The US of A from a liberal Canadian viewpoint

Everyone knows America is the place to be.


You guys are so f'ing divided, I'm not sure you guys can avoid a civil war.

We are divided because of all the worthless greedy little welfare queens in this country.

The assholes want to use the government to steal what they are too sorry to earn for themselves.

It use to not be a significant problem but between the stupid Moon Bats, the inner city ghetto breeding, the Illegals and all the other third world shit we allowed to come into this country they now have the numbers to win elections and expand the welfare state. it is enormous now. It is destroying our country.

Our Republic is pretty well fucked. When the Liberals have power they ignore the Bill of Rights.

It remains to be seen if there are enough Americans left with the courage to restore Liberty and the Constitution. If the courage is there then we could have a major resistance.
Everyone knows America is the place to be.


Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand are happiest countries in the world, according to new happiness index

According to a new index of happiness based on migratory flows and not on subjective answers to surveys created by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand are the countries where people are happiest.
The new happiness index is based on what people do instead of what people say. The assumption is that a country that everyone wants to go to cannot be very unhappy.
The first places in this ranking are occupied by countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Israel, South Korea, Sweden, Canada and Australia. Bolivia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Africa and China are at the bottom of the list. The new ranking, presented at the 14th edition of the Conference on International Economics held this summer in Palma de Mallorca, tries to avoid the subjectivity of surveys. Here the so-called “voting with feet” comes into play, which is the most universal and most primitive way to reveal preferences.
The use of this type of happiness index goes well beyond academics, according to the researchers, who note that this type of estimation provides an open guide for evaluating any type of political decision. The welfare of a country is not measured only by its per capita income, because many actions that make us poorer also increase our happiness. Good policies, they note, would be those that increase the desire of people to live in the country that carries them out, while bad ones are those that reduce this desire.
Merry Christmas?
WTF it's early November for Christs sake!!
You work for Walmart?

LMAO... F'ing xmas right now in Canada

The person you're replying to is too stupid to know that Thanksgiving in Canada is in October and you guys are already in the Christmas holiday season.

The ones here in America usually haven't even left their own county much less their state and don't have an interest in anyone but themselves so they have no interest in another nation. The rest of them are russian bots and know even less about other nations than the conservatives here.
The liberals lately are doing nothing for the American people, but spending and wasting millions of our money. Because they are butthurt, cause they lost in 2016. That will say a lot in 2020.

Wow lol hehe.... now that's news to me LMAO.

Yup liberals are definitely in power these days. ROFL. ... yup they spending tons of money hehe
That's one of the privileges of being in power lmao
Do they not control congress?
He asked for more security before bengazi and was denied.
And refused the offer of more security from the military.
Christopher Steven's requests for extra Benghazi security. ... McClatchy News, "Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say," May 14, 2013.
Oh. South Carolina. Got it.
Does it bother you, that the red cross got their people out. But we didn't? Lack of leadership or ignorance on display. Take your choice.
Does it bother you, that the red cross got their people out. But we didn't? Lack of leadership or ignorance on display. Take your choice.

Does it bother you that Stephenson went in even after being told not to go? Was Hillary supposed to fly over there and handcuff him and stop him that way? Or did she think, that he being an ambassador in one of the most dangerous places on Earth, he had the braincells to make the decision for himself?

Does it bother you that thousands of your countrymen are no longer alive based on lies set up by chickenhawks like Cheney and Wolfawitz? Let's crack a sad about four lives, but 4,000? That's just a number, right? Shove your hypocrisy up your arse. At least Stephenson had a choice.
Wow really the queen of England is our queen

yeah but she stays at home

So are you a Republic or a Monarchy
I love the demonstrations of US ignorance of the world, let alone its neighbours.
The Queen of Canada is Canada's Queen and head of state.
Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy.
I'm not even Canadian and I know that.

Obviously its a constitutional monarchy

but there are some Canadians who want to do away with this and be a true republic and have a Canadian as head of state

My only question is

Is there a split between Canadians on this issue or is it a well kept secret

It seems the Queen is popular but if she was to pass away does it present an opportunity to make a break
The liberals lately are doing nothing for the American people, but spending and wasting millions of our money. Because they are butthurt, cause they lost in 2016. That will say a lot in 2020.
Wow lol hehe.... now that's news to me LMAO.
Yup liberals are definitely in power these days. ROFL. ... yup they spending tons of money hehe
That's one of the privileges of being in power lmao
Do they not control congress?

LMAO you're forgetting the SENATE.... you've heard of Mitch McConnell ? DA ?

Cheers.... not.
If you're a f'ing Rusky I'll head down there and kick your butt
I'm irish welsh german and other words...a crackah! :)

I guess you were real happy when Mr. T. threatened to hold back the funds needed to fight back the Russian army.
Yeah ... your pre-approved tax payer dollars used to get dirt on Biden and his son.

Hey !! on the bright side... you might be able to get a good price for a Dacha in Crimea. Nice going bud !
I guess you were real happy when Mr. T. threatened to hold back the funds needed to fight back the Russian army.
Yeah ... your pre-approved tax payer dollars used to get dirt on Biden and his son.

That's what biden must watch CNN.

I guess you were real happy when Mr. T. threatened to hold back the funds needed to fight back the Russian army.
Yeah ... your pre-approved tax payer dollars used to get dirt on Biden and his son.

That's what biden must watch CNN.

You're drinking too much Nazi kool-aid bud. The call for Shokin ouster was not limited to the all powerful US of A

What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.

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I always get a kick out of people describing themselves as liberal despite being utter authoritarians in their approach to politics.

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