The USA steps down.


Jul 14, 2009
I always wondered what the world would look like if the USA were not there to help.
The protesters in Iran Libya and the victims in Japan know.
And so do you.
You are aware that a whole bunch of other countries are helping out in those places too, right? It's not just us.
Question for the Constitutional Conservatives out there:

Is it Constitutional to use taxpayer money to help the Japanese in this situation?

Off hand I would say that it is not.

however we are not an inhumane people, and will help those in actual need.

If anyone is wondering.

We have sent help to Japan. Those that claim we have not are fulla shit.
I aware we have 2 Carriers on location that is not the entire issue.
Like I have any credibility to lose with you or other ismalophiles.
Thanks for the laugh.
I aware we have 2 Carriers on location that is not the entire issue.

But you claimed that the US is not rendering aid to Japan and then said that we have two carriers rendering aid. Pardon me if I'm a tad confused.

Since you seem to be the one claiming that we are not aiding Japan and Libya, perhaps you can share with us just EXACTLY what the aid you believe the US should be providing is supposed to look like.
Humanitarian aid isn't really constitutional...but it's definitely a kind gesture.

The 10th amendment says the federal government only has the powers granted by the constitution, and foreign aid is not one of those powers. That makes it unconstitutional.

When it comes to foreign aid for security, such as our support for Israel, possibly that can be justified as defense. But when it comes to situations such as the tsunami disaster, it's outside the bounds, in my eyes. Any donation abroad of funds or things, military or any other kind, by the Federal government--in order to be authorized by the Constitution--must contribute substantially and directly to the "common Defence (sic)... of the United States," meaning the national defense: the actual, military, physical defense of the American homeland.

All that being said, I think it SHOULD be constitutional, if amended in. For those saying we don't have the money to give, even a little, do you not realize that if we don't help other countries that they wont help us? Even being the big bad ass superpower on the planet, we can't go being assholes to everyone and expect to be treated well when we need others' help.

And yes, we do need others' help. Unless you want to work everything out with the barrel of a gun, diplomacy is necessary. And diplomacy requires give and take. I'm not saying we foot the bill for the world...but some measure of humanitarian aid shows that we are decent, charitable people.

If you look at the % of the budget that goes to foreign's minuscule compared to the rest of the budget. I should post a link to support this contention but I'm lazy. Go find it yourself if you don't believe me.
I aware we have 2 Carriers on location that is not the entire issue.

But you claimed that the US is not rendering aid to Japan and then said that we have two carriers rendering aid. Pardon me if I'm a tad confused.

Since you seem to be the one claiming that we are not aiding Japan and Libya, perhaps you can share with us just EXACTLY what the aid you believe the US should be providing is supposed to look like.

Im not certian I recall recently hearing WE would stand with protester against dictators .

just words. Just speeches.
I aware we have 2 Carriers on location that is not the entire issue.

But you claimed that the US is not rendering aid to Japan and then said that we have two carriers rendering aid. Pardon me if I'm a tad confused.

Since you seem to be the one claiming that we are not aiding Japan and Libya, perhaps you can share with us just EXACTLY what the aid you believe the US should be providing is supposed to look like.

Im not certian I recall recently hearing WE would stand with protester against dictators .

just words. Just speeches.

Well, that was vague and unclear. What Japanese dictator are you talking about? You brought up TWO subjects and addressed only one.

As for how the US is responding to Libya, you say that America should declare that it stands with Libya's protesters is that correct? Not a wise move on our part. They don't much like us in Libya and our making declarations of involvement aren't going to play very well. I say if you want or need help, ask for it. If the Libyan rebels ASK for our help, we should give it. They haven't, but they have given indications of asking for UN help. We'll be involved with that I'm sure.
The government shouldn't be helping at all. Individuals donating to charity are helping the Japanese. I would hardly consider that as us stepping down.

As for the middle east, we really have no business getting involved in their internal politics anyway.
Question for the Constitutional Conservatives out there:

Is it Constitutional to use taxpayer money to help the Japanese in this situation?

no it's not. Which is why we should rely on donations which will be more than enough.

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