The vax does not stop Covid, that is the data. Why are the Covid liars claiming it does?

No vaccine is 100% effective.
They appear to think that vaccines are supposed to work 100% of the time, and that medical science is supposed to be right 100% of the time.

This is what happens to people who are trapped by simplistic, binary thinking patterns.
No vaccine is 100% effective.

The purpose of a vaccine is to not only reduce infections but to lessen the severity of an infection often to the point of being asymptomatic

That is crap bull.

You are describing a flu shot, not a vaccine.
A flu shot is a vaccine.

No it is not because it is never close to 100% effective.

Your statement suggests you think hundreds and thousands of Americans have small pox. They do not. Why? A real one shot vaccine that actually works.

Got 2 flu shots decades ago. Got sick both times. Since then, never had one, and have developed light flu symptoms twice in a quarter century....

Covid positive co workers coughed on me at work in March 2020...

I do not need a vaccine, even a real one, I am immune from Covid, I have antibodies.
No it is not because it is never close to 100% effective.

Your statement suggests you think hundreds and thousands of Americans have small pox. They do not. Why? A real one shot vaccine that actually works.

Got 2 flu shots decades ago. Got sick both times. Since then, never had one, and have developed light flu symptoms twice in a quarter century....

Covid positive co workers coughed on me at work in March 2020...

I do not need a vaccine, even a real one, I am immune from Covid, I have antibodies.
The efficacy of the vaccine has nothing to do with the definition of what a vaccine is.

Look it up.
The efficacy of the vaccine has nothing to do with the definition of what a vaccine is.

Look it up.

So when they put senile traitor Joe on tv to get "vaccinated" with water, that counts as a "vaccination" even though it had precisely zero "efficacy..."

They would never let an ancient frail senile moron like traitor Joe get the real vax on tv because he would likely keel over and pass out.....

If the vax vaxes nothing, it is still a vax, nevermind it has offed 11.9k Americans that they admit to....
We've been through this over and over.

A "vaccine" prevents a human from catching. Lindsay Graham, the Texas state house Dems, hundreds of documented deaths after being "vaccinated..."

Wake up.

There is NO EVIDENCE supporting the theory that the vax stops anything. The evidence is overwhelming, using their test, that those "vaccinated" catch and die from Covid. They admit that. That is why they are pushing vaccinated Americans to mask up again. They KNOW the vax does not vax...

So why should anyone get the vax?

There is a sinister and treasonous motive for pushing this fraud of a vax.....
You’re an idiot of epic proportions
More is being discovered about the pathogen more often. Covid has already been sequenced. Why should anyone believe right-wing fantasy over the CDC.
It's just another propaganda tool for them to use, in order to get more control over peoples lives.

This has never made any sense. Who is "them" and what exactly is the point of "controlling" people to where they get vaccinated? What do "they" get out of it? Money? Bragging rights? Who is winning in this global conspiracy of yours?
More is being discovered about the pathogen more often. Covid has already been sequenced. Why should anyone believe right-wing fantasy over the CDC.
Those military people forced to take the shot and suffer in the future have the right to exterminate you and others. To torture your children and let them beg for mercy in their deaths. This is what your Pravda backed media has done to us over the last couple of decades. We keep following your lead. And the dark tunnel keeps getting longer and longer. We keep seeing a slight faint view of light but it never gets there. So it is the fault of someone else even with endless resources spent to fix everything.
Those military people forced to take the shot and suffer in the future have the right to exterminate you and others. To torture your children and let them beg for mercy in their deaths. This is what your Pravda backed media has done to us over the last couple of decades. We keep following your lead. And the dark tunnel keeps getting longer and longer. We keep seeing a slight faint view of light but it never gets there. So it is the fault of someone else even with endless resources spent to fix everything.
Thanks for proving right-wingers don't care about natural rights and only prefer the general badfare instead of the general welfare.
Whew!! Just in time, moderna says its snake juice magical potion is about to wear off but no worries, we got some more juice for ya. Who needs an immune system when you have these wonderful pharmas offering more potions.

Vaccines help your body create an immune response.

This has never made any sense. Who is "them" and what exactly is the point of "controlling" people to where they get vaccinated? What do "they" get out of it? Money? Bragging rights? Who is winning in this global conspiracy of yours?

Did 600F burning jet fuel cause 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.....

It is always a "conspiracy" to notice Zionist liars lying.....

Fascists now using needles and public health mandates instead of gas chambers....
Vaccines help your body create an immune response.

And hence by that definition, your fraud vax does not work.

People get vaxed.

People still test "positive"

People vaxed die

Nevermind the 12k who died because they needlessly got the fraud vax....

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