the view makes fun of kyle

when are they going to cancel those bitter old hags. saw this in the news. they have so much hate in their soles. Kyle's mother was not with him when he went out of state . he was with friends. His friend got the guns not him. kyle said he was studding nursing. well he is . he taking beginning class on nursing that will get him to the nursing school full time. these lying bitches need to get off the tube. saw this article in the news and it set me off.

What do their feet have to do with it?

I always wanted a job "studding".
You just proved otherwise.
The proposition that a group of men, led by a demagogue, can improve the situation of the nation state, by enslaving any number of out-groups, and leeching off of their labor, with the approval of the international banking consortium, and interlocking industrial establishment, essential using these out-groups as free human capitol is disgusting.

Your complete, and abject ignorance to how this was accomplished, and thus tacit approval of the enslavement of all those that the German Nationalist STATE did not deem a genetically healthy and national German? Is anti-enlightenment, Anti-American, and frankly, disgusting.

We have global Eugenicists, right now, trying to remake the world. . . and frankly, I find them just as evil in their plans. Much of their philosophies date back to the same sort of bullshit. Klaus Schabb, is honestly, no different in his core philosophy on human dignity than the Nazis.

Why not just come out and say the Antebellum Economy of the South was better for the Southern elites, than the post war sharecropper economy, or the post sharecropper economy, and thus, claim the Pre-War Southern States' governments were superior, since their economic models based on slavery were more productive?

Some things are more important the money, and productivity.

You seem to want to go places where no moral, ethical, or patriotic American wants to go, logically. . . why?

The proposition that a group of men, led by a demagogue, can improve the situation of the nation state, by enslaving any number of out-groups, and leeching off of their labor, with the approval of the international banking consortium, and interlocking industrial establishment, essential using these out-groups as free human capitol is disgusting.
Compare and contrast the quality of life in Germany, 1930 and Germany 1938.
Who improved that, if not Hitler?
Compare and contrast the quality of life in Germany, 1930 and Germany 1938.
Who improved that, if not Hitler?

Before 1930 Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, blacks, the physically and mentally disabled, political opponents of the Nazis, including Communists and Social Democrats, dissenting clergy. . . all people could write and speak freely. They could worship in their own way, free of state over-site. The political liberties we enjoy, were enjoyed by Germans.

Afterward, all civil rights and civil liberties were stripped, and all of these folks were made slaves, and/or exterminated.

Not much of an improvement.


Now, if your standard is, say, enslaving everyone that is NOT a national ethnic German, or someone you classify and enemy of the party, and using them to produce for you with out compensation? And you somehow think that is ethical, and can live with that sort of evil?


Sure, criminalize everyone that thinks differently than you, or does not happen to be born to the right folks.

. . . I am just about done with you. You seem to hate America.
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You -don't- think Hitler did a lot of good things?
Things that directly benefited the people of Germany?
Compare and contrast the quality of life in Germany, 1930 and Germany 1938.
Who improved that, if not Hitler?

The problem we have there is the inability of certain people to see "Hitler" and reflexively assume everything associated with it is inherently bad.
This position is devoid of reason.
True, but you could say the same thing about Stalin.
Uh.... Dunno about that.
Why not? They were both dictators and mass murders, yet both undeniably did *some* good things for their respective countries.

Hitler promoted programs for exercise and physical fitness for his people. He built the Autobahn and seemed to genuinely want the average German to be prosperous and materially well off.

Of course, a lot of this planned prosperity was to be gotten by liquidating the Jewish population and Lebensraum and slave labor from Poland, France, etc.

Stalin transformed a backwards country of illiterate peasants into a scientific and industrial super power. Life expectancy skyrocketed in the long run.

And a lot of this rapid modernization was built on gulags, famines and oppression of the Baltic states, Central Asia, etc.

I think it’s safe to say, for both men, the achievements will always be overshadowed by the genocide.
Why not? They were both dictators and mass murders, yet both undeniably did *some* good things for their respective countries.

Hitler promoted programs for exercise and physical fitness for his people. He built the Autobahn and seemed to genuinely want the average German to be prosperous and materially well off.

Of course, a lot of this planned prosperity was to be gotten by liquidating the Jewish population and Lebensraum and slave labor from Poland, France, etc.

Stalin transformed a backwards country of illiterate peasants into a scientific and industrial super power. Life expectancy skyrocketed in the long run.

And a lot of this rapid modernization was built on gulags, famines and oppression of the Baltic states, Central Asia, etc.

I think it’s safe to say, for both men, the achievements will always be overshadowed by the genocide.
and yet the liberals think their so wonderfull.

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