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The Very Definition of Cognitive Dissonance...

1. Your first three words...."I don't know" should be monogrammed on all of your overalls....and tattooed on your forehead.

2. "I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone,..."

" In a new report from CNN, sources from the investigation have said that Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook during the attack.

Moments ago CNNā€™s Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto took to Twitter to report the following:
Jim Sciutto


Breaking: investigators find #ISIS link to #sanbernardino shooting, wife pledged allegiance to #albaghdadi on FB during attack - sources

10:27 AM - 4 Dec 2015"
Investigators Believe Female San Bernardino Shooter Swore ISIS Allegiance

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeee!

Nice spin - of course the Immigrants referenced in your post and later in mine had to do with those refuges seeking to be safe and sheltered from pursuit of the evil that is Assad and the IS. Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure, but the world is a dangerous place and only cowards and callous conservatives slam the door in the face of those seeking a safe harbor.

"Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure,..."

Gads, you're a moron.

You're an asshole. Gee, it's so easy to simply call others names than it is to respond thoughtfully and rationally.

Of course a moron...

[Moron is a term once used in psychology to denote mild intellectual disability.[1] The term was closely tied with the American eugenics movement.[2] Once the term became popularized, it fell out of use by the psychological community, as it was used more commonly as an insult than as a psychological term]

...as once defined by psychologists would include those whose skills would likely allow them to parrot the ideas and words of others, but be unable to defend them, and thus a moron, frustrated or embarrassed when questioned might react emotionally (as do you).

Now you may appear to be a bit slow to those of us who actually think and look at issues sagaciously, considering all parts and elements on issues before us by your fatuous defense, but I doubt you are a moron.

As I've posted before you have all the characteristics of a narcissist, the writing skills of an average HS Student who never attended college, and an anger based on some life event from which you've never recovered.

Yeah, pop psychology, but the evidence in your words suggests my axiomatic conclusion needs no proof. However, Euclid was wrong about two points and a line being the shortest distance between them, and I'll leave it to you to prove me wrong.

It would be so nice to have an opponent from the right wing capable of debate sans echoing talking points, ad hominems and mendacity.

There cannot be a better example of what passes for thinking from you:
"You're an asshole. Gee, it's so easy to simply call others names."

The vulgarity is your response to being correctly identified, and proven wrong.
That's why I never have to use similar language.

See...now I owe an apology to 'morons.'
They'll be clamoring not to be associated with you.

A = Arrogant
S = Self
S = Serving


HOLE = a noun describing a thing lackiing an substance beyond the walls around it.

Hence, I noted that you posts are nothing but he meanderings of an arrogant, self serving person who lacks any substance. Nothing vulgar, a simple short form statement of facts.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Good to see I've embarrassed you.
....is the Obama administration.

Or....as some may characterize same, bald-faced lying.

1. "Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissionsā€“that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nationā€™s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nationā€™s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

2. "Obama still plans to take in refugees: No worries, ā€˜we have very robust vetting proceduresā€™
Obama still plans to take in refugees: No worries, 'we have very robust vetting procedures' | BizPac Review

3. "Smooth Visa Process for Woman in Attack Is Focus of Inquiry
The woman involved in the shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday passed through two rounds of criminal and national security background checks as she obtained a ā€œfiancĆ© visaā€ and later a resident green card to live in the United States, federal officials said.
Those checks turned up no negative information about the woman, Tashfeen Malik, a federal official said Friday. But after the F.B.I. said Friday that it was investigating the shootings as an act of terrorism ā€” Ms. Malik pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in a Facebook post the day of the attack ā€” officials were scouring her immigration record to see if there were any revealing details they might have missed.

[Kind of late for that....]

ā€œThere was nothing she presented that would have been flagged,..."

Those "very robust vetting proceduresā€™" certainly kept the 14 dead and 17 wounded, safe.

How very un-American of President Obama. He should follow the lead of those who preceded him as POTUS, especially those and other leaders who proudly lead us in the Gilded Age:

Were New Immigrants Discriminated Against in Late 1800s & Early 1900s? | The Classroom | Synonym

From the LINK:

"The immigrants who arrived in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries were very different from the predominantly Protestant, northern European immigrants who came to America in the early to mid-1800s. These immigrants were of various religions and came from Southern and Eastern Europe and China. They faced challenges in being easily accepted by those already in the states owing perceived cultural and religious differences."

Headings within the link:

Diaspora to Discrimination
By the late 1800s, Jews in Eastern Europe were becoming increasingly ostracized. "Pogroms" -- violent attacks on Jews by organized mobs -- spread from Russia to other Eastern European countries. Jews began immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers beginning in the 1880s. The swelling Jewish population alarmed many Christians, who saw Judaism as a threat to American traditions. Hotels and clubs refused Jews admittance, and universities established Jewish enrollment quotas. Industrialist Henry Ford, a popular public figure, openly expressed anti-Semitic sentiments. A notorious incident of antisemitism took place in Georgia in 1913. Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent convicted -- on circumstantial evidence -- of murdering a young girl was kidnapped from his cell and lynched by a mob.

And more on the treatment of the Catholics, eastern Europeans & Irish; Italians and Chinese.

It's no wonder Trump and Cruz preach hate and fear, it worked during the last two centuries and that is where they want to take us.


What an imbecile.

Are you pretending not to recognize the existential threat???

Which of the previous waves of immigrants swore fealty to seventh century savages????

Which ones, dope???

I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone, nor do you. It's very easy to preach hate and fear, demagogues and charlatans and Bircher' s do it all the time. A song was written about it, but never released:

Well, I was feelinā€™ sad and feelinā€™ blue
I didnā€™t know what in the world I wus gonna do
Them Communists they wus cominā€™ around
They wus in the air
They wus on the ground
They wouldnā€™t gimme no peace . . .

So I run down most hurriedly
And joined up with the John Birch Society
I got me a secret membership card
And started off a-walkinā€™ down the road
Yee-hoo, Iā€™m a real John Bircher now!
Look out you Commies!

Now we all agree with Hitlerā€™s views
Although he killed six million Jews
It donā€™t matter too much that he was a Fascist
At least you canā€™t say he was a Communist!
Thatā€™s to say like if you got a cold you take a shot of malaria

Well, I wus lookinā€™ everywhere for them gol-darned Reds
I got up in the morninā€™ ā€™nā€™ looked under my bed
Looked in the sink, behind the door
Looked in the glove compartment of my car
Couldnā€™t find ā€™em . . .

I wus lookinā€™ high anā€™ low for them Reds everywhere
I wus lookinā€™ in the sink anā€™ underneath the chair
I looked way up my chimney hole
I even looked deep down inside my toilet bowl
They got away . . .

Well, I wus sittinā€™ home alone anā€™ started to sweat
Figured they wus in my T.V. set
Peeked behind the picture frame
Got a shock from my feet, hittinā€™ right up in the brain
Them Reds caused it!
I know they did . . . them hard-core ones

Well, I quit my job so I could work all alone
Then I changed my name to Sherlock Holmes
Followed some clues from my detective bag
And discovered they wus red stripes on the American flag!
That olā€™ Betsy Ross . . .

Well, I investigated all the books in the library
Ninety percent of ā€™em gotta be burned away
I investigated all the people that I knowed
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go
The other two percent are fellow Birchers . . . just like me

Now Eisenhower, heā€™s a Russian spy
Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy
To my knowledge thereā€™s just one man
Thatā€™s really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell
I know for a fact he hates Commies cus he picketed the movie Exodus

Well, I finā€™ly started thinkinā€™ straight
When I run outa things to investigate
Couldnā€™t imagine doinā€™ anything else
So now Iā€™m sittinā€™ home investigatinā€™ myself!
Hope I donā€™t find out anything . . . hmm, great God!

Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues

Hey, PC, Looked under your bed today?

1. Your first three words...."I don't know" should be monogrammed on all of your overalls....and tattooed on your forehead.

2. "I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone,..."

" In a new report from CNN, sources from the investigation have said that Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook during the attack.

Moments ago CNNā€™s Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto took to Twitter to report the following:
Jim Sciutto


Breaking: investigators find #ISIS link to #sanbernardino shooting, wife pledged allegiance to #albaghdadi on FB during attack - sources

10:27 AM - 4 Dec 2015"
Investigators Believe Female San Bernardino Shooter Swore ISIS Allegiance

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeee!

Nice spin - of course the Immigrants referenced in your post and later in mine had to do with those refuges seeking to be safe and sheltered from pursuit of the evil that is Assad and the IS. Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure, but the world is a dangerous place and only cowards and callous conservatives slam the door in the face of those seeking a safe harbor.
Callous conservatives trying to exploit an humanitarian crisis for some perceived partisan gain.
How very un-American of President Obama. He should follow the lead of those who preceded him as POTUS, especially those and other leaders who proudly lead us in the Gilded Age:

Were New Immigrants Discriminated Against in Late 1800s & Early 1900s? | The Classroom | Synonym

From the LINK:

"The immigrants who arrived in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries were very different from the predominantly Protestant, northern European immigrants who came to America in the early to mid-1800s. These immigrants were of various religions and came from Southern and Eastern Europe and China. They faced challenges in being easily accepted by those already in the states owing perceived cultural and religious differences."

Headings within the link:

Diaspora to Discrimination
By the late 1800s, Jews in Eastern Europe were becoming increasingly ostracized. "Pogroms" -- violent attacks on Jews by organized mobs -- spread from Russia to other Eastern European countries. Jews began immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers beginning in the 1880s. The swelling Jewish population alarmed many Christians, who saw Judaism as a threat to American traditions. Hotels and clubs refused Jews admittance, and universities established Jewish enrollment quotas. Industrialist Henry Ford, a popular public figure, openly expressed anti-Semitic sentiments. A notorious incident of antisemitism took place in Georgia in 1913. Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent convicted -- on circumstantial evidence -- of murdering a young girl was kidnapped from his cell and lynched by a mob.

And more on the treatment of the Catholics, eastern Europeans & Irish; Italians and Chinese.

It's no wonder Trump and Cruz preach hate and fear, it worked during the last two centuries and that is where they want to take us.


What an imbecile.

Are you pretending not to recognize the existential threat???

Which of the previous waves of immigrants swore fealty to seventh century savages????

Which ones, dope???

I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone, nor do you. It's very easy to preach hate and fear, demagogues and charlatans and Bircher' s do it all the time. A song was written about it, but never released:

Well, I was feelinā€™ sad and feelinā€™ blue
I didnā€™t know what in the world I wus gonna do
Them Communists they wus cominā€™ around
They wus in the air
They wus on the ground
They wouldnā€™t gimme no peace . . .

So I run down most hurriedly
And joined up with the John Birch Society
I got me a secret membership card
And started off a-walkinā€™ down the road
Yee-hoo, Iā€™m a real John Bircher now!
Look out you Commies!

Now we all agree with Hitlerā€™s views
Although he killed six million Jews
It donā€™t matter too much that he was a Fascist
At least you canā€™t say he was a Communist!
Thatā€™s to say like if you got a cold you take a shot of malaria

Well, I wus lookinā€™ everywhere for them gol-darned Reds
I got up in the morninā€™ ā€™nā€™ looked under my bed
Looked in the sink, behind the door
Looked in the glove compartment of my car
Couldnā€™t find ā€™em . . .

I wus lookinā€™ high anā€™ low for them Reds everywhere
I wus lookinā€™ in the sink anā€™ underneath the chair
I looked way up my chimney hole
I even looked deep down inside my toilet bowl
They got away . . .

Well, I wus sittinā€™ home alone anā€™ started to sweat
Figured they wus in my T.V. set
Peeked behind the picture frame
Got a shock from my feet, hittinā€™ right up in the brain
Them Reds caused it!
I know they did . . . them hard-core ones

Well, I quit my job so I could work all alone
Then I changed my name to Sherlock Holmes
Followed some clues from my detective bag
And discovered they wus red stripes on the American flag!
That olā€™ Betsy Ross . . .

Well, I investigated all the books in the library
Ninety percent of ā€™em gotta be burned away
I investigated all the people that I knowed
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go
The other two percent are fellow Birchers . . . just like me

Now Eisenhower, heā€™s a Russian spy
Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy
To my knowledge thereā€™s just one man
Thatā€™s really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell
I know for a fact he hates Commies cus he picketed the movie Exodus

Well, I finā€™ly started thinkinā€™ straight
When I run outa things to investigate
Couldnā€™t imagine doinā€™ anything else
So now Iā€™m sittinā€™ home investigatinā€™ myself!
Hope I donā€™t find out anything . . . hmm, great God!

Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues

Hey, PC, Looked under your bed today?

1. Your first three words...."I don't know" should be monogrammed on all of your overalls....and tattooed on your forehead.

2. "I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone,..."

" In a new report from CNN, sources from the investigation have said that Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook during the attack.

Moments ago CNNā€™s Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto took to Twitter to report the following:
Jim Sciutto


Breaking: investigators find #ISIS link to #sanbernardino shooting, wife pledged allegiance to #albaghdadi on FB during attack - sources

10:27 AM - 4 Dec 2015"
Investigators Believe Female San Bernardino Shooter Swore ISIS Allegiance

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeee!

Nice spin - of course the Immigrants referenced in your post and later in mine had to do with those refuges seeking to be safe and sheltered from pursuit of the evil that is Assad and the IS. Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure, but the world is a dangerous place and only cowards and callous conservatives slam the door in the face of those seeking a safe harbor.
Callous conservatives trying to exploit an humanitarian crisis for some perceived partisan gain.

Hate, Fear and False Pathos, the favored tools of the Conservative movement.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
How very un-American of President Obama. He should follow the lead of those who preceded him as POTUS, especially those and other leaders who proudly lead us in the Gilded Age:

Were New Immigrants Discriminated Against in Late 1800s & Early 1900s? | The Classroom | Synonym

From the LINK:

"The immigrants who arrived in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries were very different from the predominantly Protestant, northern European immigrants who came to America in the early to mid-1800s. These immigrants were of various religions and came from Southern and Eastern Europe and China. They faced challenges in being easily accepted by those already in the states owing perceived cultural and religious differences."

Headings within the link:

Diaspora to Discrimination
By the late 1800s, Jews in Eastern Europe were becoming increasingly ostracized. "Pogroms" -- violent attacks on Jews by organized mobs -- spread from Russia to other Eastern European countries. Jews began immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers beginning in the 1880s. The swelling Jewish population alarmed many Christians, who saw Judaism as a threat to American traditions. Hotels and clubs refused Jews admittance, and universities established Jewish enrollment quotas. Industrialist Henry Ford, a popular public figure, openly expressed anti-Semitic sentiments. A notorious incident of antisemitism took place in Georgia in 1913. Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent convicted -- on circumstantial evidence -- of murdering a young girl was kidnapped from his cell and lynched by a mob.

And more on the treatment of the Catholics, eastern Europeans & Irish; Italians and Chinese.

It's no wonder Trump and Cruz preach hate and fear, it worked during the last two centuries and that is where they want to take us.


What an imbecile.

Are you pretending not to recognize the existential threat???

Which of the previous waves of immigrants swore fealty to seventh century savages????

Which ones, dope???

I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone, nor do you. It's very easy to preach hate and fear, demagogues and charlatans and Bircher' s do it all the time. A song was written about it, but never released:

Well, I was feelinā€™ sad and feelinā€™ blue
I didnā€™t know what in the world I wus gonna do
Them Communists they wus cominā€™ around
They wus in the air
They wus on the ground
They wouldnā€™t gimme no peace . . .

So I run down most hurriedly
And joined up with the John Birch Society
I got me a secret membership card
And started off a-walkinā€™ down the road
Yee-hoo, Iā€™m a real John Bircher now!
Look out you Commies!

Now we all agree with Hitlerā€™s views
Although he killed six million Jews
It donā€™t matter too much that he was a Fascist
At least you canā€™t say he was a Communist!
Thatā€™s to say like if you got a cold you take a shot of malaria

Well, I wus lookinā€™ everywhere for them gol-darned Reds
I got up in the morninā€™ ā€™nā€™ looked under my bed
Looked in the sink, behind the door
Looked in the glove compartment of my car
Couldnā€™t find ā€™em . . .

I wus lookinā€™ high anā€™ low for them Reds everywhere
I wus lookinā€™ in the sink anā€™ underneath the chair
I looked way up my chimney hole
I even looked deep down inside my toilet bowl
They got away . . .

Well, I wus sittinā€™ home alone anā€™ started to sweat
Figured they wus in my T.V. set
Peeked behind the picture frame
Got a shock from my feet, hittinā€™ right up in the brain
Them Reds caused it!
I know they did . . . them hard-core ones

Well, I quit my job so I could work all alone
Then I changed my name to Sherlock Holmes
Followed some clues from my detective bag
And discovered they wus red stripes on the American flag!
That olā€™ Betsy Ross . . .

Well, I investigated all the books in the library
Ninety percent of ā€™em gotta be burned away
I investigated all the people that I knowed
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go
The other two percent are fellow Birchers . . . just like me

Now Eisenhower, heā€™s a Russian spy
Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy
To my knowledge thereā€™s just one man
Thatā€™s really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell
I know for a fact he hates Commies cus he picketed the movie Exodus

Well, I finā€™ly started thinkinā€™ straight
When I run outa things to investigate
Couldnā€™t imagine doinā€™ anything else
So now Iā€™m sittinā€™ home investigatinā€™ myself!
Hope I donā€™t find out anything . . . hmm, great God!

Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues

Hey, PC, Looked under your bed today?

1. Your first three words...."I don't know" should be monogrammed on all of your overalls....and tattooed on your forehead.

2. "I don't know if any immigrant has sworn an allegiance to anyone,..."

" In a new report from CNN, sources from the investigation have said that Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook during the attack.

Moments ago CNNā€™s Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto took to Twitter to report the following:
Jim Sciutto


Breaking: investigators find #ISIS link to #sanbernardino shooting, wife pledged allegiance to #albaghdadi on FB during attack - sources

10:27 AM - 4 Dec 2015"
Investigators Believe Female San Bernardino Shooter Swore ISIS Allegiance

In your face, boyyyyeeeeeee!

Nice spin - of course the Immigrants referenced in your post and later in mine had to do with those refuges seeking to be safe and sheltered from pursuit of the evil that is Assad and the IS. Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure, but the world is a dangerous place and only cowards and callous conservatives slam the door in the face of those seeking a safe harbor.
Callous conservatives trying to exploit an humanitarian crisis for some perceived partisan gain.

Yeah, DAMN those Republicans for running out five minutes after the shooting and demanding a whole host of gun control laws that would have had NOTHING to do with stopping this tragedy.

Oh, wait, no. That was the Democrats.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.

It does obligate those of us who have the basic human quality of Empathy to offer aid to those in need.

We've seen often enough that callous conservatives don't give a damn about other's problems, from their reaction to Katrina and Sandy to their efforts to repeal SS, Medicare and Obamacare, so your selfish comment and callous disregard for others is not unexpected.
Nice spin - of course the Immigrants referenced in your post and later in mine had to do with those refuges seeking to be safe and sheltered from pursuit of the evil that is Assad and the IS. Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure, but the world is a dangerous place and only cowards and callous conservatives slam the door in the face of those seeking a safe harbor.

"Could some of them seek to harm us here, sure,..."

Gads, you're a moron.

You're an asshole. Gee, it's so easy to simply call others names than it is to respond thoughtfully and rationally.

Of course a moron...

[Moron is a term once used in psychology to denote mild intellectual disability.[1] The term was closely tied with the American eugenics movement.[2] Once the term became popularized, it fell out of use by the psychological community, as it was used more commonly as an insult than as a psychological term]

...as once defined by psychologists would include those whose skills would likely allow them to parrot the ideas and words of others, but be unable to defend them, and thus a moron, frustrated or embarrassed when questioned might react emotionally (as do you).

Now you may appear to be a bit slow to those of us who actually think and look at issues sagaciously, considering all parts and elements on issues before us by your fatuous defense, but I doubt you are a moron.

As I've posted before you have all the characteristics of a narcissist, the writing skills of an average HS Student who never attended college, and an anger based on some life event from which you've never recovered.

Yeah, pop psychology, but the evidence in your words suggests my axiomatic conclusion needs no proof. However, Euclid was wrong about two points and a line being the shortest distance between them, and I'll leave it to you to prove me wrong.

It would be so nice to have an opponent from the right wing capable of debate sans echoing talking points, ad hominems and mendacity.

There cannot be a better example of what passes for thinking from you:
"You're an asshole. Gee, it's so easy to simply call others names."

The vulgarity is your response to being correctly identified, and proven wrong.
That's why I never have to use similar language.

See...now I owe an apology to 'morons.'
They'll be clamoring not to be associated with you.

A = Arrogant
S = Self
S = Serving


HOLE = a noun describing a thing lackiing an substance beyond the walls around it.

Hence, I noted that you posts are nothing but he meanderings of an arrogant, self serving person who lacks any substance. Nothing vulgar, a simple short form statement of facts.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Good to see I've embarrassed you.
I think he is only embarrassed by you if aliens from outer space are watching us and thinking all humans are like you.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

And that has what the heck to do with the President's oath to keep the citizenry safe?
We keep the country safe by showing that we are compassionate.

This is a truly stupid post, one that could only be penned by a third-grader on Santa's knee.

We keep our citizenry save by keeping potential murderers out.
And the best plan, one suggested by former Ambassador Bolton is to set up safe, serviced, refugee camps very near their nation of origin.

Now show some compassion for those slaughtered by the San Bernardino terrorists.



Whatever are you going to do?


So so we all see the characteristic shrug that Liberals/Progressives/Democrats offer the victims of homicidal killers.
Your appeal to the emotional is amusing. :dunno: :laugh:

No, you fool, I'm decrying the lack of thought on your part.

You Liberals/Progressives/Democrats behave exactly the same way when asked about the 100 million slaughtered by your predecessors, the Soviet Communists.
Stop crying about your lack of thought and educate yourself. Again your appeal to the emotional is amusing.

Actually, you are the reason I come to the board. My doctor is treating me for Low Tolerance Syndrome....she hopes that within a few years I'll be able to put up with morons like you.

Can't imagine why anyone would consider that a desirable outcome.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
My heart and mind are one. It's a great way to live.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
My heart and mind are one. It's a great way to live.

No, it's a stupid, juvenile way to live. Nature gave you glands AND a brain because you're expected to use them both for their intended purposes, not just shut off the brain and think with your hormones.
Just think if it were you fleeing a war torn country for safety.

Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
My heart and mind are one. It's a great way to live.

No, it's a stupid, juvenile way to live. Nature gave you glands AND a brain because you're expected to use them both for their intended purposes, not just shut off the brain and think with your hormones.
Heart and mind are one word in Tibetan. When I see human suffering, I'm moved to relieve it.
Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
My heart and mind are one. It's a great way to live.

No, it's a stupid, juvenile way to live. Nature gave you glands AND a brain because you're expected to use them both for their intended purposes, not just shut off the brain and think with your hormones.
Heart and mind are one word in Tibetan. When I see human suffering, I'm moved to relieve it.

You're human, your parents or mentors deserve praise.
Just a P.S. to what I said yesterday about various people rummaging through the Farook home;

From yesterday's Wall St. Journal...

"An invoice from Buds Gun Shop, among other things, was found in the Farook familyā€™s home in Redlands, Calif., and was seized by the FBI, according to an FBI inventory list left behind at the home and which didnā€™t specify the items purchased, the Los Angeles Times reported".

The FBI left an inventory list behind after their search? Jesus!
Spare us the heartstring-tugging. No amount of fuzzy-wuzzy kneejerk pity obligates us to endanger our own national future and behave as though people have a "right" to enter our country.
It's not "heart string tugging". It's how I feel and think when I see the Syrian refugees.

Yeah, like I said, heartstring-tugging. It's pretty obvious that for you, "feel" and "think" are exactly the same activity, and conducted entirely by your glands.
My heart and mind are one. It's a great way to live.

No, it's a stupid, juvenile way to live. Nature gave you glands AND a brain because you're expected to use them both for their intended purposes, not just shut off the brain and think with your hormones.
Heart and mind are one word in Tibetan. When I see human suffering, I'm moved to relieve it.

While I appreciate that, I have to ask if you ever engage your brain and think about whether or not your "movement" is at all sensible and effective, or if it just makes you feel all warm and snuggly and like a good person while having a net destructive effect? Does that ever come up?

I hate to break it to you, hon, but Tibet is wrong. The heart and the mind are very different things . . . for a very good reason.

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