The vaccinated are furious at the unvaccinated

I just wonder how many of these vaccine resisters are being paid to spread misinformation?
Cause you got the "missus"...
That moment Boots fell in LOOOVE! :lol:

Oooh, scary.

View attachment 520681

Do you know how many times you and the other trump sucking scumbags here have threatened me? Hundreds. So you can take your little pussy threat, stick it up your ass, and twist it.
Just to be clear, when you threaten us with things like LE goon squads coming to our homes, you are the aggressors, not us.

We aren't making threats, we are warning you not to keep threatening us.

But of course you lie about what is actually happening because that's the sort of dishonest trash you all are.
No need, the appropriate guys already have an eye on your every keystroke ;)


So what?

I've never understood people like you....... why do you think I care?
You think I would say something here I wouldn't say to anyone, anywhere?
That tells me a lot about what two-faced people you are, if you automatically assume others are like that.

We are getting tired of paying for the stupidity of the unvaccinated. It is their fault that we are seeing the surge in COVID infections and hospitalizations. GET A SHOT!
There have been multiple mixed messages. First Dr Fauci said masks were not needed, then he said to mask up, then he said outside no mask, and he even said to double mask. Kamala Harris said she did not trust the vaccine. Everyoneflipped. The CDC has changed its guidance due to the Delta variant. Blacks remember the Tuskeegee Experiments and may be rightfully sketical.

I am pretty cool about things, so I give people the right to disagree.

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