The USA MUST Combat China's Currency Manipulation Policies


Jun 28, 2011
Since this topic was weaseled out of me in another thread, I might as well start this one:

We must take aggressive action against China's currency manipulation policies. That's a big reason why they have so many manufacturing jobs. We could start by raising tariffs on Chinese goods dramatically. Once they let the value of their currency float in the market place, we could remove the tariffs. By that time, we might gain quite a few manufacturing jobs.

China would have very limited resources to combat the USA in this sitation. The effect of dropping their USA bonds would have a more negligible effect than you might assume.

The leverage we have over them is their support for the cruel North Korean government.

I'd say we have the upper hand.
This is an important issue that deserves more awareness.

Therefore, a bump is in order.
The federal reserve and congress are the biggest currency manipulators on the planet. That is currency wars.

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