The US Switched Side in the War on Terror

The problem with US foreign policy is that it is all about US interests. Problem with US interests is that they are conflicting at best.

Like funding Iran and Iraq at the same time, sort of thing.

The definition of 'US interests' does not include the interests of the American people as a whole.

It has typically referred to the interests of the power elite, including the political class, military industrial complex, bankers, Wall Street, and other assorted corrupt entities like the top .001% of the wealthiest Americans.

I wasn't aware that we had a "foreign policy"
That of course is one of the more idiotic statements this Self Appointed group claimed. In fact the CIA launched a successful counter attack and briefly seized control of the consulate building, rescued the survivors, and took them to the CIA compound.

Here is my favorite: "...effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations..."

so on one hand..... the 'U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives'.......

but on the other hand you claim...."the CIA launched a successful counter attack....." ?

hey i'm not taking anything away from the CIA agents that went to the compound about 10pm which was already trashed and burning, couldn't find Stevens but brought back Smith dead, and then defended the annex till dawn....

but that was no "counterattack".....

there was no counterattack because BO didn't send anybody in to counterattack...

You think the militants just gave back the building without a fight? Nope, the CIA and their Libyans partners(totaled about 20 men) had to fight their way into the building to search for survivors. That was a counterattack. The President left the operational decisions to the military, as he should have, when he gave the order to use all DOD asset available to protect American lives. Smith was already dead and Stevens was missing and, as I recal,l they were worried that Stevens had become a hostage. Everyone else was safe in the CIA annex and were waiting to be evacuated to the fortified embassy in Tripoli.

why would the militants defend a building they had destroyed and was burning....? the CIA fighting their way into the building to look for survivors was not a 'counterattack' was a rescue mission...they quickly returned to the annex...

military assets were told by the Pentagon to stand down according to Hicks in testimony...

hours later...the annex was attacked with mortars.....killing former Navy Seals Woods and Doherty (who came in from Tripoli)...

but...according to Hillary....'at this point what difference does it make...?'
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Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report | Mail Online

The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.

It was just as so many of us thought all along. Now we know why Gaddafi so suddenly had to go. He was working with the west to suppress Al Quaeda, just like Assad was doing in Syria and Hosni Mubarak was doing in Egypt.

...proving once again that, as long as they're not communists, American conservatives are the friends and allies of freedom-suppressing dictators everywhere.
Come on really, do you people not know how the support the defense contractors lobby efforts works? make your enemies allies and then your allies to enemies, serve them shaken not stirred..
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report | Mail Online

The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.

It was just as so many of us thought all along. Now we know why Gaddafi so suddenly had to go. He was working with the west to suppress Al Quaeda, just like Assad was doing in Syria and Hosni Mubarak was doing in Egypt.

...proving once again that, as long as they're not communists, American conservatives are the friends and allies of freedom-suppressing dictators everywhere. what was wrong with Gaddafi suppressing Al Qaeda....?
Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report | Mail Online

It was just as so many of us thought all along. Now we know why Gaddafi so suddenly had to go. He was working with the west to suppress Al Quaeda, just like Assad was doing in Syria and Hosni Mubarak was doing in Egypt.

...proving once again that, as long as they're not communists, American conservatives are the friends and allies of freedom-suppressing dictators everywhere. what was wrong with Gaddafi suppressing Al Qaeda....?

LOL! Gaddafi suppressed EVERYONE, you ninny!
The right-wing version of MediaMatters thinks Benghazi was Obama's fault.

Color me shocked.

Who said it was the Liar in Chief's fault?

What kind of soft-headed nonsense is that?

Benghazi happened. Why it happened? We're not sure. But I don't recall anybody saying that Benghazi was the Liar in Chief's fault.

What I am saying is that, during an election cycle that was closer than he wanted (at the time) he chose to cover his ass and make shit up out of thin air.

THAT is what I'm accusing him of.

That, and not allowing the Military to run a rescue operation. Telling them to stand down.

But that can be excused. "Fog of Battle" and all that.

In battle, the finest Generals that have ever lived made mistakes. Napoleon (the best ever) Alexander, Hannibal Barca, Patton, Rommel, Robert E Lee.....

ALL of them made mistakes. So one could easily forgive a professional liar like obama, who knows SHIT about Military Matters for making an honest mistake.

But that's not why I'm here.

the Liar in Chief could have tried, and quite possibly failed, to rescue our people over there. But he didn't. He chose to lie about it and cover it up from the very beginning.

Know why? Because it didn't fit his campaign bullshit of, "GM is alive and bin Laden is dead"

That's why. So the Liar in Chief chose his campaign slogan over the possibility of saving American lives.

The man is a liar. He is a pathological liar. His first instinct -- On EVERYTHING, is to lie and deceive.

Americans die every day serving their Country but they don't die because America values political campaign slogans above their lives. Or they're not supposed to.

The truth is a foreign concept to obama. As foreign to him as reason and logic seem to be to you.

Or maybe you just don't give a flying fuck.
Except that so called report is very short on facts and extremely long on drama queen rhetoric.

Damn those ex-CIA officials and retired Admirals.....shills, all of them

Pretty much, yeah.

The group was put together by "Accuracy In Media", which is a right-wing "watchdog" group, equivalent to MediaMatters.

Compared to the obama regime, they're practically holy

[ame=]65 Outrageous Lies By President Obama! - YouTube[/ame]
The thing is that the McCain wing of the gop was in this up to their armpits too. So, politicizing it is so lame. If you want to say the DOS screwed up securitywise, fine by me.
The thing is that the McCain wing of the gop was in this up to their armpits too. So, politicizing it is so lame. If you want to say the DOS screwed up securitywise, fine by me.

McRINO may very well have been in it up to his mishapen ears. Don't care.

HE didn't have the power to act. HE didn't have the power to order Rangers or SEALs or other Paratroopers dropped into the area.

HE didn't have the power to order a flight F-18s to buzz the area at Mach II and 500 feet.

HE didn't stand up in front of the American People and fucking LIE his ass off.

HE didn't make up some fucking BULLSHIT STORY about a stupid video -- Which was so badly done that it was totally laughable, BTW.

obama could have tried to save those people. He may have failed, we don't know. He may have gotten more Americans killed, we don't know.

But he didn't.

He could have come to us, the American People, and told us that it was a Command Decision on his part to NOT send in rescue troops for -- For whatever reason.

But he didn't. Instead........


Like the scumbag he is..... He LIED!

The man is a pathological fucking liar. He is a scumbag, a deceiving back-stabber and a completely and utterly corrupt human being.

I'm not saying that to be partisan. It's what he is. He is a true piece of fucking shit. He has NO redeemable qualities whatsoever

And you love him.

What's that say about you? :lmao:
The thing is that the McCain wing of the gop was in this up to their armpits too. So, politicizing it is so lame. If you want to say the DOS screwed up securitywise, fine by me.

McRINO may very well have been in it up to his mishapen ears. Don't care.

HE didn't have the power to act. HE didn't have the power to order Rangers or SEALs or other Paratroopers dropped into the area.

HE didn't have the power to order a flight F-18s to buzz the area at Mach II and 500 feet.

HE didn't stand up in front of the American People and fucking LIE his ass off.

HE didn't make up some fucking BULLSHIT STORY about a stupid video -- Which was so badly done that it was totally laughable, BTW.

obama could have tried to save those people. He may have failed, we don't know. He may have gotten more Americans killed, we don't know.

But he didn't.

He could have come to us, the American People, and told us that it was a Command Decision on his part to NOT send in rescue troops for -- For whatever reason.

But he didn't. Instead........


Like the scumbag he is..... He LIED!

The man is a pathological fucking liar. He is a scumbag, a deceiving back-stabber and a completely and utterly corrupt human being.

I'm not saying that to be partisan. It's what he is. He is a true piece of fucking shit. He has NO redeemable qualities whatsoever

And you love him.

What's that say about you? :lmao:

I've never understood your need to reshape others' posts or make something personal. The fact is McCain certainly did have power, and continues to have power, to put political pressure on Obama to take various actions in Syria and Ukraine. In fact, Obama would have bombed Assad if the Ryn Paul wing hadn't abandoned McCain on military action.

Arming the Syrian insurgents was pretty much Obama's only military play. You don't like that. Tough shit. It's not about you.

Personally, I didn't see the logic in arming the Afghans back in the 80s under either Jimmy or the Gipper, nor did I really see the logic in Iraq, Egypt, Libya or Syria.

As for Bengahazi, keep gnawing on that bone.
The thing is that the McCain wing of the gop was in this up to their armpits too. So, politicizing it is so lame. If you want to say the DOS screwed up securitywise, fine by me.

McRINO may very well have been in it up to his mishapen ears. Don't care.

HE didn't have the power to act. HE didn't have the power to order Rangers or SEALs or other Paratroopers dropped into the area.

HE didn't have the power to order a flight F-18s to buzz the area at Mach II and 500 feet.

HE didn't stand up in front of the American People and fucking LIE his ass off.

HE didn't make up some fucking BULLSHIT STORY about a stupid video -- Which was so badly done that it was totally laughable, BTW.

obama could have tried to save those people. He may have failed, we don't know. He may have gotten more Americans killed, we don't know.

But he didn't.

He could have come to us, the American People, and told us that it was a Command Decision on his part to NOT send in rescue troops for -- For whatever reason.

But he didn't. Instead........


Like the scumbag he is..... He LIED!

The man is a pathological fucking liar. He is a scumbag, a deceiving back-stabber and a completely and utterly corrupt human being.

I'm not saying that to be partisan. It's what he is. He is a true piece of fucking shit. He has NO redeemable qualities whatsoever

And you love him.

What's that say about you? :lmao:

I've never understood your need to reshape others' posts or make something personal. The fact is McCain certainly did have power, and continues to have power, to put political pressure on Obama to take various actions in Syria and Ukraine. In fact, Obama would have bombed Assad if the Ryn Paul wing hadn't abandoned McCain on military action.

Arming the Syrian insurgents was pretty much Obama's only military play. You don't like that. Tough shit. It's not about you.

Personally, I didn't see the logic in arming the Afghans back in the 80s under either Jimmy or the Gipper, nor did I really see the logic in Iraq, Egypt, Libya or Syria.

As for Bengahazi, keep gnawing on that bone.

Where dose the buck stop according to Obama?

And arming Syrian insurgents aka al qaeda is TREASON.
Damn those ex-CIA officials and retired Admirals.....shills, all of them

Pretty much, yeah.

The group was put together by "Accuracy In Media", which is a right-wing "watchdog" group, equivalent to MediaMatters.

Compared to the obama regime, they're practically holy

[ame=""]65 Outrageous Lies By President Obama! - YouTube[/ame]

I was tempted to go there, but didn't want to get stuck in an endless circle of finger-pointing.
But I have yet to see anything to back up the "right-wing MediaMatters group" claim.
Regardless of who 'put together' the group, does that negate or diminish their findings?
Can we debate those findings, rather than the source?
McRINO may very well have been in it up to his mishapen ears. Don't care.

HE didn't have the power to act. HE didn't have the power to order Rangers or SEALs or other Paratroopers dropped into the area.

HE didn't have the power to order a flight F-18s to buzz the area at Mach II and 500 feet.

HE didn't stand up in front of the American People and fucking LIE his ass off.

HE didn't make up some fucking BULLSHIT STORY about a stupid video -- Which was so badly done that it was totally laughable, BTW.

obama could have tried to save those people. He may have failed, we don't know. He may have gotten more Americans killed, we don't know.

But he didn't.

He could have come to us, the American People, and told us that it was a Command Decision on his part to NOT send in rescue troops for -- For whatever reason.

But he didn't. Instead........


Like the scumbag he is..... He LIED!

The man is a pathological fucking liar. He is a scumbag, a deceiving back-stabber and a completely and utterly corrupt human being.

I'm not saying that to be partisan. It's what he is. He is a true piece of fucking shit. He has NO redeemable qualities whatsoever

And you love him.

What's that say about you? :lmao:

I've never understood your need to reshape others' posts or make something personal. The fact is McCain certainly did have power, and continues to have power, to put political pressure on Obama to take various actions in Syria and Ukraine. In fact, Obama would have bombed Assad if the Ryn Paul wing hadn't abandoned McCain on military action.

Arming the Syrian insurgents was pretty much Obama's only military play. You don't like that. Tough shit. It's not about you.

Personally, I didn't see the logic in arming the Afghans back in the 80s under either Jimmy or the Gipper, nor did I really see the logic in Iraq, Egypt, Libya or Syria.

As for Bengahazi, keep gnawing on that bone.

Where dose the buck stop according to Obama?

And arming Syrian insurgents aka al qaeda is TREASON.


It isn't 'treason'.

Stupid? Yeah, okay. Ill-advised? Yup.

Treason? No
Pretty much, yeah.

The group was put together by "Accuracy In Media", which is a right-wing "watchdog" group, equivalent to MediaMatters.

Compared to the obama regime, they're practically holy

[ame=""]65 Outrageous Lies By President Obama! - YouTube[/ame]

I was tempted to go there, but didn't want to get stuck in an endless circle of finger-pointing.
But I have yet to see anything to back up the "right-wing MediaMatters group" claim.
Regardless of who 'put together' the group, does that negate or diminish their findings?
Can we debate those findings, rather than the source?

Citizens' Commission on Benghazi | On April 22nd the CCB released an interim report with preliminary findings.
Accuracy In Media
Accuracy in Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As to the second part, of course it "diminishes" their "findings". They "found" what they (and AIM) wanted to find. None of the members of the "Citizen's Commission" have any insider knowledge of what happened, their opinions on it are no more relevant than yours or mine.

If George Soros put together a "Commission" on Benghazi, and "found" that Obama handled everything perfectly, would you "debate" those findings, or rightly dismiss them out of hand?
The thing is that the McCain wing of the gop was in this up to their armpits too. So, politicizing it is so lame. If you want to say the DOS screwed up securitywise, fine by me.

McRINO may very well have been in it up to his mishapen ears. Don't care.

HE didn't have the power to act. HE didn't have the power to order Rangers or SEALs or other Paratroopers dropped into the area.

HE didn't have the power to order a flight F-18s to buzz the area at Mach II and 500 feet.

HE didn't stand up in front of the American People and fucking LIE his ass off.

HE didn't make up some fucking BULLSHIT STORY about a stupid video -- Which was so badly done that it was totally laughable, BTW.

obama could have tried to save those people. He may have failed, we don't know. He may have gotten more Americans killed, we don't know.

But he didn't.

He could have come to us, the American People, and told us that it was a Command Decision on his part to NOT send in rescue troops for -- For whatever reason.

But he didn't. Instead........


Like the scumbag he is..... He LIED!

The man is a pathological fucking liar. He is a scumbag, a deceiving back-stabber and a completely and utterly corrupt human being.

I'm not saying that to be partisan. It's what he is. He is a true piece of fucking shit. He has NO redeemable qualities whatsoever

And you love him.

What's that say about you? :lmao:

I've never understood your need to reshape others' posts or make something personal. The fact is McCain certainly did have power, and continues to have power, to put political pressure on Obama to take various actions in Syria and Ukraine. In fact, Obama would have bombed Assad if the Ryn Paul wing hadn't abandoned McCain on military action.

Arming the Syrian insurgents was pretty much Obama's only military play. You don't like that. Tough shit. It's not about you.

Personally, I didn't see the logic in arming the Afghans back in the 80s under either Jimmy or the Gipper, nor did I really see the logic in Iraq, Egypt, Libya or Syria.

As for Bengahazi, keep gnawing on that bone.

No he didn't. Where do you pull that shit from? Your ass, undoubtedly.

You trying to allay the Liar in Chief's responsibility by foolishly attempting to place blame elsewhere is laughable.

And, quite frankly, so stupid that even a 9 year old could see through it.

obama is the CinC. Period.

He commands the Military, the Dept of State, the DoD, the CIA...... ALL of it.

McRINO probably can't even command his own bladder, much less any Executive functions.

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