ... not meaning to attack you in any way.

It's that I think the free republics/democracies (I mean the free states with separation of powers, free elections and so on), the Western World, should cooperate and be united when addressing global problems. Like, for example, global streams of refugees than are threatening to overrun our countries, or climate change, or the rise of ugly dictatorships abroad.

I like to think of our free countries as a community, the Western World, which shares certain values: That there must be checks and balances in government, that minority rights must be protected, that the government is not above the law and that free elections determine our leaders. These values make us different from other countries, and dare I say, they make us better than other countries.

My problem with Trump is that he gave up this view: He attempted to become best buddies with ugly, disgusting tyrants abroad, such as Russia's Putin who poisons regime critics and let's his agents shoot them, who abolished free media and feeds the people state controlled propaganda and who invades neighboring countries to take away their freedom -- and at the same time, Trump treated his free, republican European allies like enemies. For Trump, there is no such thing as a "Western World" and he does not believe that free republican systems must support each other -- he'd rather make deals with tyrants. Trump has given up the role America used to play after ever since World War II, namely to be "the leader of the Free World" who uses his power to defend democracy and freedom even abroad.

In some cases, I see where Trump is coming from ... for example, I agree that unlimited illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany pays too few for NATO protection. Or that the ever increasing globalization of the economy of the past decades must be limited and perhaps reduced in some areas. But I still can't get around the impression that Trump was throwing "the West" under the bus in his attempt to act in a nationalistic manner. Also, his buddy friendship with Putin gives me the creeps.

I could tell you more about the geo-strategic implication that I think are at play here, but I think I'll leave it at that for now. Just ask if you want me to explain more about my feelings.

As for Biden, I'm not amazed about him, but I think he'll at least be a "normal" President, like all the other American Presidents between 1945 and 2016: One who believes in freedom and republican/democratic government, and will support free countries in need. He'll not hurl insults at foreign leaders just to please his fanbase, he will not constantly blame others for his faults and if he'll be diselected in 4 years, he will not spew lies that damage the great free American system, but accept the will of the people.

wow you are totally in the dark about Biden,you are dead wrong that he wont spew lies that damage the great free american system,did you not see the part of his ties to communist china i wrote? obviously not. and dude all those presidents you mentioned from 1945 to 2016 were all mass murderers and liars.presidents ALWAYS are,as i have said a thousand times on here,the presidnet is just a puppet for the establishment,if he does not do what they tell him,they kill you off as they did kennedy.

i see you also missed the part as well i also mentioned that Biden went along with everything that facist pig Obama did,not only continuing Bushs illegal war,but expanding it as well as expanding Bushs illegal dreconian patriot act that allows the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens.

and i see you also missed the part that trump is the first president in over five corrupt administrations to NOT start a war with another country and is not a mass murderer as they all were.

please try and keep up around here and not overlook those posts nect time. :lmao:

Well, it's just that I see no reason to believe Biden is anyhow influenced by China ... I do see clues hinting that Trump was a puppet for Russian interests, but Biden and China? Uhm, I have a hard time believing that.

However, I'd say it's in America's interest to rather coexist with China, than to wage a cold war against it. Maybe Biden believes that, too. But then, I read in some papers that Trump's policies towards China are among those which are less likely to change under Biden. We'll see.

And yeah, I'm critical of certain actions by former American Presidents, such as LBJ's Vietnam war, or Bush's Iraq war, or Bush's expansion of executive powers with the Patriot Act.

Especially the latter is most dangerous, because in my opinion, it gives a President who will not respect freedom and republican government way too much power to damage the system.

That said? Yep, I'm all for criticizing questionable actions by American governments ... but I'd rather not throw out the baby with the bathwater. If given the choice between America on one side, and autocracies like Russia or China on the other? It's America, hands down.
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:
I think it is very easy to be against wars from a state of ignorance. Once you’re aware of all the threats and intel and ultimately responsible for the safety and security of a nation, things may change. Trump pulling troops from Afghanistan right now is all political gamesmanship to put Biden in a pickle

I for one am very glad that America waged war against my country in 1941 and liberated us from fascism.

Just saying.

what the history books dont teach us is the stalin was the even greater enemy.Patton realised that and begged his superiours to advance on Russia.He saw how evil their government was becoming and his superiours ignored him. He spoke out against that and he died a very stranger mysterious death afterwards.

they also dont talk about Eisenhowers murderous actions,how he was pals with stalin same as FDR. Eisenhowrs illegal bombing of dresden and his monsterous treatment of german soldiers,not proving them shelter in freezing conditions and starving the prisoners illegally vioting the red cross humanitarian act. and it was not just men it was innocent women and children, none of this ever gets pritned in the history books because it exposes that FDR,esiernhower and churchhill were as much evil monsters as he was.

FDR,,IKE and Churchill were just as much evil as him. thats not widely known so i dont expect you to believe me but here is a little bit on what i was talking about on Patton.he was a true patriot.

Well, I'm sure even the American leaders of that time, or military people, were not saints ... but this is not a matter of black and white. It's about shades of grey, and in some cases, the shade of a certain grey is so much lighter than the other, that it's a no brainer.

Did the allies commit war crimes against Germans during WW2? Perhaps there were such instances. Maybe they can never be avoided entirely when you go to war. Perhaps "clean war" is an illusion. Which is why leaders should not wage war too easily.

That said, it's obvious that whatever the Allies did, it was the lesser evil to what the Nazis did and especially compared to what the Nazis would have done, if they had won: It's pretty safe to say the Nazis would have murdered tens of millions of people they considered "inferior races", if they had won the war, and pushed hundreds of millions into slavery.

Does that justify instances of war crimes that may have occured on the side of the Allies? Perhaps not ... but if that was the price of liberating the world from the pure evil that was Nazism, then it was worth it, I'd say.

It does not matter what the actions were of the germans,Ike was a murderer of innocent women and children starving them to death and his illegal bombing of dresdan plus his illegal violation of the red cross agreement. there used to be stuff all over youtube about eisenhowers atrocities years ago but youtube has become like the mainstream media,they censor anything thats not polliticaly correct so it cant be found now.

here is an alternative source though that debunks the myth of eisnerhow and shows the true monster he was. He stood by gleefully having a jolly old good time with mass murderer joseph staling laughing as he gave orders to his men to rape russia women.

some in the know say he admired him so much he called him uncle joe. but here it is where he stood by and gleefully saw it.

one of the soldiers years ago met up with a german survivor of that pow camp and apologized to him for the governments horrible treatment to his people. as i said,youtube censors this so it cant be fond anymore but there USED to be video out there of germans marching several years ago in germany to honor the people that eisenhower murderered which again included women and children,INEXCUSABLE to violate the red corss agreement to aid pows

eisenhower,churchill and fdr are all alongside staling and hitler burning in hell right along side them.
What value to you think is gained by pushing these stories and accusations? Where are you trying to go with it?

uh just that the world needs to know the TRUTH that our presidents are as evil and corrupt as hitler and stalin because they are just puppets for the elite doing their bidding to start wars and if they dont be their puppet,thy end up like kennedy our last great president who dared to try and get us back to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of these corporations that do now.only an idiot by now does not realise the CIA that he tried to get rid of,is as evil as the third reich and killed him cause he tried to get rid of them.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

that is how has assassination still affects us today sense had he lived,the people would have control over the government now.its a fucking dangerous world when the government can kill the president and get away with it scott free,people dont want to accept this happened cause they dont want to accept reality they live in a banana republica,a police state that is a facist dictatership and not a free country.
There are “facts” to back up both your narrative and counter narratives. It would be my position that the truth is relative and impossible to accurately know. Same goes for religion. So I’ll ask again. Why do you think it so important to push your narrative? Why does the world need to know your truth, what good do you think it will do?
Well..when you have domestic terrorist groups with the expressed purpose of destroying our country, and system of government openly being supported by leftist voters, politicians, and media...

I would say that is the first thing that needs to stop.

I don't know what it looks like to a foreigner, but it's really pretty simple for a lot of us patriotic Americans..

You got the right side that loves this country, and will die to the last defending it..then you got left :uhoh3: :cuckoo:
As I'm not American, I've followed reports about the US election from the outside. What's most remarkable, for me, is that America seems to be so incredibly divided at the moment. It was bad already when I talked with Americans online 15 years ago, but now, it seems to be even worse.

So, my question to you is: What do you think is necessary to heal this division? If you're Democrat, what do you expect from Republicans to unite America again? If you're Republican, what do you think is necessary from the side of Democrats to make it the United States of America again?
Unfortunately I think there are going to need to be regulations on how our political leaders speak and campaign. A reform to our entire campaign finance system is desperately needed anyways to reduce the reliance on shady money and fundraising.

The division comes from two main elements. Degradation of civil discourse and a juiced up partisan media that caters only to extremists. People love drama to media and politicians are giving them drama by promoting conspiracies, using hyperbole, shock factor statements, and setting up their political opponents as evil.
As long as politicians use these tactics and they get boosted by the media, divisions will grow.

Trump was a steroid shot to all of this. Getting him out was a good first step. Biden taking a moderate approach is the right tone to take from the top. I hope he keeps it up. I’m still very worried about Trump TV and all the puppets that have clinched onto the Trump attack tactics. They’ve found some success with it so I don’t know how it now gets discouraged.

Yes I wondered about that, too ... what can be done to make public discourse civil again -- talking about the issues, not blaming people and inventing conspiracies?

I liked how moderate Biden sounded in his first speech... that he said he wants to be President even of those who didn't vote for him. That's a welcome change after 4 years when the President just kept praising himself and blaming other people for all kinds of things.

But can Biden even do what he promises? After all, he has to appease the more radical people within his party, too ... so can he even afford to be a uniter, or will he have to resort to divisive policies sooner or later?
I understand you not being a big fan of trump and all,I’m not either,I only wanted I him in office because the alternative of hitlery a warmonger was five times worse. I hate how trump pats himself on the back as well but it’s the same thing again,the alternative of Biden is five times worse as well,he is a Warhawk,he went along with Obama illegally starting wars going along with that mass murderer and has deep ties to communist China,it’s that who you REALLY want In? I would think you would say no. Trump for all his faults,was the first president sense carter to not start any new wars,thst is why the elite want him out of office so badly and cooked up,the most massive mail fraud in ever in mankind history,the evidence has Been shown that over and over again and every single trump hater has failed to debunk it. :lmao:

If you're interested, I can tell you why I don't like Trump and am mildly hopeful about Biden ... not meaning to attack you in any way.

It's that I think the free republics/democracies (I mean the free states with separation of powers, free elections and so on), the Western World, should cooperate and be united when addressing global problems. Like, for example, global streams of refugees than are threatening to overrun our countries, or climate change, or the rise of ugly dictatorships abroad.

I like to think of our free countries as a community, the Western World, which shares certain values: That there must be checks and balances in government, that minority rights must be protected, that the government is not above the law and that free elections determine our leaders. These values make us different from other countries, and dare I say, they make us better than other countries.

My problem with Trump is that he gave up this view: He attempted to become best buddies with ugly, disgusting tyrants abroad, such as Russia's Putin who poisons regime critics and let's his agents shoot them, who abolished free media and feeds the people state controlled propaganda and who invades neighboring countries to take away their freedom -- and at the same time, Trump treated his free, republican European allies like enemies. For Trump, there is no such thing as a "Western World" and he does not believe that free republican systems must support each other -- he'd rather make deals with tyrants. Trump has given up the role America used to play after ever since World War II, namely to be "the leader of the Free World" who uses his power to defend democracy and freedom even abroad.

In some cases, I see where Trump is coming from ... for example, I agree that unlimited illegal immigration is not a good thing. Or that Germany pays too few for NATO protection. Or that the ever increasing globalization of the economy of the past decades must be limited and perhaps reduced in some areas. But I still can't get around the impression that Trump was throwing "the West" under the bus in his attempt to act in a nationalistic manner. Also, his buddy friendship with Putin gives me the creeps.

I could tell you more about the geo-strategic implication that I think are at play here, but I think I'll leave it at that for now. Just ask if you want me to explain more about my feelings.

As for Biden, I'm not amazed about him, but I think he'll at least be a "normal" President, like all the other American Presidents between 1945 and 2016: One who believes in freedom and republican/democratic government, and will support free countries in need. He'll not hurl insults at foreign leaders just to please his fanbase, he will not constantly blame others for his faults and if he'll be diselected in 4 years, he will not spew lies that damage the great free American system, but accept the will of the people.

wow you are totally in the dark about Biden,you are dead wrong that he wont spew lies that damage the great free american system,did you not see the part of his ties to communist china i wrote? obviously not. and dude all those presidents you mentioned from 1945 to 2016 were all mass murderers and liars.presidents ALWAYS are,as i have said a thousand times on here,the presidnet is just a puppet for the establishment,if he does not do what they tell him,they kill you off as they did kennedy.

i see you also missed the part as well i also mentioned that Biden went along with everything that facist pig Obama did,not only continuing Bushs illegal war,but expanding it as well as expanding Bushs illegal dreconian patriot act that allows the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens.

and i see you also missed the part that trump is the first president in over five corrupt administrations to NOT start a war with another country and is not a mass murderer as they all were.

please try and keep up around here and not overlook those posts nect time. :lmao:
And this is the point where you leave the deep end and submerge into the depths of the ocean where few have ever traveled. Good luck down there.
Well..when you have domestic terrorist groups with the expressed purpose of destroying our country, and system of government openly being supported by leftist voters, politicians, and media...

I would say that is the first thing that needs to stop.

I don't know what it looks like to a foreigner, but it's really pretty simple for a lot of us patriotic Americans..

You got the right side that loves this country, and will die to the last defending it..then you got left :uhoh3: :cuckoo:

Well, the funny thing is, I can't even make out whether you are talking about the left or about the right, because both sides tell the same things about the other.

With "domestic terrorist groups", do you mean the people rioting for Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the like, or do you mean Proud Boys, the KKK, or all the other violent far-right fringe groups who love Trump?

How about not making this a "my side against the other"-thing, but agreeing that any kind of rioting or violence for political goals must be shunned by the moderates of both sides?
Well..when you have domestic terrorist groups with the expressed purpose of destroying our country, and system of government openly being supported by leftist voters, politicians, and media...

I would say that is the first thing that needs to stop.

I don't know what it looks like to a foreigner, but it's really pretty simple for a lot of us patriotic Americans..

You got the right side that loves this country, and will die to the last defending it..then you got left :uhoh3: :cuckoo:
I disagree... I would be considered by many as a “Leftist” but I love America. You’re reading the situation incorrectly

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