The Vanishing Mandate: Trump Transition Team Maybe Reading the Pro-Clinton Vote!

The Speaker of the House is from usually Blue Wisconsin. The GOP House Leader is from solidly Blue California. The GOP Senate Majority Leader had to keep his distance from the President-Elect. The President-Elect is from solidly Blue, State of New York.

Anyone just offhand guesses that there is no far-right mandate in the vote, or any limited government mandate in the vote.

In the vote, Secretary Clinton won.

GOP Posters Get Over It. Your people are mostly Blue, by neighborhoods of origins. Limited Government never came up, even in the Presidential Debates. A Giant Deportation Army is not about Limited Government, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes fail at understanding Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!" Many come back, maybe to improve on what they know(?)!)
Consensus is easily forming that Donald Trump won the White House, The Democrats picked up seats in the House and Senate, and Secretary Clinton actually won the election(?)! Now it is a national win by over 1 million votes, with even California still counting. So Hillary Clinton has two historical firsts. Donald Trump first went out to dinner, and didn't tell the press corps about the reservations. He was probably picking up the check by himself(?).

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

That being noted, so far the Republicans are not being gracious about it: Suggesting a nation-wide do-over, without electoral college votes. Speaker Ryan and Senator McConnell will likely keep their leadership positions. Kevin McCarthy kept his leadership position--though possibly back in California, helping count at least the vote from Bakersfield(?).

The Electoral College actually disgraced both national parties. The Republicans are already so far off to the right as to be repulsive even to a lot of their Conservatives. The Democrats abandoned the White Manual Labor working class. European parliamentary type elections--go far right and stay there.

The Trump White House is either Republican. . .but it could actually become Democrat. . .even with Jewish people, already at the various auctions--selling what they have to offer(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White House Transition Team, not coming to Lands of Many Nations, so far. Actually, Holy Smoke and Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," offer better agenda to millions, already!)

Omg thats why I love Trump, he uses liberal tactics lime this.

No, your consensus is bullshit
Pelosi is being challenged because the dems in the house thought they would win far more. 6 seats wasna disaster for them.
The popular vote dont mean shit, get over it.
Pubs have more governors than ever
Pubs dominate state govt to a level never seen.

So Trump has a giant mandate to build that fucking wall
Trump is signaling he is moving to the center, and Bannon is fighting that. Bannon will lose.

You've lost it Jake big time. Bannon is really under your skin. Too bad the whole narrative that Bannon is an anti Semite and a racist got blown to smithereens so quickly. It's affecting you. :lol:
Sorry that you have so confused, td.

At the link below, Claudette explain his problems very well.

Bannon may not be the right guy as chief strategist in the WH

She concludes, ""I don't think he's either anti-semitic or racist. But the fact that he is willing to traffic in those ideologies rather than repudiate them tells me he isn't much better then they are in the larger picture because he legitimizes them and ignores how dangerous they can become when legitimized."

Claudette is right, td; you are wrong.

How does he traffic in them? He's only the Executive Chairman. He has no editorial control whatsoever.

The co founder and most of the editorial staff are all Jews.

So you and others are going to blame Jews for being anti Semetic and racist. Oh thats special! How far you lefties have come.

Some are Jews, and they are as morally at fault as Bannon and you, apparently.
Poster buckeye45_73 can brazenly comment that the popular vote don't mean shit(?)! Then there will be no vote of the electoral college, based on any counting of any of the popular votes(?)!

No one so-states.

GOP leadership, steeped in Blue, likely not to be Red or Even Black. . .or even Hispanic, Moslem, Asian, French, or even Tuvalu(?)! The limited government part isn't going to happen.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Old Times, now forgotten! Maybe now Early Times: Better idea!)
Poster buckeye45_73 can brazenly comment that the popular vote don't mean shit(?)! Then there will be no vote of the electoral college, based on any counting of any of the popular votes(?)!

No one so-states.

GOP leadership, steeped in Blue, likely not to be Red or Even Black. . .or even Hispanic, Moslem, Asian, French, or even Tuvalu(?)! The limited government part isn't going to happen.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Old Times, now forgotten! Maybe now Early Times: Better idea!)

DaFuck? That post was shaken AND stirred....

"GOP leadership, steeped in Blue, likely not to be Red or Even Black. . .or even Hispanic, Moslem, Asian, French, or even Tuvalu(?)! The limited government part isn't going to happen."

What was that, some kind of drunken assed democrat haiku?

ETA: Nevermind, I figured out what it reminded me of. A Nostradamus quatrain. Carry on....
Poster buckeye45_73 can brazenly comment that the popular vote don't mean shit(?)! Then there will be no vote of the electoral college, based on any counting of any of the popular votes(?)!

No one so-states.

GOP leadership, steeped in Blue, likely not to be Red or Even Black. . .or even Hispanic, Moslem, Asian, French, or even Tuvalu(?)! The limited government part isn't going to happen.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Old Times, now forgotten! Maybe now Early Times: Better idea!)

DaFuck? That post was shaken AND stirred....

"GOP leadership, steeped in Blue, likely not to be Red or Even Black. . .or even Hispanic, Moslem, Asian, French, or even Tuvalu(?)! The limited government part isn't going to happen."

What was that, some kind of drunken assed democrat haiku?

ETA: Nevermind, I figured out what it reminded me of. A Nostradamus quatrain. Carry on....
I saw no ancient French or Latin...
And so to carry on, if not out(?): Either the Republicans are on board with some new White House version of the New Deal, or the Democrats in both federal legislatures will likely be more dominant--even controlling--next year than they were this year, and the year before that.

Consider: The Democrats could even be actively creating the New National Health Pan, even now. Speaker Ryan alludes the "Better Way" plan of the Republicans. The President-Elect has already signed onto two of the key parts of that. Those come from the current plan.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many in Wisconsin seeking Better Way to even pay: With more federal mega-bucks, most likely!)
The Speaker of the House is from usually Blue Wisconsin. The GOP House Leader is from solidly Blue California. The GOP Senate Majority Leader had to keep his distance from the President-Elect. The President-Elect is from solidly Blue, State of New York.

Anyone just offhand guesses that there is no far-right mandate in the vote, or any limited government mandate in the vote.

In the vote, Secretary Clinton won.

GOP Posters Get Over It. Your people are mostly Blue, by neighborhoods of origins. Limited Government never came up, even in the Presidential Debates. A Giant Deportation Army is not about Limited Government, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes fail at understanding Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!" Many come back, maybe to improve on what they know(?)!)

In the vote, Secretary Clinton won.

Prove it.
It's in the OP, and the count continues.

Elsewhere: Clinton currently has 61,963,234 votes compared to Trump's 60,961,185, a difference of slightly more than 1 million votes.

Trump Lost the vote, the people.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lives of Great Soaring Eagles, Diving From Skies Over Plains With Many Buffalo, Deer, Elk, Great Moose, And Bears of Many Mountains; Destroying Field Mouse, Munching on Berry Plucked From Giant laves Of Cactus-Of-The-Many-Needles: Matter!)
It's in the OP, and the count continues.

Elsewhere: Clinton currently has 61,963,234 votes compared to Trump's 60,961,185, a difference of slightly more than 1 million votes.

Trump Lost the vote, the people.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lives of Great Soaring Eagles, Diving From Skies Over Plains With Many Buffalo, Deer, Elk, Great Moose, And Bears of Many Mountains; Destroying Field Mouse, Munching on Berry Plucked From Giant laves Of Cactus-Of-The-Many-Needles: Matter!)

Get back to me when every single absentee ballot from overseas is counted.
Mostly that is already done, except California and some large states where the counts are in the millions, including resident absentee ballots. California had four million ballots left to count last Friday.

The Clinton vote total keeps on increasing, and that mostly is why.

The final counting may be Clinton 2 million more than Trump, and will be widely reported.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even telemarketing for cemetery sales: Many are called, only few are really Jewish(?)!)
Mostly that is already done, except California and some large states where the counts are in the millions, including resident absentee ballots. California had four million ballots left to count last Friday.

The Clinton vote total keeps on increasing, and that mostly is why.

The final counting may be Clinton 2 million more than Trump, and will be widely reported.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even telemarketing for cemetery sales: Many are called, only few are really Jewish(?)!)

Mostly that is already done

Can you prove it?

The Clinton vote total keeps on increasing

Yeah, those fraudulent votes add up.

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