The vast majority of Americans, even in Blue large cities disagree with Leftists


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
I was at walmart today.
This is in a decidedly Blue major city.

In the sporting goods department were a large and growing crowd of people who were waiting to buy ammo.
I engaged many of those people randomly. Even the Hispanic cashier.

What I found is that at least in that small, but totally random sample, most people not only disagree with Democrats and Leftists......they are afraid of them and believe they are succeeding in destroying American freedom and steering America down the wrong path.

What I think has happened in America is that a very well backed minority, along with the media has done a superb job of making the appearance that Americans are willing to give up their Rights for an imaginary bit of security.

But when you're out in the streets talking to real people and ignore the never ending waves of propaganda, that the vast majority of Americans see what the radical left is doing and where it is leading.

The big problem is that using the media, they have instilled fear into Americans (The NUMBER ONE weapon of choice in establishing tyranny for tyrants).

By remaining silent, Americans are freely handing the stage to radical Leftists. it's a very dangerous strategy and led to the demise of Venezuela, China and Russia. And it will lead to the demise of the USA as well.

BTW, the only one touting "miserable, violent" America and the horrid 2nd Amendment was a Canadian man.

Bottom Line: We cannot afford to continue to be silenced and afraid. it's a trap.
Wow, you spoke to the Hispanic cashier, that must have been hard for you.
Speaking with some people at a local Walmart who are there to buy ammo does not exactly represent "the vast majority of Americans". Jesus, you people need to get some perspective.
Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.
Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.
Talking to people who are buying ammo and guns is not a sample of demos unless you asked then their political orientation also

I would imagine demo's are gun owners so gun ownership is not the catalysis for being a demo

being in a blue city does not mean that they are all demos, it just means there are probably more demos and it is reversed in a red city

You should have asked them do they fear that the government will take their guns

Repubs like to make that argument but in fact the government just regulates it as it regulates many things.

They will deny you the right to a gun if you are on the prohibited list such as felons, abusers, and people prone to violence.

Yet I have not heard a repub support such stipulations.

All I hear is you will have to pry it from my dead hands

I believe demo's who own guns rationally do not believe the fear mongering that repubs use that the government is coming for them

So they have to go thru a background check, so they have to register guns, all the other things. These thing do not deny gun ownership

Gun ownership is granted by the state and its not a right in the 2nd amendment

So responsible gun ownership is not the question, its how to save lives and keep the guns out of those who are not responsible gun owners
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Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks

I'm for background checks...

OOPS, we already have them.

Universal background checks?

Impossible to enforce.

Here's an idea.

Make sure necessary information is in the databanks that already exist.

Someone fails a check at an authorized dealer, a week in the can.

If they are a felon, 6 months in the can

catch a strawbuyer?

6 months in the can.
80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

You and CNN pulled that fake number out of your asses.
Your media propaganda does not exactly represent "the vast majority of Americans". Jesus, you people need to get some perspective.
Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks

I'm for background checks...

OOPS, we already have them.

Universal background checks?

Impossible to enforce.

Here's an idea.

Make sure necessary information is in the databanks that already exist.

Someone fails a check at an authorized dealer, a week in the can.

If they are a felon, 6 months in the can

catch a strawbuyer?

6 months in the can.

I'm fine with throwing people in jail who fail a background check because of former criminal history. Also I think we should improve the NICS system as well.

Nothing can truly be enforced 100%, but I'd like to see private sales and gun show sales go through the background check system and reduce the avenues that criminals have of obtaining firearems. It's not impossible to enforce, it's common sense.
Gun ownership is granted by the state and its not a right in the 2nd amendment

Typical leftist mentality. Not surprised you'd believe that horseshit.

So responsible gun ownership is not the question, its how to save lives and keep the guns out of those who are not responsible gun owners

That's really easy to answer. Remove leftist policies that create a society of angry, entitlement minded people who reject personal responsibility and problem solved.
You break up the family and encourage broken homes and homosexuality over traditional values then demonize God and what the fuck do you expect?
80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

You and CNN pulled that fake number out of your asses.
Your media propaganda does not exactly represent "the vast majority of Americans". Jesus, you people need to get some perspective.

This from the guy that thinks talking to a half a dozen people in a single Walmart shows what the "vast majority of Americans" think!

you were born without a sense of Irony, weren't you?
I'm fine with throwing people in jail who fail a background check because of former criminal history. Also I think we should improve the NICS system as well.

That's because you have no clue what you're talking about.
The Justice System is already FAR over loaded. The courtrooms over worked and falling farther behind.
Plus, there simply is not enough room to house all the criminals.
The only solution "might" be faster executions.

Nothing can truly be enforced 100%, but I'd like to see private sales and gun show sales go through the background check system and reduce the avenues that criminals have of obtaining firearems. It's not impossible to enforce, it's common sense.

We already HAVE background checks out the ass. And laws against criminal actions.
Common sense would be realizing that policies that break up families, remove personal responsibility for actions, treat violent criminals as the victim (all things Democrats embrace) and COMMONS SENSE should tell you what the solution is.

You ignorant Leftists needs to wake up and stop ignoring the fact that YOUR policies are flawed.
This from the guy that thinks talking to a half a dozen people in a single Walmart shows what the "vast majority of Americans" think!

you were born without a sense of Irony, weren't you?

You know what you can do with your stupidity....don't you? ;)

I'm entitled to my opinions so shove it.
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This from the guy that thinks talking to a half a dozen people in a single Walmart shows what the "vast majority of Americans" think!

you were born without a sense of Irony, weren't you?

Shut the fuck up ass wipe.
Did you even read the OP?

I'm entitled to my opinions so shove it.

I did read the OP, I even complimented you on being able to bring yourself to talk to a Hispanic cashier.

No gratitude around here! :21::21:
I did read the OP, I even complimented you on being able to bring yourself to talk to a Hispanic cashier.
No gratitude around here! :21::21:

Right, rather than have adult conversation, you, like a typical imbecile leftist can do no better than pulling childish nonsense out your ass.

Almost all my neighbors are Hispanic. I've dated Hispanic what's your point idiot?

The more Americans hear from you mental rejects, the more it becomes obvious what needs to be done.

In addition, my statement about most Americans disagreeing with you leftist nutjobs is based on FAR more than this thread.
Again you losers on the Left have you need to import voters and expose your immaturity and idiocy every chance you get.
Giggle on that little girl.
80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

You and CNN pulled that fake number out of your asses.
Your media propaganda does not exactly represent "the vast majority of Americans". Jesus, you people need to get some perspective.

This from the guy that thinks talking to a half a dozen people in a single Walmart shows what the "vast majority of Americans" think!

you were born without a sense of Irony, weren't you?

Never mind that it is indeed several polls that put support for universal background checks at 80-90%

90% of Americans back background checks for all gun sales?
I'm fine with throwing people in jail who fail a background check because of former criminal history. Also I think we should improve the NICS system as well.

That's because you have no clue what you're talking about.
The Justice System is already FAR over loaded. The courtrooms over worked and falling farther behind.
Plus, there simply is not enough room to house all the criminals.
The only solution "might" be faster executions.

Sure there is, when weed is legal and other drugs are decriminalized there will be plenty of room for felons trying to get guns.

Nothing can truly be enforced 100%, but I'd like to see private sales and gun show sales go through the background check system and reduce the avenues that criminals have of obtaining firearems. It's not impossible to enforce, it's common sense.

We already HAVE background checks out the ass. And laws against criminal actions.
Common sense would be realizing that policies that break up families, remove personal responsibility for actions, treat violent criminals as the victim (all things Democrats embrace) and COMMONS SENSE should tell you what the solution is.

You ignorant Leftists needs to wake up and stop ignoring the fact that YOUR policies are flawed.

Poor baby.
Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.
Not when they read the fine print fuck face
80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

You and CNN pulled that fake number out of your asses.
Your media propaganda does not exactly represent "the vast majority of Americans". Jesus, you people need to get some perspective.

This from the guy that thinks talking to a half a dozen people in a single Walmart shows what the "vast majority of Americans" think!

you were born without a sense of Irony, weren't you?

Never mind that it is indeed several polls that put support for universal background checks at 80-90%

90% of Americans back background checks for all gun sales?

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