The vast majority of Americans, even in Blue large cities disagree with Leftists

I was at walmart today.
This is in a decidedly Blue major city.

In the sporting goods department were a large and growing crowd of people who were waiting to buy ammo.
I engaged many of those people randomly. Even the Hispanic cashier.

What I found is that at least in that small, but totally random sample, most people not only disagree with Democrats and Leftists......they are afraid of them and believe they are succeeding in destroying American freedom and steering America down the wrong path.

What I think has happened in America is that a very well backed minority, along with the media has done a superb job of making the appearance that Americans are willing to give up their Rights for an imaginary bit of security.

But when you're out in the streets talking to real people and ignore the never ending waves of propaganda, that the vast majority of Americans see what the radical left is doing and where it is leading.

The big problem is that using the media, they have instilled fear into Americans (The NUMBER ONE weapon of choice in establishing tyranny for tyrants).

By remaining silent, Americans are freely handing the stage to radical Leftists. it's a very dangerous strategy and led to the demise of Venezuela, China and Russia. And it will lead to the demise of the USA as well.

BTW, the only one touting "miserable, violent" America and the horrid 2nd Amendment was a Canadian man.

Bottom Line: We cannot afford to continue to be silenced and afraid. it's a trap.
Freedom, from guys who never were in hand to hand, or got the crap bombed out of them.
Such pantywaists
I was at walmart today.
This is in a decidedly Blue major city.

In the sporting goods department were a large and growing crowd of people who were waiting to buy ammo.
I engaged many of those people randomly. Even the Hispanic cashier.

What I found is that at least in that small, but totally random sample, most people not only disagree with Democrats and Leftists......they are afraid of them and believe they are succeeding in destroying American freedom and steering America down the wrong path.

What I think has happened in America is that a very well backed minority, along with the media has done a superb job of making the appearance that Americans are willing to give up their Rights for an imaginary bit of security.

But when you're out in the streets talking to real people and ignore the never ending waves of propaganda, that the vast majority of Americans see what the radical left is doing and where it is leading.

The big problem is that using the media, they have instilled fear into Americans (The NUMBER ONE weapon of choice in establishing tyranny for tyrants).

By remaining silent, Americans are freely handing the stage to radical Leftists. it's a very dangerous strategy and led to the demise of Venezuela, China and Russia. And it will lead to the demise of the USA as well.

BTW, the only one touting "miserable, violent" America and the horrid 2nd Amendment was a Canadian man.

Bottom Line: We cannot afford to continue to be silenced and afraid. it's a trap.

How did we arrive at a point in this Nation where about 50% of the people think we should be taking care of them?
Free College
Free Health Care
Free Housing etc?
It is mind boggling.
Any American with common sense disagrees with the Leftists. Everything they fight for is based on regaining the power they lost and/or extending the reach of government.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks so get ready for the FEMA reeducation and/or death camps based on whatever specific loon conspiracy you're into.

80-90% of Americans are for background checks

I'm for background checks...

OOPS, we already have them.

Universal background checks?

Impossible to enforce.

Here's an idea.

Make sure necessary information is in the databanks that already exist.

Someone fails a check at an authorized dealer, a week in the can.

If they are a felon, 6 months in the can

catch a strawbuyer?

6 months in the can.

I'm fine with throwing people in jail who fail a background check because of former criminal history. Also I think we should improve the NICS system as well.

Nothing can truly be enforced 100%, but I'd like to see private sales and gun show sales go through the background check system and reduce the avenues that criminals have of obtaining firearems. It's not impossible to enforce, it's common sense.

"and reduce the avenues that criminals have of obtaining firearems. It's not impossible to enforce, it's common sense."

How would you manage this?
Hilarious that you were in a Walmart, buying ammo and think you were interacting with a representative group for the nation. The sheer ignorance from the modern day conservative is a badge of honor for you but scary to the rest of us rational Americans.

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