The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

Obamacare may have helped a few but it was disastrous for others and it was not sustainable either. Two years of collecting taxes before it was implemented, stealing money from Medi-care and medi-caid, stealing money from the shareholders of Fannie and Freddie and yet it was still going to collapse under it's own weight. I looked up a plan for me on the exchanges and the cheapest one was 600 a month with a 6K deductible per year and only paid 80 percent.So potentially it was a 13.2 K of out of pocket expenses before it ever kicked in? That's "affordable'???

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?

Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.

You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.

Once again idiot Jimmy was govenor of Georgia.


These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Someone said fools?


These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?

Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.

You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.

I can't fault Trump for using Twitter. The media lies about him non stop, just like the libs here do.

There are more responsible and presidential ways for Trump to get his message out. His tweets are consistently off message. He does more damage by acting petulantly than mature, crude rather than cerebral, boorish rather than graceful.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?

Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.

You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.

Once again idiot Jimmy was govenor of Georgia.


Without a network to work in Washington. Trump has zero experience. Carter did not have enough.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Okay, by the end of the year obamacare will fail. What's your alternative?

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?



The tip off that its racism and misogyny is that trump consistently does much much worse than either Obama or Clinton. And he has nothing to show for it.

He has everything to show for it..he rents out room in your head 24/7.


The rent is free in luddy's head.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?



The tip off that its racism and misogyny is that trump consistently does much much worse than either Obama or Clinton. And he has nothing to show for it.

Last I heard Trump won.
Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?
Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.
You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.

Once again idiot Jimmy was govenor of Georgia.

Without a network to work in Washington. Trump has zero experience. Carter did not have enough.

Since when did Obama compromise and lead? He didn't have a clue on how to do it except run around Congress.

I have yet to see Trump not try to compromise.

Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?
Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.
You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.
I can't fault Trump for using Twitter. The media lies about him non stop, just like the libs here do.
There are more responsible and presidential ways for Trump to get his message out. His tweets are consistently off message. He does more damage by acting petulantly than mature, crude rather than cerebral, boorish rather than graceful.
No he doesn't. The media and the liberals here lie about him non stop. I'd use Twitter as well. CNN has their asses in a sling now though. Too many threats and lies and the "chickens" are coming home to roost. ;)
Obamacare may have helped a few but it was disastrous for others and it was not sustainable either. Two years of collecting taxes before it was implemented, stealing money from Medi-care and medi-caid, stealing money from the shareholders of Fannie and Freddie and yet it was still going to collapse under it's own weight. I looked up a plan for me on the exchanges and the cheapest one was 600 a month with a 6K deductible per year and only paid 80 percent.So potentially it was a 13.2 K of out of pocket expenses before it ever kicked in? That's "affordable'???
Plus, if you couldn't afford ins, you were taxed. Nice Obama. POS.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


I don't blame anyone for supporting DJ Trump.

It is their right.

And their opinion is no more or less valid or valuable than yours.

But I do blame Trump for obstruction of justice in the Comey attempted bribery followed by firing.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Don't you schmucks got anything else? BORING
Another butt hurt lefty thread. Hate is all they got.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The media and the liberals here lie about him non stop. I'd use Twitter as well.

The media, and people here constantly repost Trumps exact words. The media also reports on the leaks of classified information and criminal investigations. Quoting what Trump said 6 months ago, or the investigations against Trump associates, are the lies they're accused of posting.
Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.
You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.

Once again idiot Jimmy was govenor of Georgia.

Without a network to work in Washington. Trump has zero experience. Carter did not have enough.

Since when did Obama compromise and lead? He didn't have a clue on how to do it except run around Congress.

I have yet to see Trump not try to compromise.

As evidenced by all the Democrats attending meetings on healthcare? Or Trump's own pronouncements about Democrat obstructionism?

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?

Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude, boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

He ate with his mouth open and dribbled food. It was disgusting.
Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude,boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

We The People picked the lesser of two evils offered.
You're going to go a long way to show Sec. Clinton would jav been worse,than the disengaged Twitterer-in-Chief..

Here's the history lesson that remains,unlearned by Trump,supporters. 1976 and the nation was emerging from the dual meatgrinders of Vietnam and Watergate. We the People looked to another outsider, one untarnished by Washington D.C.

Jimmy Carter came to the White House without federal experience. He came to shake things up.

But it was that lack of experience that proved his undoing. He failed to build coalitions,in congress, even with members of his own party. He had no help sheparding legislation to advance his agenda. He was pompous, stubborn and uncompromising.

And he, then We the People suffered for those vices.

Trump is merely the second coming of Jimmy Carter. But without Carter's compassion and moral foundation. All Trump has to offer are bumper sticker bromides and an excess of glitz.
I can't fault Trump for using Twitter. The media lies about him non stop, just like the libs here do.
There are more responsible and presidential ways for Trump to get his message out. His tweets are consistently off message. He does more damage by acting petulantly than mature, crude rather than cerebral, boorish rather than graceful.
No he doesn't. The media and the liberals here lie about him non stop. I'd use Twitter as well. CNN has their asses in a sling now though. Too many threats and lies and the "chickens" are coming home to roost. ;)
If you prefer a president to act in a manner that illicit more incredulity than support, be my guest.

Meanwhile, I'm still hoping for a statesman instead of a petulant game show host.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


Why no viable alternative.

The Hag - sad really.

Why did the DNC shaft Bernie?

Instead,we,got the worst the GOP had to offer. No one during the 2016 election cycle thought that either candidate was a dream come true.

So we elected a huckster buffoon, a crass, crude, boor with no experience in government.

Why did the GOP shaft Kasich?

He ate with his mouth open and dribbled food. It was disgusting.

That you find disgusting, but grabbing pussies is decorum worthy of a President?
Since when did Obama compromise and lead? He didn't have a clue on how to do it except run around Congress.
I have yet to see Trump not try to compromise.
Like the Trump compromise on the number of people at the inauguration?
Or the Trump compromise on Obama wiretaping trump tower?
Or the Trump compromise on the mexican wall?

Explain some of these compromises?

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