The vax does not stop Covid, that is the data. Why are the Covid liars claiming it does?

The vaccines aren't working much better than a flip of a coin now....

35% of people hospitalized with the Delta variant were completely vaccinated in the UK​

35% of hospitalized patients delta version coronavirus In United Kingdom According to data published by England’s Public Health Agency (PHE, in English) this Friday (6), they had a complete vaccination schedule, while 55% had received no dose.

45% of those hospitalized had at least one dose.

Out of 1,467 patients infected since July 19 delta version, as confirmed by genetic sequencing Of their samples, 808 were not vaccinated and 512 had received two doses, the PHE elaborated in a statement....

In United Kingdom38.87 million people have already received the full immunization programme, according to the latest figures from the British Ministry of Health, representing 57.95% of the population.

CDC says the vaccines cannot prevent infection and transmission....

The whole basis for making vaccines mandatory is quickly unraveling. Not sure how much longer the Biden Admin can keep tap dancing around the data before the truth comes out.

CDC recommends even the vaccinated wear masks.
CDC recommends the immunocomprimised get a third dose.
Cape Cod outbreak affected vaccinated by large majority (74%).
Carnival Vista cruise ship is fully vaccinated, yet passengers are coming down with COVID.

What more proof do people need that the vaccines aren't working anywhere near the 95% protection that was promised?

Remember when they told you two weeks to flatten the curve? There must be another election coming up where the Dems are in trouble.
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And hence by that definition, your fraud vax does not work.

People get vaxed.

People still test "positive"

People vaxed die

Nevermind the 12k who died because they needlessly got the fraud vax....
Link? And, even 12k is exponentially less than the over 600k who have already died from the pathogen not the vaccine.

Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective. Vaccination is happening under the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.
Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths.
By way of comparison, getting COVID-19 while unvaccinated poses a grave risk; as of July 23, 2021, more than 610,000 deaths have been attributed to the virus in the US alone. Not everyone who dies while having COVID is counted towards this total. Suppose someone who tested positive for COVID-19 was killed in a car accident. The car accident would be the cause of death. This person would be counted as having “died with” COVID, not as having “died of” COVID.

Did 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.....

It is always a "conspiracy" to notice Zionist liars lying.....

Neat, kid. I've never heard the claim about molten metal pouring out of the south tower and perhaps you should start a thread on the topic. In the meantime if you can't answer my question then get the fuck out of the way, m,kay?
Link? And, even 12k is exponentially less than the over 600k who have already died from the pathogen not the vaccine.

Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective. Vaccination is happening under the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.
Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths.
By way of comparison, getting COVID-19 while unvaccinated poses a grave risk; as of July 23, 2021, more than 610,000 deaths have been attributed to the virus in the US alone. Not everyone who dies while having COVID is counted towards this total. Suppose someone who tested positive for COVID-19 was killed in a car accident. The car accident would be the cause of death. This person would be counted as having “died with” COVID, not as having “died of” COVID.

CDC says your side lies 94% of the time about Covid deaths.
Neat, kid. I've never heard the claim about molten metal pouring out of the south tower and perhaps you should start a thread on the topic. In the meantime if you can't answer my question then get the fuck out of the way, m,kay?


Truth and you do not mix.

You are not interested in truth, because you are not a patriotic American, you are a treasonous Zionist cocksucker....
Neat, kid. I've never heard the claim about molten metal pouring out of the south tower and perhaps you should start a thread on the topic. In the meantime if you can't answer my question then get the fuck out of the way, m,kay?
Why are you even engaging this anti-Semitic Trump nut?
We've been through this over and over.

A "vaccine" prevents a human from catching. Lindsay Graham, the Texas state house Dems, hundreds of documented deaths after being "vaccinated..."

Wake up.

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting the theory that the vax stops anything. The evidence is overwhelming, using their test, that those "vaccinated" catch and die from Covid. They admit that. That is why they are pushing vaccinated Americans to mask up again. They KNOW the vax does not vax...

So why should anyone get the vax?

There is a sinister and treasonous motive for pushing this fraud of a vax.....
No vaccine has ever been successfully made for a coronavirus.

The thing is all Western countries and even the W.H.O. had plans for dealing with a pandemic. The plan was to let it spread, to NOT lock down. Every virologist agrees that is what must be done. The idea is to let as many people get it as soon as possible in order to obtain heard immunity. Doing lockdowns for a year and letting the virus linger and mutate is exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. But of course the globalists in charge decided to use it for political reasons and prologue it. So here we are with lockdowns, mutated variants, and useless vaccines causing new pandemics for each variant, and yet the idiots in charge want to keep doing the same things: masks, lockdowns, and useless vaccines.
Then you better start getting the Black and Hispanic communities in inner cities to vaccinate more because they are as much of the problem as the Trumpsters that are not vaccinated.

Houston has a population of 2.3 million people with about 45% Hispanic population and a 22% Black population which mean the city is 67% Hispanic and Black and it is clear young minorities are not getting vaccinated which make them as dangerous as Trump voters!
No vaccine has ever been successfully made for a coronavirus.

The thing is all Western countries and even the W.H.O. had plans for dealing with a pandemic. The plan was to let it spread, to NOT lock down. Every virologist agrees that is what must be done. The idea is to let as many people get it as soon as possible in order to obtain heard immunity. Doing lockdowns for a year and letting the virus linger and mutate is exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. But of course the globalists in charge decided to use it for political reasons and prologue it. So here we are with lockdowns, mutated variants, and useless vaccines causing new pandemics for each variant, and yet the idiots in charge want to keep doing the same things: masks, lockdowns, and useless vaccines.

Viruses don't mutate because of time, they mutate as more people get the virus.
the great reset, thats why- agenda 2030, pop. control using the experimental jabs.
No vaccine has ever been successfully made for a coronavirus.

The thing is all Western countries and even the W.H.O. had plans for dealing with a pandemic. The plan was to let it spread, to NOT lock down. Every virologist agrees that is what must be done. The idea is to let as many people get it as soon as possible in order to obtain heard immunity. Doing lockdowns for a year and letting the virus linger and mutate is exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. But of course the globalists in charge decided to use it for political reasons and prologue it. So here we are with lockdowns, mutated variants, and useless vaccines causing new pandemics for each variant, and yet the idiots in charge want to keep doing the same things: masks, lockdowns, and useless vaccines.

All about absentee ballot fraud.

The real Covid 19 was gone last May. It has been 100% pure lies ever since.

Viruses don't mutate because of time, they mutate as more people get the virus.

There were 18 "variants" of Covid prior 2020. They did not happen every year. The idea that humans or the fraud vax has anything to do with nature and the flu is the same level of lying as the rest.
Then you better start getting the Black and Hispanic communities in inner cities to vaccinate more because they are as much of the problem as the Trumpsters that are not vaccinated.

Houston has a population of 2.3 million people with about 45% Hispanic population and a 22% Black population which mean the city is 67% Hispanic and Black and it is clear young minorities are not getting vaccinated which make them as dangerous as Trump voters!

That is not the media narrative because they are not the targeted demographics. Everyone knows the vax is fraud.
We've been through this over and over.

A "vaccine" prevents a human from catching. Lindsay Graham, the Texas state house Dems, hundreds of documented deaths after being "vaccinated..."

Wake up.

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting the theory that the vax stops anything. The evidence is overwhelming, using their test, that those "vaccinated" catch and die from Covid. They admit that. That is why they are pushing vaccinated Americans to mask up again. They KNOW the vax does not vax...

So why should anyone get the vax?

There is a sinister and treasonous motive for pushing this fraud of a vax.....
The Democrat Party is a dangerously deranged fascist cult seeking to destroy the country.

They're 21st century Nazis.

I hope this explains things.
Link? And, even 12k is exponentially less than the over 600k who have already died from the pathogen not the vaccine.

Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. The vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective. Vaccination is happening under the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.
Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths.
By way of comparison, getting COVID-19 while unvaccinated poses a grave risk; as of July 23, 2021, more than 610,000 deaths have been attributed to the virus in the US alone. Not everyone who dies while having COVID is counted towards this total. Suppose someone who tested positive for COVID-19 was killed in a car accident. The car accident would be the cause of death. This person would be counted as having “died with” COVID, not as having “died of” COVID.

53 people died from the swine flu vaccine after 163 million were injected. That program was shut down.
The Democrat Party is a dangerously deranged fascist cult seeking to destroy the country.

They're 21st century Nazis.

I hope this explains things.

They have help from the W 911 Zionist crowd

Fox News

In the end, the alliance for treason against America consists of

Zionist 911 traitors
Leftwing homosexuals
Left wing black bigots

Yeah, the dem party is almost all traitors, but they have help....

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