The US military is on the wrong side of history

Oh you are a young adult! That's what's wrong with you. Take your kind and enlightened self and find a safe space.

Well, people get MORE progressive as they age, so our generation's ideals and fight for equality are not going away any time soon.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Interesting. I don't know a single retiree who wants Hillary to rush in and take their money to pay for her illegal invaders, just for starters.

But they want to build a wall

Law is a better wall.
Oh you are a young adult! That's what's wrong with you. Take your kind and enlightened self and find a safe space.

Well, people get MORE progressive as they age, so our generation's ideals and fight for equality are not going away any time soon.

Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Interesting. I don't know a single retiree who wants Hillary to rush in and take their money to pay for her illegal invaders, just for starters.
That's because they were brainwashed by the right wing dominated school system when the grew up in the 1960's and 1970's, where the only source of news was right wing dominated newspapers.

With the rise of the internet, alternative news sources such as Salon and Counterpunch, and the fact that this country is growing less and less white dominated, the conservatism of the older generations will die out within a decade or two.

Fuck CEOs.

OMG, that is so partisan

Only to your cohort.

I forgot, Democrats can't be partisan, only Republicans. You did tell me that, I forgot

Depends, you tell me. It sounds to me like you feel that if only one party could prevail, all would be well, or at least demonstrably better.
And I do not.

Well, I disagree. The Libertarian party may not be perfect, but it would be "at least demonstrably better" than one of the two loser parties that will win.

What's partisan is your view that Republicans and Democrats can be the same, yet Democrats will be better. Why would Tweedledum be better than Tweedledee, explain

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.
OMG, that is so partisan

Only to your cohort.

I forgot, Democrats can't be partisan, only Republicans. You did tell me that, I forgot

Depends, you tell me. It sounds to me like you feel that if only one party could prevail, all would be well, or at least demonstrably better.
And I do not.

Well, I disagree. The Libertarian party may not be perfect, but it would be "at least demonstrably better" than one of the two loser parties that will win.

What's partisan is your view that Republicans and Democrats can be the same, yet Democrats will be better. Why would Tweedledum be better than Tweedledee, explain

Donald Trump is a fascist who wants to persecute people based on the color of their skin or their religion.

Hillary is a rich, stuck up snob, but at least she doesn't advocate for genocide.

Wow, what a cornucopia of logical fallacies.

Let's just sum them up with hyperbole. Also, you may want to buy a dictionary since you don't know what "genocide" means.

That you have to go to hyperbole shows how desperate you are for an argument to support the Hildabeast
OMG, that is so partisan

Only to your cohort.

I forgot, Democrats can't be partisan, only Republicans. You did tell me that, I forgot

Depends, you tell me. It sounds to me like you feel that if only one party could prevail, all would be well, or at least demonstrably better.
And I do not.

Well, I disagree. The Libertarian party may not be perfect, but it would be "at least demonstrably better" than one of the two loser parties that will win.

What's partisan is your view that Republicans and Democrats can be the same, yet Democrats will be better. Why would Tweedledum be better than Tweedledee, explain

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.

OMG, doesn't the hypocrisy just make your ass completely flame? You know Preparation H is made to help with that. It's hilarious when I am specifically mocking you for your elementary school description of someone who's libertarian and doesn't even like the Libertarian Party as "partisan" that you want your views listened to. Classic.

Practice what you preach, reverand
Only to your cohort.

I forgot, Democrats can't be partisan, only Republicans. You did tell me that, I forgot

Depends, you tell me. It sounds to me like you feel that if only one party could prevail, all would be well, or at least demonstrably better.
And I do not.

Well, I disagree. The Libertarian party may not be perfect, but it would be "at least demonstrably better" than one of the two loser parties that will win.

What's partisan is your view that Republicans and Democrats can be the same, yet Democrats will be better. Why would Tweedledum be better than Tweedledee, explain

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.

OMG, doesn't the hypocrisy just make your ass completely flame? You know Preparation H is made to help with that. It's hilarious when I am specifically mocking you for your elementary school description of someone who's libertarian and doesn't even like the Libertarian Party as "partisan" that you want your views listened to. Classic.

Practice what you preach, reverand

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.
I am a military veteran. I served in the 37th Engineer Battalion, part of the famous 82nd Airborne Division. I have ample experience of the military from within.

But right now, I am speaking from the point of view of a civilian: the people you swore an oath to defend. A millennial male, not yet 25 years old, who has lived in both New York City and the rural west. I have been to college, and will continue my studies this fall semester. I believe that my views represent those of the average American young adult, the voters, politicians, and citizens of the future.

When the average educated young adult thinks about the military, certain issues pop up immediately. One issue that has been making headlines for some time is the huge crisis of sexual assault within our armed forces.pentagon-rand-sexual-assault-reportsWhen a non-misogynistic person who follows the news sees that this has been a problem for a very long time, and no progress is being made, he or she starts to ask questions about how much the military really cares for the well being of women in uniform. From my brief experience with the army, the SHARP program is treated like a joke. Nobody, from the privates all the way up the chain of command, seems to actually give a shit about stopping sexual harassment and assault. The word "SHARP" is treated like a joke, a mockery. And even though my experience is very limited, there documented evidence that sexual assault in the "real army" is being covered up at the highest levels.Inside the U.S. military’s culture of sex abuse, denial and cover-up

Another thing which a well-informed person notices about the armed forces is that the racial, religious, and political demographics of the military are not representative of the country. Some States Have Much Higher Enlistment Rates Than Others The Widening Gap Between Military and Society The south is way overrepresented in enlistment numbers. The military is far more republican and conservative than the public as a whole. The problem with this is manyfold. First off, the vast majority of the country's educated population, the thinkers and leaders of the future, come from the northeast. In contrast, the less educated, more ignorant south makes up the majority of the armed forces, placing the military years behind the rest of the country in terms of social attitudes and progress. Also, since conservatives and the republican party are dying out, The Dying Republican Base the political views held by the majority of the military, which are already the minority in the public as a whole, will become even less representative of the country as a whole. A smart, educated citizen can draw no other conclusion than the fact that the military does not represent the people, but is an antiquated, regressive institution whose members are far too reactionary, and far too entrenched in the uneducated, bigoted ways of the south from where most of its members come.

Is it any wonder that fewer and fewer young americans, especially those who are well educated and come from modern and progressive regions of the country, are enlisting in the armed forces? The US military’s real problem: Fewer Americans are joining I think not. The modern generation of educated young adults, the future of this country, is tired of the misogyny, the reactionary ideals, and the misguided political beliefs of the average service member.

My generation is more kind, more empathetic than any previous generations. Millennials Will Be More Empathetic Leaders My generation is more educated than any previous generations: Millennials Are the Most Educated, Worst Paid Generation . All of these stand in direct contrast to the far-right politics, violent purpose, and extreme sociopathy so prevalent in our redneck dominated armed forces. You can try to deny it or bury your head in the sand as much as you want. But the fact of the matter is that the military is on the wrong side of history.

Your generation is about to overwhelmingly vote a woman for President

The part Kaz really is upset about.....
Its no shock that enlistment is down . Would you trust our pols with your life ? They have no qualms of shipping kids to some god awful place on the very loose tie of "defending America ".

Job market is up, enlistments go down

That is how it always works

People aren't inspired to join . POst 9-11 there was a rush of people looking to enlist .

Why would you join now ? Other than for the benefits .

Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?
I forgot, Democrats can't be partisan, only Republicans. You did tell me that, I forgot

Depends, you tell me. It sounds to me like you feel that if only one party could prevail, all would be well, or at least demonstrably better.
And I do not.

Well, I disagree. The Libertarian party may not be perfect, but it would be "at least demonstrably better" than one of the two loser parties that will win.

What's partisan is your view that Republicans and Democrats can be the same, yet Democrats will be better. Why would Tweedledum be better than Tweedledee, explain

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.

OMG, doesn't the hypocrisy just make your ass completely flame? You know Preparation H is made to help with that. It's hilarious when I am specifically mocking you for your elementary school description of someone who's libertarian and doesn't even like the Libertarian Party as "partisan" that you want your views listened to. Classic.

Practice what you preach, reverand

I don't, that's why you should learn to listen instead of assign views to others. The problem is the system itself, you can swap out parties and personalities forever, you'll wind up in the same place with the same rewarded behaviors.

So I'm partisan because I oppose both parties and even the third party (Libertarian) I usually agree with, and I can't get past being partisan. While you're a Democrat ho who loves Hillary and want to have her love child even though she's the woman. Hmm.

Have you every considered that you were sill born?
Job market is up, enlistments go down

That is how it always works

People aren't inspired to join . POst 9-11 there was a rush of people looking to enlist .

Why would you join now ? Other than for the benefits .

Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are
People aren't inspired to join . POst 9-11 there was a rush of people looking to enlist .

Why would you join now ? Other than for the benefits .

Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

The military adventurism of the democrats is definitely one of the major shortcomings both they and the gop share to a certain extent.
People aren't inspired to join . POst 9-11 there was a rush of people looking to enlist .

Why would you join now ? Other than for the benefits .

Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

How many troops killed in action last year???!!
Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

The military adventurism of the democrats is definitely one of the major shortcomings both they and the gop share to a certain extent.

WTF, eliminate "to a certain extent." You look at Slick, W, Obama, one to the next, nothing but the same
Here's what you're really asking: When our President doesn't have a coherent Middle East strategy making friends with the evil Iranian leadership, working with ISIS to topple Syria and helping Al Qaeda topple Libya, why would anyone still believe in defending their country when the leader of our military isn't really on our side?

The answer according to the people in my family, which includes my nephew who's about to go back to Afghanistan for like the seventh time and my cousin who's back in the US but still working for the military is they still do believe in defending our country. It was never on behalf of Obama in the first place

He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

How many troops killed in action last year???!!

I don't know, but Obama's been President for almost eight, Chuckie
He has a great one . It's called "don't get our troops killed " .

Why do righties always want to go to war ?


He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

How many troops killed in action last year???!!

I don't know, but Obama's been President for almost eight, Chuckie

Yep . And his plan has been to get us off the frontline and let the locals fight for themselves.

Rightes complain about that. "That should be our boys dying in the fight with isis !!!"

He has a funny way of showing that with all the troops he got killed on what he claims were lies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And seriously, dumb ass, I oppose Iraq regardless of WMDs (not our job), the Afghanistan invasion (I do support attacking them and destroying the Taliban for attacking us) and the other Middle East wars and I want all our troops out of the Middle East entirely.

And you say you're less military than that? Fuck you, you lying bag of shit. You just want Democrats to call the shots. You're full of shit

Obama was elected on the promis to get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral.

He's done that . Yeah we are still there , but now it's the locals fighting for themsleves . Instead of our troops holding the line with their lives .

How many troops were killed in action last year ?

Are you serious you fucking retard? He ended Iraq ... by W's timeline ... then got us back in. And he extended W's Afghanistan timeline. And you consider that to "get us out of the Iraqi / Afghan death spiral?" Seriously? Wheelchair Timmy is smarter than you are

How many troops killed in action last year???!!

I don't know, but Obama's been President for almost eight, Chuckie

Yep . And his plan has been to get us off the frontline and let the locals fight for themselves.

Rightes complain about that. "That should be our boys dying in the fight with isis !!!"

He finished Iraq according to W's timeline, now is getting us back in. He extended W's Afghanistan timeline. He got us into Libya himself. He's been trying to overthrow Syria and he supported al Qaeda in Egypt.

When does his getting "us of the frontline" start involving not getting us into and extending conflicts to do it?

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