'The Very Angry Tea Party'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Interesting insights into the tea party, glad to see some in media are examining it closely.

"It is not for the sake of acquiring political power that Tea Party activists demonstrate, rally and organize; rather, Lilla argues, [link below] the appeal is to "individual opinion, individual autonomy, and individual choice, all in the service of neutralizing, not using, political power.” He calls Tea Party activists a “libertarian mob” since they proclaim the belief "that they can do everything themselves if they are only left alone.""

'The Very Angry Tea Party' By J.M. Bernstein

"When it comes to the Tea Party’s concrete policy proposals, things get fuzzier and more contradictory: keep the government out of health care, but leave Medicare alone; balance the budget, but don’t raise taxes; let individuals take care of themselves, but leave Social Security alone; and, of course, the paradoxical demand not to support Wall Street, to let the hard-working producers of wealth get on with it without regulation and government stimulus, but also to make sure the banks can lend to small businesses and responsible homeowners in a stable but growing economy."

"...My hypothesis is that what all the events precipitating the Tea Party movement share is that they demonstrated, emphatically and unconditionally, the depths of the absolute dependence of us all on government action, and in so doing they undermined the deeply held fiction of individual autonomy and self-sufficiency that are intrinsic parts of Americans’ collective self-understanding."

The Very Angry Tea Party - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Mentioned in above commentary.
The Tea Party Jacobins | The New York Review of Books

"Representative democracy is a tricky system; it must first give citizens voice as individuals, and then echo their collective voice back to them in policies they approve of. That is getting harder today because the mediating ideas and institutions we have traditionally relied on to make this work are collapsing." from above
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