THE vehicle for destruction of the capitalistic system = ENVIRONMENTALISM

Okay, that's one. Who else has some brass ones? Speak up! Be honest? Who started this stupid thread? Skookerasbil! Are you gonna pretend you're NOT worried about commies?
I'm gonna go it alone here.. While this kind of analysis IS CLOSE to nailing the perpetrators hiding their agendas --- it is kinda "over the edge".. "The Naked Communist" is not the smoking gun here. It's the statements of the UN THEMSELVES regarding Agenda 21 and the reason for the IPCC/AGW hype.

So the documentary is generally correct --- but the stuff they pick as evidence kinda weakens the whole case for the sake of dramatic effect..

We can do better to throw the camoflauge off of "naked socialists" who are using enviro causes to hobble this country.
Why are naked socialists trying to hobble this country and can't you just give them a blanket or something?
Why are naked socialists trying to hobble this country and can't you just give them a blanket or something?

You could.

But then they'd freeze to death examining it to see what percentage recycled fiber it contained.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

The freezing part.
I'm still ignorant as to the reason socialists would want to hobble this country. FCT made that accusation. Does he have an explanation?

Are you assuming that all socialists are secretly loyal to Mother Russia? Do you think it impossible to love this country AND to believe that socialism can benefit us all?
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Agenda 21
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agenda 21 is a non-binding, blah blah blah
You don`t know shit what the facts are and as much of an ass you are I hope you don`t have to find out the hard way, & as the "greens" and other assorted tree huggers in Germany had to ...and still are, now that it`s too late.
Their first wake up call was "Stuttgart 21", called so because it was the first phase of Agenda 21 to be implemented in Germany.
Here is what "non-binding" looked like when it was rammed down their throats:



Huge forest swaths are being clear cut to expand the "ICE" rail system and the tunneled hills are looking like Swiss cheese .

And now we`ve got more of the same happening to those who want to protect what`s left of the Mountain tops to make room for these "Windmill pump basins"

And again it`s the environmentalist like you are that get the police beatings, the pepper spray and have their eyes punched in with 250 psi water cannons.
That`s not what the "Greens" (Die Gruene Partei) and all the other environment groups envisioned when Germany signed that "non-binding" Agenda 21...but that`s what it turns out to be.
Part of it is to shift from road to a more "environmental" rail transportation infra structure. It`s foisted on the transport industry by ever increasing "Maut Gebuehren" (=road toll for transport trucks) on every high way and by-way. So it`s not just the energy prices that are going through the roof it`s for everything that has to be transported to market.
People on fixed income or social assistance are hard pressed to afford proper nutrition and pay their hydro bills.
In France the farmers are already rioting, not that somebody like you would have noticed...till it`s your turn !



If the democrats stay in power you will see Agenda 21 implemented in the USA and you won`t like it !
But by then you and the rest of the so far useful idiots won`t matter any more. You will be a liability just like your European enviro-cousins cousins and get dealt with accordingly.
Hey if that`s what you really want, I don`t care, I live in Canada and in our last federal elections we snuffed out this shit and the Liberals that promoted it.
And nobody in Europe would ridicule that movie that Skook found.
The only ones laughing over there are the corporations that got fat on the taxe$ that pay for these Agenda 21 projects.
And the trillion dollar AGW propaganda machine keeps on churning.
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So, Bear, are you worried about the global communist conspiracy?

Do you believe a mountaintop windmill reservoir, similar to what Norway has used for years (and it's just ruined the place, hasn't it?) will do some great ecological harm? Do you believe it will do MORE harm than the fossil fuel power facilities it replaces?

Do you believe that mass transit is a bad idea? Less cars. Less major highways. Less fuel burned.

And, I'm curious. By what enforcement power did the UN mandate these changes in Germany?
And more proof that the AGW church will ignore the fact that CO2 does NOT drive climate.
Yep, and there were many that spouted the same bullshit when Theodore Roosevelt created our National Park System. Sorry Steve, you are on the losing end on this. We will have a cleaner nation and the power we need.
Did you watch the whole thing?
I`m sure Steve has nothing against the EPA for what it was intended to do, nor have I. 1975 to 1982 I worked as an analytical chemist for the CDN FDA & D. of E. We worked in close cooperation with your EPA and at what we did at that time was a far cry from the bureaucratic overreach activities, which has become common practice now. But then both departments were staffed > 90% with Chemists not bureaucrats with no or very little scientific background as is the case now.
Go and pay them a visit and see for yourself. You will be hard pressed to find a Chemist @ a BSc or higher level in any of their labs. Just a few trained Lab Techs doing rubber stamped routine analysis.
The bulk of the staff are now all "administrative" and from what I have seen made it up the ladder by following policy directives from the top down. A 180 degree U-turn from the way it used to work.
So what made you decide to get into Geology?
No matter, as long as you like it and it seems you do stick with it and I wish you the best. Who knows maybe you`ll be working up here in Canada some day and I`ll show you some good fishing holes
Have you eaten any more road kill rattle snakes lately ?
I think you`ld like these much better:

That catch was from Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island

Hi Polar. Actually that rattlesnake was killed on the road. By the axe with which I lopped off his head. Otherwise, he was in great shape:lol: Not bad eating, would not hunt them to eat if fish were available, for sure.

I had a sample of some of your north Canadian fish in 1975. Took my trout rod up to Yellowknife, and was trying out some lures, just to see what was in the lake, when a fellow walks up, and asks me what I was fishing for. I was hoping he was not the law, for I had no license. I said I didn't know, and asked him what was in the lake. He said the little ones were 8 lbs, and I had best put away the trout gear, as they would just bust it up. Went back to his pickup and brought me back a big chunk of a 'jackfish', as he called the northern pike. Mmmmmmm......good! Yes, I would dearly love to have you show me some good fishing holes up there!!!!!!!

Why geology? I don't know. Why do some people love to collect stamps? I have always been curious about rocks, love to be out in the woods and mountains, so geology just seemed like a natural choice. And then, in Oregon, so much of our geology is reletively recent, and kind of colorfully splattered all over the place, it was just kind of there to be looked at. Something you might find interesting on that subject, since you know the Oregon area, Prineville has been found to sit in a caldera about half the size of the Yellowstone caldera, dating back to about 38 million years.

GSOC History Home
Yep, and there were many that spouted the same bullshit when Theodore Roosevelt created our National Park System. Sorry Steve, you are on the losing end on this. We will have a cleaner nation and the power we need.
Did you watch the whole thing?
I`m sure Steve has nothing against the EPA for what it was intended to do, nor have I. 1975 to 1982 I worked as an analytical chemist for the CDN FDA & D. of E. We worked in close cooperation with your EPA and at what we did at that time was a far cry from the bureaucratic overreach activities, which has become common practice now. But then both departments were staffed > 90% with Chemists not bureaucrats with no or very little scientific background as is the case now.
Go and pay them a visit and see for yourself. You will be hard pressed to find a Chemist @ a BSc or higher level in any of their labs. Just a few trained Lab Techs doing rubber stamped routine analysis.
The bulk of the staff are now all "administrative" and from what I have seen made it up the ladder by following policy directives from the top down. A 180 degree U-turn from the way it used to work.
So what made you decide to get into Geology?
No matter, as long as you like it and it seems you do stick with it and I wish you the best. Who knows maybe you`ll be working up here in Canada some day and I`ll show you some good fishing holes
Have you eaten any more road kill rattle snakes lately ?
I think you`ld like these much better:

That catch was from Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island

Hi Polar. Actually that rattlesnake was killed on the road. By the axe with which I lopped off his head. Otherwise, he was in great shape:lol: Not bad eating, would not hunt them to eat if fish were available, for sure.

I had a sample of some of your north Canadian fish in 1975. Took my trout rod up to Yellowknife, and was trying out some lures, just to see what was in the lake, when a fellow walks up, and asks me what I was fishing for. I was hoping he was not the law, for I had no license. I said I didn't know, and asked him what was in the lake. He said the little ones were 8 lbs, and I had best put away the trout gear, as they would just bust it up. Went back to his pickup and brought me back a big chunk of a 'jackfish', as he called the northern pike. Mmmmmmm......good! Yes, I would dearly love to have you show me some good fishing holes up there!!!!!!!

Why geology? I don't know. Why do some people love to collect stamps? I have always been curious about rocks, love to be out in the woods and mountains, so geology just seemed like a natural choice. And then, in Oregon, so much of our geology is reletively recent, and kind of colorfully splattered all over the place, it was just kind of there to be looked at. Something you might find interesting on that subject, since you know the Oregon area, Prineville has been found to sit in a caldera about half the size of the Yellowstone caldera, dating back to about 38 million years.

GSOC History Home

I`m all for "mind over matter" but can`t do it when it comes to eating, and snakes always scared the hell out of me.
Aside from fishing, for you Ellesmere Island would be a treasure trove.
This is our quarry where we also crush the rocks to surface CFS Alert`s runway and the roads within the station:

This is the type of rock in that area:


no, that`s not me posing with our Inuksuk at the Lincoln sea shore.
This is what a lot of the rocks we get out of this quarry look like close up:


They are so plentiful that the guys who find them let them go into the crusher.

The coordinates of that quarry are 82°30′N 62°19′W / 82.500°N 62.317°W.

But the rocks that I think are even more amazing is this one:

Olivine is sometimes found in nature as the semi-precious stone peridot

Scientists from the University of Lyon have discovered a new way to split hydrogen gas from water, using rocks.
The method promises a new green energy source, providing copious hydrogen from a simple mixture of rock and water.
It speeds up a chemical reaction that takes geological timescales in nature.
In the reaction, the mineral olivine strips one oxygen and hydrogen atom from an H2O molecule to form a mineral called serpentine, releasing the spare hydrogen atom.
Here is the link to that BBC article:
BBC News - Hydrogen squeezed from stone could be new energy source
Dollar to a thousand stale donuts not a single AGW crusader spent one minute watching that film. When a topic connects the dots so seamlessly, its an automatic disconnect for the leftist mind. Of course, people without thought process disorder get it if they are even slightly paying attention to what is going on in the world.

Lets face it......the policies of the left are and always will be an unmitigated disaster/clusterfuck, thus, schemes must be concocted to circumvent the wishes of the majority ( see: Obamacare.....EPA.....) in order to meet the agenda goals.

Like the guy in the video said when he attended a meeting of hard core was 1990......he thought to himself that there was no possible way for these leftists to meet their established goals but realized by 2007 that many of them had been met. As he points out.......the environmentalist BS was a prime contributer to job loss and mega-regulation that is increasingly meeting its prime objective: bringing down the capitalistic system and marching the country to a statist model ( 41% of the jobs created last month were government jobs.:ack-1: ) That the dolts in this forum think all this stuff is really about the environment and saving the planet is exactly why I can come in here and be so the point sometimes of laughing so hard that I am literally in tears ( like when PMZ publically blew himself up a couple of nights ago screaming at Polar Bear....."you realize its winter asshole....." ).

Fucking priceless shit..........:banana::banana::2up:
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The only problem I have is if we relinquish standards then every corporation will willingly pollute to their fullest extent because they will whine that it is costly to get rid of their waste properly. They see humans health as a bad thing that gets in the way of profit.

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